Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Vanguard88 (#56584)

Reviewer Average Rating: 1.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 100
Reviewed: 2024-03-08
One of the buggiest messes in the entire compendium, avoid at all costs.
Reviewed: 2024-02-27
Reviewed: 2024-02-27
One of the buggiest missions in the entire compendium and not properly balanced either. Mission is devoid of any audio messages or other messages of any kind and has a very shallow briefing.
Reviewed: 2024-02-18
Reviewed: 2024-02-18
Very bland and lacking polish. As others have mentioned the lack of a full payload of warheads really hurts this one.
Reviewed: 2024-02-16
In terms of story and plot this battle gets a 5. In terms of combat it gets a 1. Minimal use of warheads, unusual ship choices where you face ships many tiers above your own in terms of ship quality, confusing mission objectives, dogfights where often you are outnumbered in the double digits and too many invincible ships/stations.
Reviewed: 2024-01-26
Another buggy mess, that features a non-sensical plot and repetitive missions. In mission 2 rebel craft will attack and destroy the sleeping Tie Defender, which means the battle should end right there. If kept alive, the capture operation in mission 3 could be thwarted by anyone. Felt very rushed and not well put together. No bonus goals at all in the battle either.
Reviewed: 2024-01-15
Due to multiple bugs and issues with the Golan model (torpedoes passing through it, ships colliding with the stations or getting stuck on them), hangar issues and the amount of effort required to try to work around these issues, flying this mission is not recommended. Avoid at all costs.
Reviewed: 2024-01-09
Reviewed: 2024-01-09
A buggy mess that tries to do to many things but fails at all of them. Long waiting times, confusing objectives, lack of craft/loadout variety of any kind, and some bizarre orders given to craft drags this down. Mission one for example has many bonus point opportunities but because your forces are so outnumbered they die before doing any damage to any of the base, meaning it falls to your ISD to destroy the entire base, which means all the evacuation craft launch at the same time. However, since you are alone at this point it is impossible for you to track more than 25% of them down. Mission three doesn't even have a single inflight message.
Reviewed: 2024-01-09
One of, if not the worst mission in the entire compendium. Buggy, limited action except on hard, unnecessarily long and just painful.
Reviewed: 2024-01-09
A short mission that suffers heavily from bugs that doesn't really make sense. There is a penalty for destroying all Tie Interceptors but not for destroying the Challenge or the Tie Advanced. Disabling all enemy starfighters would have made more sense here.
Reviewed: 2024-01-06
Reviewed: 2024-01-06
Bland, boring and buggy. The missions are uninspired and pit you against hordes of only toscan fighters except for one mission. Story is decent and well executed.
Reviewed: 2024-01-05
A step down compared to the first battle in the series. Mission 2 is unbeatable without reinforcements on hard as you are outnumbered heavily and the pirate group is not attacking the base as indicated in the briefing; as soon as you arrive they attack you, and the rebel forces also attack you instead of the pirates. Mission 3 is a B-Wing Turkey Shoot followed by an X-Wing and A-Wing turkey shoot. The mission takes far too long to complete on hard (33 minutes just to clear the fighters). Enemy flight groups do not always work as intended, and your reinforcing craft lack warheads to deal with capital ships. Assigned missile boats do not have any ordinance at all. Much of the dialogue in the missions is lost due to the heavy engagements taking place at the same time. Mission 2 has a long wait time between when the R&D facility is disabled and the transport arrives and boards it (5 minutes).
Reviewed: 2023-12-25
There are many bugs and issues with this battle including ships hypering into other ships, stations with starfighter orders, overlapping secondary and bonus goals (having to capture a craft then destroy it), too many invincible capital ships and multiple of the same ship/labelled flightgroup existing at the game time.
Reviewed: 2023-12-18
Reviewed: 2023-12-18
A very boring battle. Every single mission is the exact same, and they will essentially complete themselves around you. There are very limited in flight messages, shallow briefings, no bonus objectives whatsoever and the play of the battle itself doesn't make any sense. The rebels would not get cocky when attacking an SSD and halve their forces, when they lose half they would immediately run and leave, but they don't since there's no interdictor there to pin them down, which again makes no sense in itself. There is also an annoying bug in mission 5 that can cause you to instantly fail if it is triggered.
Reviewed: 2023-11-14
Reviewed: 2023-11-14
Mission 3 is beatable, and easily done. Here's how to do it. Start by powering up shields and weapons, you have a small timing window in which to do it. When X-Wing Red arrives, kill one of them, two if possible and immediately switch to X-Wing blue. They arrive 55 seconds after the mission starts. Switch to them immediately and take them out quickly, using torpedoes if necessary. Remember you can order the transport to take evasive action if you have to. Once they are dead kill one more of X-Wing red and then hull damage the other one so it goes to hyperspace; if it does not leave it alive. When A-Wing blue arrives put all power into engines, switch to proton torpedoes, get behind the A-Wings and dumb fire one torpedo into each of them. After that you can help mop up the remaining fighters or just kill the X-Wing on your tail then hyper out, the ISD will leave as soon as the transport is aboard.
Reviewed: 2023-11-13
A mission that has 5 bugs on hard and requires the player to kill 12 a-wings within 30 seconds or they kill your mission critical shuttle with advanced missiles. Since bombers do not arrive on hard it is impossible to beat since the cruiser goes to hyper out when the shuttle reaches your VSD's hangar, meaning you have 5 minutes to kill a cruiser with 136% shields that also has advanced missile launchers. avoid at all costs on hard.
Reviewed: 2023-11-11
Reviewed: 2023-11-11
Not a bad mission, but the timing seems off. You can destroy all the Y-Wings in front of you without them shooting at you if you do it correctly. You have to finish them quickly because if one gets to HULL DMG status they are about 3 seconds from their hyperspace point. The corvette that arrives right behind you doesn't shoot at you for some reason. A corellian corvette cannot hold 40 Tie Interceptors so it is strange that it carries that many. The B-Wings crash into the ISD as was previously mentioned but if any survive they get destroyed by the interceptors but only if there are no tie fighters for them to kill first. You will have a hard time helping the B-Wings because they will be very spread out and you will have to deal with the fighters that just respawned as well. Needs to be some sort of escort with the B-Wings when they arrive and they need to arrive further away from the ISD.
Reviewed: 2023-11-11
Reviewed: 2023-11-11
This was a very confusing mission. The ships that attack you are in the same IFF code as you which means you can just order them to wait then disable them without any threat to you. The delay between the IW 1 and IW 2 transports arriving is also too long. The ISD also arrives far too late after everything else has happened. Tie Advanced Phantom also has its' primary target set as the STD MaiandLee, which doesn't make sense because a) They're on the same side and b) the ISD isn't there when its' arrival condition has been met.
Reviewed: 2023-11-09
Reviewed: 2023-11-09
Not very well put together for a few different reasons. One is that you are never given a beam system in the missile boat. Another is that you are often given chaff when the enemy craft has no warheads and flares would have been better. An additional reason is that you are always alone in your flight group. You have allies but because they are not in your FG you are unable to give commands to any of them. Enemy fighter or installations are often placed too close to your own, and because their AI is better you will immediately lose craft. There were also a few nonsensical things happening (your allies disabling craft with communications parts before you have even inspected them for the parts), your capital ships having very low AI and having to destroy your own satellites to complete a mission objective which means it cannot get a good score.
Reviewed: 2023-11-08
Reviewed: 2023-11-08
I have to agree with Rando's assessment of this battle. Punishing a player by adding more fighters when craft are inspected is not good mission design, especially when they arrive in such overwhelming numbers and the player has no reinforcing waves. Furthermore, the scimitar assault bomber is poorly utilized in this battle. Due to the high amount of damage it takes (20% per one laser shot) and then placing it against high numbers of fighters makes no sense. It also had low AI and never seemed to fire any warheads when I flew these missions.
Reviewed: 2023-11-03
Reviewed: 2023-11-03
An excellent battle with a compelling narrative, very balanced gameplay and no major issues. The tie defender really shines in all the roles that it is capable of performing and there is ample opportunity to really rack up the points.
Reviewed: 2023-11-02
Reviewed: 2023-11-02
It may have an interesting story and be well developed, but there are so many game breaking bugs and balance issues that make it difficult to beat the missions, even on medium difficulty. There was only one mission that did not have a bug in it, some of them had as many as 5. bonus goals were often unbeatable due to mission layout, and there were no secondary objectives at all throughout the battle, even though there were plenty of times where there could have been.
Reviewed: 2023-11-01
Reviewed: 2023-11-01
A buggy set of missions with wildly swinging ranges of difficulty. On some missions on hard the AI gets novice craft while on easy the ai gets top ace craft. Mission 3 is particularly guilty of this, when you have four tie interceptors facing off against 72 craft on their own if you don't call for reinforcements, and your bombers are incapable of even lowering the shields on a single capital ship. The AI of your frigate is top ace for the first 3 missions then suddenly novice for the last two. You are also unable to issue attack orders to any of your fighters in any of the missions.
Reviewed: 2023-10-30
Reviewed: 2023-10-30
The missions themselves aren't that bad, what is frustrating is the way that the game AI interacts with the missions themselves. Sometimes the AI will behave in ways different than it should normally (firing missiles without a full lock, waiting until point blank range to even try shooting at you, not going home when hull goes below a certain % of hull, AI suddenly switching from one target to another. These factors, combined with the slim to none margin of error make it more trouble than it is worth for most players.
Reviewed: 2023-10-21
Reviewed: 2023-10-21
First 2 missions are decent but nothing remarkable. Last two missions are only possible if you hangar camp as in the third mission you are outnumbered ~ 10:1 in the fighter department, and the enemy has advanced missiles. You are not given a beam system or countermeasures to deal with them. The four a-wings die immediately as they get too close to the cruiser, leaving you to fend for yourself against 36 X-Wings and 16 Z-95 headhunters, meaning you have to keep ducking into the hangar so they don't kill you. The last mission pits you against 256 tie fighters on hard, and you are given 6 experimental ties for help. as soon as you go into the hangar once they will all die leaving you against these masses, which can easily sink your VSD and ISD through sheer numbers.
Reviewed: 2023-10-20
A decent battle that completely falls apart at the last mission. Friendly ships attacking each other, friendly ships launching from the enemy hangar, and having to wait 45 minutes for a ship to make it to hyperspace is far too long a wait.

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