Lieutenant Commander Brent Hebris (#56135)

TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Commander Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Commander Code Cylinders

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RSV/LCM Brent Hebris/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
ISMx3/MoC-poc-goc-soc-7boc/MUA/LoC-CS/LoS/OV-2E [Certified] [Beginner]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: 2021-07-28
(over 2 years ago)
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
(2022-01-15 - over 2 years ago)
Positions: Reservist
Assigned unit: Reserves
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Personal Craft
T/F Rho 4

T/F Rho 4
Type: TIE Fighter

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                1st Echelon

Flight Certified - 1st Echelon
Points: 15

Combat Rating (MP PvP):

Combat Rating (MP PvE):

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Unranked (0 points)
Total missions completed: 0
Battles completed: 0
Free missions completed: 0
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Certified (12 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Beginner (3 points)

Combat Record

This pilot has not participated in any combat engagements.

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2022-05-14 2y,22d RSV/LCM Brent Hebris/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
2022-05-14 LCM Brent Hebris
2022-01-15 3m,28d FM/LCM Brent Hebris/Rho 1-4/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2021-11-20 1m,25d FM/LT Brent Hebris/Rho 1-4/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2021-08-10 3m,10d FM/LT Brent Hebris/Rho 2-2/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2021-07-31 10d FM/SL Brent Hebris/Rho 2-2/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2021-07-28 3d TRN/CT Brent Hebris/IWATS/SSD Avenger
Award History
Date Information

Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 2 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 1 year total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

For participating in the strategy sessions for the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition Imperial Storm 4


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of April 2022.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of March 2022.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of December 2021.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of January 2022.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of February 2022.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of November 2021.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Imperial Security Medal

For the First month of this year's Imperial Calendar, LCM Brent Hebris claimed one Legion of Combat and Two Legions of Skirmish. With 6 updates to his INPR, LCM Hebris continues to set an example about maintaining his personnel records; and with a new 1084 words of fiction added to the Imperial Library, the Lieutenant Commander is setting the pace for storing the legacy of Rho Squadron into perpetuity.

Most importantly, LCM Brent Hebris accomplished a 100% perfect score on the TCCORE - opening his future to further promotion in our organization with an impressive performance. For these reasons, and for being a continuing example of communication and positive morale for his squadron, we proudly recommend he be awarded the Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: RA fr0Zen


Imperial Security Medal

For the Twelfth month of last year's Imperial Calendar, LT Brent Hebris produced nearly 2400 words of fiction for the glory of Rho's contributions to the Imperial Records. Additionally, LT Hebris has been preparing for his TCCORE - and in the process building relationships throughout the Squadron and the broader Warrior fleet. We are most proud of LT Brent Hebris for his ongoing growth and determination as he balances the demands of his studies with his commitment to the Tie Corps. With 9 MSE points collected over the last three months, and in combination with this month's activity, we proudly recommend he be awarded the Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: RA fr0Zen


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For active communication during the month of July 2021.

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For active communication during the month of August 2021.

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

For active communication during the month of September 2021.

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For active communication during the month of October 2021.

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Imperial Security Medal

For the Ninth Month of the Imperial Calendar, the Imperial Holo-Records analysis shows that LT Brent Hebris delivered 5 legions of combat. Additionally, LT Hebris maintained his uniform record with 2 updates, and spent extensive time in dedicated training with LCM Davalorn and his Commander - vastly improving his combat skills for the glory of the Empire. For these reasons, and for his growth and dedication to Rho Squadron, we recommend he be awarded the Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: RA fr0Zen

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Lieutenant Commander Brent Hebris
Current ID line: RSV/LCM Brent Hebris/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 18 BBY
Place of birth: Whodar
Marital status: Unmarried
Family information: A younger sister, and two aging parents back home.
Social status: We were comfortable, decently well-off, living in the Capital in city sprawl, surrounded by forest.
Last updated: 2022-06-01

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Battle/mission reviews: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2023-07-28 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2022-07-28 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2022-06-01 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-05-22 Medal awarded: TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award (MUA)
2022-05-16 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-05-10 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-04-09 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster (MoC-poc)
2022-04-04 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-04-04 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-04-04 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster (MoC-goc)
2022-04-04 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-03-10 Medal awarded: Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-02-22 New award: Imperial Security Medal
2022-02-22 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-02-01 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-01-29 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-01-16 New FICTION added by WARD (Those Souless Eyes)
2022-01-16 New FICTION added by WARD (Ion Control)
2022-01-15 New FICTION added by WARD (Reverie)
2022-01-15 New promotion : Lieutenant Commander (LCM)
2022-01-15 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-01-15 Medal awarded : Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-01-15 Medal awarded : Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-01-15 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2022-01-13 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-01-13 IU Course added to Academic Record by the SOO : [TCCORE] - 100%
2022-01-12 Medal awarded : Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-01-10 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-01-09 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-01-06 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2021-12-03 New FICTION added by WARD (The Ashwani System)
2021-11-28 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-11-28 New Combat Rating achieved : Certified
2021-11-20 New assignment :
FM/LT Brent Hebris/Rho 1-4/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2021-11-19 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-11-19 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster (MoC-soc)
2021-11-19 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-11-19 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-10-22 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 1st Echelon
2021-10-21 Medals awarded : 3 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-10-21 Medal awarded : Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2021-10-21 New COOP/PVE Rating achieved : Beginner
2021-10-18 Medal awarded : Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2021-09-30 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-09-30 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2021-09-30 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2021-09-24 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-09-16 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2021-08-10 New promotion : Lieutenant (LT)
2021-08-08 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2021-08-08 New Combat Rating achieved : Trainee
2021-08-03 New FICTION added by WARD (TK-613 Logs)
2021-08-03 New FICTION added by WARD (Why I joined)
2021-07-31 New assignment :
FM/SL Brent Hebris/Rho 2-2/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2021-07-31 Obtained TIE Corps Flight Certification
2021-07-31 New rank set by the TCCOM : Sub-Lieutenant (SL)
2021-07-28 Joined the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps as Cadet Brent Hebris!!

Showing all 57 records


Fiction Submissions (6)
Those Souless Eyes 2022-01-16

A soldiers untold story

Ion Control 2022-01-16

The past and present from a certain point of view

Reverie 2022-01-15

A star-bound retrospective

The Ashwani System (Obsolete) 2021-12-03

a quiet system in the Iyeel Sector of the Outer Rim

TK-613 Logs 2021-08-03

Dear diary...

Why I joined (Obsolete) 2021-08-03
No description
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Imperial Security Medal

The Imperial Security Medal is typically awarded by Squadron Commanders to Flight Members or Flight Leaders within their squadrons who have shown exceptional service and dedication to the squadron.

Merit Awards


Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (1)
Competition Award End Date
Imperial Storm 4 TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2022-05-08
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
TIE Corps Core 100% 2022-01-13

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games