Multiple Star Wars games sale

SBL Pellaeon

30 April, 2015 09:26
23 ABY

Members of the Emperor's Hammer,

At the moment there is a sale on Star Wars related games by multiple vendors, time to complete your collections and safe money.
Just look at hte following links for further details:

Sale on Steam:

Sale on GoG:

Bundle #1:
Bundle #2:


Vice Admiral Pellaeon
SOO-LOA/VA Pellaeon/TC-2/ISDII Challenge
Praetor to the Grandmaster and Battleteam Leader Sith Battlelord Pellaeon
P:GM-BTL/SBL Pellaeon/Hyperion Flight Battleteam/Clan Drakonan

Hacking update

HA Zsinj

18 April, 2015 00:34
23 ABY

As reported last week, the EH site was hacked through a SQL injection style attack. I thought the site had been protected against that style, but it seems it wasn't. Since first noticing the attack, I've been attempting to recode the entire site. There are still a decent amout of files that need to be rewritten, mainly in the admin areas. Once the site's recoded, I'll be manually forcing a password reset on all accounts, and you'll have to do a password reset to get back into the site. As of now, I still have yet to go through and figure out the details of the attack, and see what was gotten, but passwords are encrypted at a certain level, that should be tough for crackers to break, but as with all encryption it can be broken. I'll try to keep updates coming on the status of the recode.

Site hacked

HA Zsinj

08 April, 2015 01:28
23 ABY

Due to a recent site hacking, login is being disabled, until further notice.