Reviewer Rating Profile

General Wil Striker (#4370)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 36
Reviewed: 2001-05-17
Reviewed: 2001-05-17
Great mission! When you just want to blow up everything in sight, this mission can't miss!
Reviewed: 2001-04-30
Reviewed: 2001-04-30
Great battle! Very well designed and I loved the chances to dogfight against different craft at once, and without getting to overwhelmed. Mission #4 will definitely keep you on your toes!
Reviewed: 2001-02-06
Reviewed: 2001-02-06
The designer appeared to have a good idea behind the battle, but it was to repetitive, and had to many periods of "dead" time.
Reviewed: 2001-02-02
Reviewed: 2001-02-02
Great battle! One of the best for XWA I've played yet. If you love to play these on HARD, then your not going to be disappointed. Watch our for mission 5 though, or else you'll be out of the action fast! Great design and implementation!
Reviewed: 2001-01-29
Reviewed: 2001-01-29
Well made and bug-free battle! Plenty of Rebel Cap ships to take out.
Reviewed: 2001-01-09
Reviewed: 2001-01-09
Lots of enemy fighters to kill, but the overall plot got lost while fighting the enemy ships. The only thing I had a problem with this mission was when I would be attacking one of the larger ships, it would tell me that I had destroyed a friendly craft, and there weren't any friendly ships around.
Reviewed: 2001-01-09
Nicely designed mission! Lots of starfighters and bigger craft to destroy.
Reviewed: 2001-01-09
Nicely designed battle, but pretty slow paced considering your flying a VSD! But if you go for the smaller ships first, then the big boys you'll get more kills and keep the corvettes from stealing as many of your kills.
Reviewed: 2000-11-15
Reviewed: 2000-11-15
This battle was way OTT. Sheer lunacy. But I did find it a bit overwhelming with so many A-Wings jumping your flight group. Great job though!
Reviewed: 2000-09-19
This is a very well thoughtout and layed-out battle. A huge applause to AD Striker for his accomplishment.
Reviewed: 2000-08-03
Reviewed: 2000-08-03
A pretty well thought out mission except for the minor bug that I posted. I like the fact that it tries to follow with the other Pif missions that have been submitted.

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