New direction for the DB...

GA Rapier

22 November, 2021 18:28
29 ABY

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Yesterday I asked for and received the resignations of the GM and DGM. This is through no fault of their own and it is not because of any actions either of them have taken.

I am not currently taking applications to replace them as I have other plans.

The DB as a group has a long history and has run on that history for the last 20+ years… but I have come to the conclusion that the DB model no longer really works. Being based on a system of hierarchy that worked great when there were several hundred members spread over 6+ different clans but falls apart when there isn’t.

And that is where we stand today.

No, I am not closing the DB. What we are going to do is build it into something that works for today, something that has the room to grow but is not stuck in procedures that don’t apply to it anymore.

We will be archiving what the DB was and then using it’s bare bones as the structure to build something better.

In the next few days I will be putting together a small team to gather ideas and start getting the new structure in place. If you have any ideas please submit them to your CON and PCON as they will be part of the team. I’m also available for you to talk to if you have any questions.

Miles will remain in the MAA position for now in order to maintain the roster and medal processing.

Silwar and Kalve will continue to handle the day to day operation of the clan.

Please let me know if you have any  questions and I’ll see you out there.

GA Rapier/CS-1/SSD Avenger [DRAG] [Certified]
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