Star Wars Classics Collection

HA Turtle Jerrar

11 February, 2025 18:58
33 ABY

Missing some (or all) of the classic Star Wars games? You can pick up a bundle on sale for about $8 here: The collection includes:

  • STAR WARS™ - X-Wing Special Edition
  • STAR WARS™: TIE Fighter Special Edition
  • STAR WARS™ - X-Wing Alliance™
  • STAR WARS™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns™
  • STAR WARS™ Rebellion
  • STAR WARS™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
  • STAR WARS™: Rebel Assault I + II
  • STAR WARS™: Rogue Squadron 3D

(Information courtesy of WAR TheBlackxRanger and D Surgo)

Historical award records restored

HA Turtle Jerrar

11 February, 2025 18:47
33 ABY

One of my priorities as we have continued to modernize our online presence has been safeguarding, and as practical restoring, key elements of our historical record. I'm please to announce that with today's maintenance update we have bulk restored the majority of historical award records (TC and EH main fleet). This brings in over 39k historical awards for members who currently had no records in the database, i.e. those where a manual profile restoration had not yet been performed. We've also populated join dates, dates of rank, and callsigns where this data was currently blank for historical members.

While this does not have a direct impact for most of our currently active members, it streamlines the process for returning members who have been gone for a while and provides a more complete picture of awards over time on our Medal Board.

On a different bit of more practical news, several small site updates have recently been made (details in the changelog). Among these is a "EH Link" option when using the Markdown editor to help you quickly create links to members, battles, game patches, and competitions in the multiple areas of the site that use the editor. This is especially helpful when using functions that also sync to Discord. Simply click the "Insert EH Link" option to gain access to selectors that will help you quickly search for and insert these links. Enjoy!

New Magistrates to the MAA

ADT Taurus

03 February, 2025 23:25
33 ABY

After a swift round of applications, the MAA has selected two new Magistrates, one for each House into the office.
Please congratulate, with me, both JUG Andrew and JUG Therj'en'nuruodo!
They will be assigned task independently and will work alongside me and Preator Legion Ordo to tackle the growing responsibilities of my office.

MRD Sam Arsio, MRD Jai Thorne selected as Praetors: Quaestor

D Surgo

22 January, 2025 21:13
33 ABY

Marauder Sam Arsio and Marauder Jai Thorne have been selected as the second-in-command, a position called the Praetor to the Quaestor, for House Palpatine and House Valkorion respectively.

The Praetor position exists (and may or may not be filled) for all levels of leadership, and acts as an assistant and second-in-command. They have all of the privileges of the primary position, and may stand in when the primary leader is unavailable.

Congratulations on your new roles, and may the Force serve you well.

Taurus promoted to Adept

D Surgo

06 January, 2025 19:54
33 ABY

Taurus has spent over a year as Master-at-Arms, managing all forms of competitions, processing thousands of Clusters of Fire, and building up a support staff that ensures that our operatives are supporting the Secret Order as efficiently as possible. He works tirelessly to keep the engine of the Secret Order running smoothly, and is with great gratitude that I promote him to Adept.

New Command Attache to the Training Officer chosen!

AD Sylas Pitt

02 January, 2025 19:00
33 ABY

A hearty congratulations to RA Honsou for being chosen as my new Command Attache to the Training Officer!

Thank you all who voiced an interest in working with the Training Office and the Imperial University. Be on the lookout for the next big changes to the Training Office as we work to reopen the DEAN positions for each academy and expand our catalog of available courses and graduate titles.

We look forward to continuing the development of the Imperial University and to enhance the experiences of our students!

Rite of Supremacy - Vendetta 2024

INQ Taurus

20 December, 2024 17:24
32 ABY

After a packed month of competitions, the MAA and the Dark Council are happy to announce the winner of our first Rite of Supremacy Vendetta:

House Palpatine

They are bestowed the title First House of the Secret Order
and won an A/FRG as their new House ship. Access codes will be sent by fax.


  • Joined First Place: JUG Andrew and ST Mordred; both winning a Gold Nova
  • Second Place: WAR Locke Setzer; winning a Silver Nova
  • Third Place: MRD Jai Thorne; winning a bronze Nova

Furthermore the Dark Council decided on gifting the Houses Dark Side Artifacts for their Vaults:

  • Darth Andeddu's Holocron and one Sith Amulet for House Valkorion (Wins in the two Fiction competitions)
  • One Sith Amulet and a Vial of Poison for House Valkorion (Wins in the two Art competitions)
  • Four Sith Talisman for House Palpatine (One for each round win in the "Cluster" Race)
  • One Sith Talisman for House Palpatine (For Winning the Flash Game Competition)
  • One Sith Talisman and Cortosis Vambrace for House Palpatine (For winning both Rounds of Trivia)
  • Two Sith Talisman for House Palpatine (For winning both Rounds of SP Competitions)
  • One Sith Scroll for House Palpatine (For winning the Pazaak Tournament)

The Commander of the Guard will answer any questions to the distributed Artifacts.

Accepting applications for Command Attaché to the Training Officer

AD Sylas Pitt

17 December, 2024 16:53
32 ABY

Effective January 1st, our beloved CA:TO, Robert Hogan, will be stepping down from his position as my Command Attaché. Thank you, Robert, for all your hard work and dedication to our office and its vision. WIthout your counsel and assistance, most of our achievements would still be in progress. Your loyalty and unwavering focus on the goal will forever be a standard for all future CA:TOs. Sincerely, we thank you, and we hope your endeavors are successful!

With that being said, I am opening CA:TO applications to members of the organization. You can DM or email me if you have any questions or if you want to express an interest.

Minimum Requirements:

Thank you all.

How to send the MAA an Email

INQ Taurus

02 October, 2024 19:25
32 ABY

After a month of many more submissions than usual, the MAA wanted to post a Guideline how to formulate an email:

  • Any CoF-Request is to be adressed to the MAA INQ Taurus
  • As a CC the respective House Leader as well as the P:MAA Legion Ordo is required
  • Either in the Subject or the Text should be the Abbreviation CoF and the respective Game(s) mentioned, this is mandatory so the sorting works
  • Don't forget the SO ID-Line, especially if the mail-adress can not be identified to a member on the first glance
  • If your username is not highlighted in the Screenshot, it would be good to mention who you are

E-Mails that will not match this Guidelines will be answered back and not be worked on until a clarification has been sent in.