One of my priorities as we have continued to modernize our online presence has been safeguarding, and as practical restoring, key elements of our historical record. I'm please to announce that with today's maintenance update we have bulk restored the majority of historical award records (TC and EH main fleet). This brings in over 39k historical awards for members who currently had no records in the database, i.e. those where a manual profile restoration had not yet been performed. We've also populated join dates, dates of rank, and callsigns where this data was currently blank for historical members.
While this does not have a direct impact for most of our currently active members, it streamlines the process for returning members who have been gone for a while and provides a more complete picture of awards over time on our Medal Board.
On a different bit of more practical news, several small site updates have recently been made (details in the changelog). Among these is a "EH Link" option when using the Markdown editor to help you quickly create links to members, battles, game patches, and competitions in the multiple areas of the site that use the editor. This is especially helpful when using functions that also sync to Discord. Simply click the "Insert EH Link" option to gain access to selectors that will help you quickly search for and insert these links. Enjoy!