Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Aval (#55660)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.2
Number of Battle Reviews: 32
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
It's a solid early mission that has you fending off waves of fighters in a TIE Defender whilst protecting a ATR that is really never in any danger at all. You can pick up additional points via the corvettes, which is a nice touch and overall it's a reasonably fun mission to fly.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
A interesting battle that can be played on hard and is still manageable with a single run through. You could elect to send your wingmen home if you so wished, it may help with those who want a higher score but I found it useful to keep them around but tell them to ignore my targets incase I needed them at a future point in the mission. Overall a solid 4/5.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Exquisitely simple, and an amusing reminder of the 1990's when Star Trek vs Star Wars was a much more common thing than it is today. Straightforward to play on hard and get what appears to be a maximum score provided you send home your wingmen and take on 3 transports and a platform on your own.
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Simplistic to the extreme of having 1 wave of enemy fighters attacking a Star Destroyer. This mission lacks realism, but is easy to complete on hard so it has this going for it. That is has the added advantage of not being in a Missile Boat is what gets it a 2 from me.
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
Reviewed: 2022-06-24
A utter and complete waste of time! Unless you are in need of a FREE mission that can be completed with your eyes closed and little intervention. The Star Destroyer or your wingmen can finish the mission on their own, but as long as you get some shots on the target you get a score.
Reviewed: 2022-03-26
Reviewed: 2022-03-26
Solid 4. Missions are quick to complete but enjoyable and there is humour and tie backs to Legend novela and games all over the place.
Reviewed: 2022-03-16
Reviewed: 2022-03-16
Although this is not a challenging battle to complete, I imagine getting a good score would take some time and repetition. It's a jovial battle overall, the creator here has a devious sense of humour.

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