Recent Promotions

SBM Pellaeon

08 November, 2014 12:26
22 ABY


Dark greetings members of the Dark Brotherhood.

It is a pleasure for me to announce the promotion of Marcus Caine to Acolyte and Jedi Eclipse to Guardian for their constant high activity level in our Star Trek online Fleet.

If you play STO too and want to join our Emperor's Hammer Fleet on FED side, feel free free to contact me about more informations.

for the Empire:

Praetor to the Grandmaster and Battleteam Leader Sith Battlemaster Pellaeon
P:GM-BTL/SBM Pellaeon/Hyperion Flight Battleteam/Clan Drakonan
POTM January 2002, August 2002, September 2002, October 2002
Sith Champion April 2002
Hyperion Sith/Qua Escort Winner NOV/DEC 2002
Best pilot of Hyperion for all time