FA Jarek La’an Promoted to High Admiral

HA Turtle Jerrar

02 September, 2024 00:17
32 ABY

The rank of High Admiral is the highest rank achievable in the Emperor’s Hammer for senior Command Staff Officers and Subgroup Commanders. Members who are already Fleet Admirals, who have achieved almost all merit awards, and who are universally respected by Command Officers and normal membership alike may be promoted to High Admiral.

Since 2020, Jarek La’an has served with distinction as the Communications Officer at the rank of Fleet Admiral. In this position, he has been responsible for all aspects of communication platform management and policy. This role provides a unique mix of maintaining a highly visible presence on our communication platforms, while also working behind the scenes to moderate issues and concerns regarding member conduct. This less-visible portion of his role is vital to resolving potential conflicts at the lowest level and without requiring escalation to more punitive measures. In exercising his duties, La’an has helped foster a positive environment for all Emperor’s Hammer members that is enjoyed across each of our Subgroups.

In in recognition of his consistently high level of performance and dedication to duty in the Emperor’s Hammer, including serving in four unique Flag (Admiralty) positions since 2009, Fleet Admiral Jarek La’an is promoted to the rank of High Admiral in the Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet. High Admiral La’an formally joins the Group of Three active High Admirals within the Emperor’s Hammer with an effective date of rank of 1 September 2024 (33 ABY).

Approved by order of the Executive Officer, Sector Admiral Kamjin Maverick Lap'lamiz, on 26 August 2024 (33 ABY).

Seeking graphical talent

HA Turtle Jerrar

24 August, 2024 21:16
32 ABY

I'm currently seeking individuals with talents in graphic design to assist with preparation of designs for Emperor's Hammer merchandise. Interested members should have familiarity with vector and/or high resolution raster graphics suitable for quality printing, and an eye for design particularly as it applies to designs that will go onto products. Expertise with DTG printing options and merchandise types (shirt weights/materials/etc.) is a great bonus but not required. Interested individuals should message Turtle Jerrar (preferably by Discord).

New TFTC Battles!

FA Pickled Yoda

09 August, 2024 13:41
32 ABY

Thanks to the continued efforts of CPT Jagged Fell III, there are three new battles that have been released today.

TFTC-IW #2: Wraith Squadron Part 2

TFTC-TC #5: The History of the ISD Immortal

TFTC-TC #6: The Career of AD Adrenaline

Note: the latter two are not entirely new as they are TFTC 'remasters' of two classic XWA-TC battles by COL RogueWing.

This is an experiment into the concept of re-releasing existing battles for a new platform. The current approval guidelines are:

  1. Make your own content first,
  2. Get permission from the original author, and
  3. Add something of value in the remaster.

"Proceedings" Issue #2 Released

VA Robert Hogan

29 July, 2024 04:16
32 ABY

On behalf of the Training Officer, it is my pleasure to present the second issue of the EH academic journal, Proceedings! In this issue, you will find four theses written by our very talented scholars, as well as some remarks from some of the Training Office Assistants and other Command Staff members.

This issue is very special to the Training Office, as it commemorates two years of Admiral Sylas Pitt's tenure as Training Officer. On the occasion of this release, Sylas would like to add that: "as the Training Officer, it brings me nothing but joy to see how the Imperial University has expanded and grown since my assignment, and I hope to continue to bring our membership more courses and academic developments."

The second issue includes the following articles by Emperor's Hammer members:

  • Training Staff Retrospectives
  • Forbidden Fruit: An Exploration of the Tale of Darth Plagueis The Wise
    by LCM Jacquel Rainrix
  • TIE Advanced Escape From Rebel Capture
    by CM Habu
  • The Value of a Good Education
    by VA Locke Setzer
  • The Dichotomy Between Dark and Light: An Unearthing of Darth Revan Doctrine and the Possibility of Avoiding Paying the Price of the Dark Side
    by LT Rosh Nyine

Issue #2 is available to read and download here!

EH Timeline Corrected

HA Turtle Jerrar

22 July, 2024 21:09
32 ABY

While reviewing historical materials, we recently identified that dates and events displayed as official on our Galactic Timeline were not correctly synchronized. This problem began a couple years ago while we were trying to fix a different issue but ended up introducing a new one in the process. After discussing a couple of options among senior leadership, correcting the error and adjusting dates as necessary was selected as the best option.

The official EH timeline has been corrected as shown on the timeline wiki article. The immediate impact of this correction is that ABY years have been incremented by 1 to correctly synchronize Emperor's Hammer and Star Wars events. The current year is 33 ABY.

What has been updated:

  • Key wiki articles such as the Galactic Timeline and EH Plotline have been updated.
  • A number of non-personal wiki articles, such as ships, squadrons, and information articles about specific events (e.g., recent campaigns) have been updated. Corrected articles will show "eh timeline fix" in the recent edit history.
  • All known areas of the web site that displayed some information in ABY have been updated - the campaign descriptions specifically.
  • Web site functions that generate dates in ABY (e.g., news articles) will be updated in the near future following our normal code review procedure.

What has not been updated:

  • Personal articles for members/characters will not be updated. We're leaving this as an exercise to the writers of those articles to update as appropriate due to the volume of articles, as well as complexity in some of these articles and high potential for introducing errors.
  • Member fiction will not be updated. Please contact me directly if you need help updating some ABY dates in your uploaded content on the web site.

Member content written prior to the change in 2021 is likely already using the correct ABY date.

If you find something that doesn't look quite right, please contact myself and AD Jaxx Nassin.

House Valkorion Opens

D Surgo

21 July, 2024 20:38
32 ABY

*Deep within the SSD Avenger, orbiting XF-971 within the Unknown Regions. 21 July, ABY 33.

A black-cloaked man sits on an office chair in an otherwise unremarkable room: on one side are gray, matte steel panels; on the other, shuttered windows and a single door. Despite the emptiness, the feeling of power is palpable, the air filled with charged static. The man toys with a cylindrical object for a moment, then sets it down, leaning his elbows on an ebony table, massaging his temples with long fingers. His eyes open as the door slides open, making the barest “hiss” of a whisper, revealing a second figure. A large Chiss man enters, his blue skin starkly contrasted against the drabness of the conference room.

“Sit,” comes a command from the cloaked man. “We have much to discuss.”

“My Lord,” he replied, eyes darting around, “the incident on G9-430 wasn’t my fault–”

*“That’s not what we’re talking about.” The cloaked figure reveals two glasses, filled with an opalescent, oily liquid. “If it was, you wouldn’t be meeting with me, you’d be meeting with the stars outside of the airlock.” He slides one glass across the table.

We are officially opening House Valkorion, named after the millennials-old legend who learned to focus the power of the Force to destroy entire planets. (Nowadays we do that with technology, but that was still a feat of note.) As House Palpatine had 65 members, we’re splitting in half, based on a combination of Operative preference (that’s you, you’re an Operative) as well as balancing active members based on monthly activity. Both Houses will begin in Clan Drakonan, although we have an option to split into multiple clans if we need to in the future. The House will be led by Mordred, who will be granted the rank of Stalker upon appointment.

Locke Setzer has helped take care of the entire House Palpatine- 65 people- for months. In light of that, we are promoting him to the rank of Warrior, and providing him with an Emerald Dagger.

A huge portion of gratitude goes out to the IO, HA Turtle Jerrar, for his epic work in helping us makke the changes necessary to make this happen. Thank you!

New TFTC-TC Battles - Typhoon Squadron's Day Off

FA Pickled Yoda

16 July, 2024 03:54
32 ABY

Jagged Fell III is at it again with some new TFTC-TC content starring Typhoon Squadron and what they get up to in their free time.

TFTC-TC #3 and TFTC-TC #4 are now available for download.

New House Imminent

D Surgo

15 July, 2024 12:49
32 ABY

We have finalized the preparations to open our new House. As part of that, we will split our existing House Palpatine- at an astounding 64 members- into two groups of equal size. This is so that they can engage in competitions, sharpening each others' blades, to prepare us for further incursions into the Unknown Regions. With this change, we will begin running Vendettas: large-scale competitions that pit the Houses against each other but reward handsomely in the form of assets that become part of your legacy.

If you're interested in this new venture, please message me (Darth Surgo) and I'll put you on the list. If you want to stay in House Palpatine, also let me know so that I can note that as well. Otherwise, the Force will guide my hand as I review my... spreadsheets. (Even a Sith Lord has to use office software sometimes.)

Further announcements will be made about the House, its name, its leader, and its makeup this weekend, after everyone has had a chance to consider their roles.

May the Force serve you well.

Sector Admiral Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz appointed Executive Officer

GA Rapier

11 July, 2024 21:42
32 ABY

I have decided that today is the day I reopen the position of Executive Officer. Our first XO in a few year and the position is going to Sector Admiral Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz. I'm sure you will all be hearing from him in the near future and I look forward to seeing some of the projects he promised to pelt me with.

Drinks are on him.

Grand Admiral Rapier
FC/GA Rapier/CS-1/SSD Avenger
MoH/IC/OoR/GOE/GSx3/SS/BS/PCx2/ISMx2/MoI/MoC-10doc-8poc-9goc-10soc-72boc/IS-7SW-BW-2CW-5BR/ORA-1C/DFC/CoS/CoL/CoB/OV-26E [Dragoon] [Certified]

New Music in our Galaxy course

AD Sylas Pitt

11 July, 2024 19:37
32 ABY

The Training Office is proud to announce the creation of a new course, Music in our Galaxy. Put together by CM Matt Brass, this fun bite-sized course delves into the sounds that fill our galaxy, and notable figures in the industry.

CM Matt Brass will receive the Medal of Scholarship for his dedication and contribution to the Imperial University's body of knowledge. Thank you, Commander!

Check out the course here!