Valkorion Report # 4 (2025-01-12)

This report was submitted by QUA/ST Mordred/Valkorion/Drakonan

Image Clan_Drakonan_Patch.png
Mordred pushed the heavy wheeled cart down the corridors of FRG Swift Fury.
"Sir, wouldn't be easy to just make the reports on time?" Ron from Accounting asked the Quaestor while helping directing the cart.
"C'mon Ron, these are just datapad with evaluations from the last quarter. I don't think we are really in trouble."
"You do realize it's not just uploading it to the system! You have to give it a proper analysis..."
"Once we move into the FRG Tormentor, I'll have my office next to comms so it's easier to compile everything."
"Yeah, so I've heard."
"And I'm getting a Praetor... Aedile... whatever they call it."
"Adjutant Quaestor?"
"Secondary Chief Quaestor?"
"Top minion?"
And so they continued pushing the 300kg worth of overdue reports to the FRG Swift Fury comms station for their last transmission.



A Word from the Quaestor

Report Status

Since our Third Report was Such a Success(tm), nothing else can top it other than a Quadruple Report!

"Aren't you a little on the lazy side?" Yes, but not really. We had some major communications problems. I confess I missed the timing on the report and by then there was another comp and then those results were delayed and here we are! So I guess I gotta learn to make reportsbased on month only and not to excpect results to make it complete. So no more delays I say!
Also, expect a higher than usual round of awards going thiis January, our heavy hitters have been busy and the activity is silent but it's happening a lot. No more delays on the Reports! No worries!(ignoring the security guards posted at my door that won't leave without and report).


34 ABY

It's been 34 years since the Rebellion took control of the Imperial D-class Mining Station and attacked Alderan, forcing the Imperial command to scuttle the entire station to prevent more acts of terrorism. Shortly after, the Emperor's Hammer Task Force was formed and we all carry the proud traditions of the initial group, the intent of ever preserving imperial life and customs, facing all foes in the name of the Empire.

The Secret Order exists to make sure all our potential is harnessed into a powerful organization led by the most capable individuals acting behind the veil to make sure that the desired outcomes happen, one way or another.

As the New Year arrived, House Valkorion stands proud and ready to serve the Dark Council and The Emperor's Hammer for decades to come.

House Valkorion Accepting Applications for House Praetor

And I give up doing it all by myself so I'm begging for help!

No Experience Required, Must know how to operate dot matrix printers, ACO rank required.

The responsibilities of the position entail:
-Helping on direct communication with the House operatives;
-Helping planning and executing our in-house competitions;
-Assisting the Quaestor with indirect management duties, such as reviewing MHE and annoying the heck outta the Quaestor so he doesn't procrastinate;
As traditional within our leadership, the Praetor should be a person interested in following the leadership trail and while not mandatory, the General Leadership Course is a Bonus.
And as stated, the minimum rank for this position is Acolyte.
Applications to Quaestor Mordred, The Stalker directly on discord or email



Galactic Holidays Art Submissions 2024

Comp still running til 25th January!

A new year is just around the corner and we'll take the holidays to once again have our Emperor's Hammer extended family to celebrate their inner-younglings.
Our competition consists of releasing your inner child and creating the most Fridge-Door-Worthy piece of art possible. Anything count, crayons, pencils, noodle collage, ketchup.
Some rules: 
(because children must learn rules, we are imperials after all)*
-The competition submission must be created by the EH member, not their relatives.
-The relatives may submit their own art, which will be displayed in our honor gallery. The more the merrier.
-Since we have two active subgroups, TIE Corps and Secret Order that complement each other's personnel, the submission must be assigned to a SG in the form.
-Awards will be given from bottom to top in proportional to the number of participants! Go pester your friends so we have a full house!
-Take a picture of the art created and submit in this form:

Get the pastels together and get to work!

*cleaning droid bills not covered

Competition awards:



House Valkorion Stationery

A long overdue result for comp shall remain unresulted for the time being!

This week I'm opening the pools for Nickname and Motto on our main channel and they'll be open for a week.


Vendetta Final Results
After a packed month of competitions, the MAA and the Dark Council are happy to announce the winner of our first Rite of Supremacy Vendetta:

House Palpatine

They are bestowed the title First House of the Secret Order and won an A/FRG as their new House ship. Access codes will be sent by fax.

Joined First Place: JUG Andrew and ST Mordred; both winning a Gold Nova
Second Place: WAR Locke Setzer; winning a Silver Nova
Third Place: MRD Jai Thorne; winning a bronze Nova

Furthermore the Dark Council decided on gifting the Houses Dark Side Artifacts for their Vaults:

Darth Andeddu's Holocron and one Sith Amulet for House Valkorion (Wins in the two Fiction competitions)
One Sith Amulet and a Vial of Poison for House Valkorion (Wins in the two Art competitions)
Four Sith Talisman for House Palpatine (One for each round win in the "Cluster" Race)
One Sith Talisman for House Palpatine (For Winning the Flash Game Competition)
One Sith Talisman and Cortosis Vambrace for House Palpatine (For winning both Rounds of Trivia)
Two Sith Talisman for House Palpatine (For winning both Rounds of SP Competitions)
One Sith Scroll for House Palpatine (For winning the Pazaak Tournament)

Commentaries from the Quaestor on Vendetta Aftermath

Vendetta 2024 is over. The challenge, issued to gauge the capability of the Houses and promote growth through conflict.

I have good and bad news. So we got second place, of two, so not ideal, but not horrendous, Still Silver medal, and silver is our color. BUT I'm gonna squeeze a win outta this: we had just one third of total participants, with 23 average points per operative, while Palpatine had 20 points on average. So we have the moral victory. In my mind. And yours now.

Which brings us to OUR new home: FRG Tormentor! And its unofficial lore to be ratified, retconned and reviewed and probably resigned:

FRG Tormentor is a Kuat Drive Yards EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate, serial 31005.76.568.BESH, her superstructure was laid in 09 BBY, and she served in the 3rd Sector Escort Group of Bilbringi Shipyards. Like many of it's sister ships, it was captured by the Rebellion during convoy duty and used against the Empire. In 7 ABY, the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet conducted a series of maneuvers against Rebel outposts in the Outer Rim. FRG Tormentor was part of the local resistance but was finally liberated by the Dark Brotherhood members operating in the AO. After that, it was used as the homebase of House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto until 20 ABY, when the House was dissolved. Since then it's was assigned to the First Recon Division Command, under the SSD Avenger flotilla. 

With the installment of the Secret Order, and the growth in our ranks, the Houses of Clan Drakonan found the need for new mobile platforms, and this mighty vessel was assigned to serve House Valkorion!

Even now, our capable forces led by Navigator Nouth and Helmsman Weast are taking the Tormentor towards the Phare Shipyards for a through refit and modernization and will be available to us by the next SO wide Operation. (By that I mean replacing a LOT of old silk red upholstery with our signature light blue velvet. I've been joking about this since August. You can't believe how much red silk is in this thing.)

I must also inform that we are going to do some custom work on it, and the name will be up for a vote soon(tm).

Emperor's Hammer News

30 Years

The stars above, a diamond dust,
For thirty years, my life, a cosmic trust.
In ships that soared, on wings of flame,
Where dangers lurked, and glory came.

From youthful dreams of distant worlds,
To weathered face, where courage curled
Around each mission, bold and grand,
Across the void, a valiant band.

From rookie flights, to missions bold,
Each landing marred, a story told.
Of scraping hulls and twisted wings,
Of emergency repairs, the crew it brings.

From cadet days, to hardened soul,
He marched the ranks, took grim control.
Of blaster fire, and fearsome tread,
Where death and duty, both were bred.

From youth seduced, by whispers low,
He learned to kill, where darkness grows.
To choke the life, with Force's might,
And drown in fear, in endless night.

Now age has crept, and time has flown,
My deadly deeds, forever sown.
And though I crashed, with every try,
I reached the stars, beneath the sky.

The Empire's call, a noble quest,
A life well-lived, put to the test.
And when the stars no longer gleam,
Their magic lives within my dream.


While I wasn't in the very first generation and had some gaps in my curriculum, Emperor's Hammer has always been a safe port to find friends and have some fun. I'm older, more mature-ish, finding myself once more knee deep in responsibilities and loving every second. Thank you all that make part of this family, this sanctuary of mildly contained insanity. /salute.

And the poem had AI help, just to be clear, I'm not that artistic.

Secret Order News

34ABY starts with the houses scheming and preparing for our next operation. I once again would like to express my gratitute to the DC for organizing the Vendetta in such an original way.

This is the calm before the storm, let's enjoy it.

The Future for Us

Mandatory Fun directive is still in effect, beatings will continue until everyone is having fun.

We had some Rogues this quarter, but I've spent some good time talking to people who had second thoughts to keep them in and it's working.
Hopefully I can continue the pace, now with a Praetor to help me organize my desk.

Again, we'll continue our effords to recruit and bring in new people and make it a decent environment so people can relax and have fun.

My door is always open, I'm online daily so if you need anything I can help you with, send me a message!


Roster and Activity


Final words

You know the drill: "Have fun, get shinies. Have no fun, get the iron maiden."

QUA/ST Mordred/Valkorion/Drakonan


MRD Jai Thorne at 2025-01-12 (18:19)
I was saddened to find out you weren't the original full creator of the poem. I cried.

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