Reviewer Rating Profile

Fleet Admiral Brukhar (#11259)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 55
Reviewed: 2005-07-14
This battle should be renamed to Tiss & Mike: Oh battle, where art thou?
Reviewed: 2005-07-06
Reviewed: 2005-07-06
I flew this again, this time for score and I realized something... THIS BATTLE SUCKS In mission one, why is Kappa stuck out there by itself while the rest of Wing II just enters hangar and sits while Kappa gets raped? Doesn't make sense, Wing II should team up to destroy the Rebels. Mission 2: my god, i didn't know we let DAEDALUS CADETS FLY OUR wingmen all died without killing a single it turns into a very gay you vs the world mission Mission 3: not terrible...but why on earth do the raiders have Missile Boats and the EH doesn't...lame mission 4 was stupid because the CUV, which was supposed to make the mission tolerable, would go right in the line of fire of the cap ships and die every instead u have to lure the cap ships towards the ESC, and then distract them and hope the ESC could kill them all without dying mission 5: by far the most annoying battle in the start out looking in good shape, 18 torpedoes and 3 wingman with them...then you realize that despite you telling them to attack, they launch their torpedos and *MISS* THE PLT...then the fighters launch...oh boy was the briefing officer wrong...old starfighters my arse...2 waves of 6 X-Wings and same for Z-95s...all with missiles...and to top it off....2 waves of 3 ATRS THAT, DEPSITE THEIR ORDERS, SEEM TO TARGET THE PLAYER CRAFT....then you wonder why you even disabled the platform to begin with, since you could have just destroyed it. mission 6: hoping for a saving mission...and didn't get one...the CRS bug was highly annoying, since any tactical moves to eliminate cap ships and their fighters at the start causes the mission to become incompletable because T-Wing Green refuses to launch. overall...just add the spelling mistakes and minor bugs in, and you've got a complete mess
Reviewed: 2005-06-25
Reviewed: 2005-06-25
It's not so much that the mission is hard to fly, its that the Shuttle *blows* hardcore to fly. The controls on it are way too sensitive, making it hard to lock on to even the DREAD.
Reviewed: 2005-06-22
Reviewed: 2005-06-22
The supership idea was cool. Everything else sucked hardcore.
Reviewed: 2005-06-22
Reviewed: 2005-06-22
Pretty good. Anyone else notice the "Imperial Pilot" flying around without a ship in the last mission? >:P
Reviewed: 2005-06-22
Nowhere *near* as good as the hype. My wingmen kept crashing into the ISD or INT at the start, the stupid ATRs took like 8 hours to disable the FRG even with my help, and also, you can't customize your flight settings. No CMs + Adv Torps + A-Wings with adv missiles = crummy mission. Also, why do the ships enter 1 at a time? Also, Y-Wing Blue destroys the FRG even before its captured?...That's retarded, they should wait until it's captured.
Reviewed: 2005-06-19
Reviewed: 2005-06-19
Poor. The goals are excessive and confusing, the fact that there are allied craft which must be attacked as goals and enemy craft that must survive is quite the hassal. Also, its annoying when your idiotic allies attack a fighter till it's damaged, then they let it fly into hyperspace while you're too busy trying to figure out what the heck you're supposed to be doing. Also, many missions have events which fall under "prior knowledge required" such as SHUs launching 5 clicks away and hypering out instantly, leaving you little chance. Plus, you can't destroy stuff to soon as an enemy craft which (for some reason) has to survive could be on it and thus fail your mission.
Reviewed: 2005-06-11
Reviewed: 2005-06-11
A generous rating from Frothy. I suppose my first couple missions were ok, but the quality went downhill as the battle progressed. :s
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Not very good. After the first mission, there was almost *no* fighting to speak of. The Rebels kept exploring with its workers, till it conveniently died off when the predators killed them. I found it *way* too easy and boring.
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
A good battle for SWGB. Only drawbacks are the ease of Rebel defeat and the lack of attacks. I was rarely attacked besides the first mission, cuz the enemy tended to just sit there and explore with its workers. Kinda odd.
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
An average mission, the lack of resources is really annoying.
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Good, but I found it a little hard and kinda annoying. The unlimited resource for AI and very few resources for player was a major turn off.
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
I like my mission in this case. The base allows n00bs even to build up without getting raped by Rebel aircraft (a usual problem in SWGB battles) The only slight problem is that the AI sometimes glitches, and the Rebels kill the Jar-Jar they are supposed to be cloning.
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
It works, but I prolly should have not made the fourth mission almost the same as the second.
Reviewed: 2005-05-06
Reviewed: 2005-05-06
I'm actually playing my own mission now, and I like it. Sure, on Easy it takes about 30 seconds to complete the primary goal. But how for the secondary? About 5 more minutes. How about on Medium with secondary? About 7 minutes. And on hard, this battle takes nearly 15 minutes to kill all the enemies and accomplish your secondary goals.
Reviewed: 2005-04-11
ok. it wasn't that bad of a battle, the plot and ideas behind it were good, but the battle is victimized by one thing: craptacular AI. the destroy 100% of all fighters goals would have been ok had the TIE AI been made better. unfortunately, the TIE AI is configured to force the enemy to withdraw or die. in the case of withdrawal, the mission fails, making this battle annoying. the battle would have been better made for XvT or XWA. still not that bad
Reviewed: 2005-04-05
No where near as good as the hype. This "masterpiece" features annoying briefings that focus way more on humor than on actually helping the pilot in the mission, and it has cap ships with starfighter orders, and destroy 100% of all fighters type missions aren't much fun either. Overall, its pretty aggravating. Don't fly unless you need to.
Reviewed: 2005-03-21
Reviewed: 2005-03-21
yes, i would've preferred an assasination mission... err what am i saying? =P oh well even i hate myself :P good mission Frodo
Reviewed: 2005-03-05
Reviewed: 2005-03-05
this battle sucks, it features good ol' 10000 waves of fighters, cap ships with starfighter orders, long waits (8 minute docking time for a TRN) among other things...not even the humor could save this battle
Reviewed: 2005-03-05
Reviewed: 2005-03-05
No where near as good as the hype. This battle features like 6 Star destroyers, 2 frigates and 3 cruisers for the Rebels in 1 mission, then in the next mission, they have like 500 carrack cruisers...the amount of forces the Rebels have is ludicrously high, meaning that this battle takes hours...add to that some stupidly long waits, and you've got yourself a battle that takes a day. Also, I swear that mission 2 breaks the craft limit at some point. Also, what the heck are the Rebels doing with ISDs, VSDs, INTs, T/Ds, T/As and other IMPERIAL craft? It makes absolutely no sense, and this battle is ridiculous in its making. However, cool briefings and variety of craft give it a 2.
Reviewed: 2005-03-04
Reviewed: 2005-03-04
It was ok...except for some things. Mission 2: The enemy transports hyper out way too fast, making it a pain to actually kill them all and the freighters. Mission 5: While I appreciate the idea, fighting a Rebel Death star is absolutely retarded. Apparently the map is copied from a map already in the game and didn't think about the fact that it was hard enough, and the creator went and added unlimited fighters. Not a smart move, and hence my rating is low.
Reviewed: 2005-02-28
Reviewed: 2005-02-28
overall, i liked this battle, although i hate X-Wing. :P
Reviewed: 2005-02-26
Reviewed: 2005-02-26
meh, was actually a fun battle, except mission 3. now, some heavy freighter craft have places in the mission, but why are there like 20 Muurian transports and ETRs which sit there and only attack *you*? its also ridiculously hard, as the CORTs keep ramming you
Reviewed: 2005-02-15
Reviewed: 2005-02-15
bleh unnecesary use of annoying ships i like some interesting ships, but c`mon, we dont need a mission with a SHU, a T/B, a TRN and an E/S...thats just annoying because the Shuttles have wide cannon fire, and the TRN and T/B have like no defense. :P i liked the plot tho, was cool
Reviewed: 2005-01-30
Reviewed: 2005-01-30
Bwahahaha lmao at the inflight messages! :P good battle

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