Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Vanguard88 (#56584)

Reviewer Average Rating: 1.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 100
Reviewed: 2023-10-20
A decent battle that completely falls apart at the last mission. Friendly ships attacking each other, friendly ships launching from the enemy hangar, and having to wait 45 minutes for a ship to make it to hyperspace is far too long a wait.
Reviewed: 2023-09-30
Reviewed: 2023-09-30
a buggy mess in its' current state, which results in rebel craft attacking each other, the platform shooting craft coming out of it and ATR's crashing into capital ships.
Reviewed: 2023-09-30
A solid, well put together mission that isn't crazy difficult but still fun to fly. Highly recommend. Suffers from a couple of small issues but still good.
Reviewed: 2023-09-30
Reviewed: 2023-09-30
This is not a good tie interceptor mission. too many ships with lasers and ions that can be synchronized to instantly one shot you and end your flight. You will also randomly lose sometimes to your ATR's crashing into the golan and blowing it up. You get no warheads, no beam system and no countermeasures. There are also a ton of bugs with it.
Reviewed: 2023-09-29
Reviewed: 2023-09-29
Another poorly balanced mission that sees the player flying a Tie interceptor with 3 wingmen and 8 tie bombers against 2 platforms and 60 Z-95 headhunters. No useful beam system given and no countermeasures means you are flying solo within 2 minutes, leaving your ISD to mop up everything.
Reviewed: 2023-09-28
Reviewed: 2023-09-28
A poorly balanced mission on higher difficulty which places the player craft with 0 warheads against 3 squadrons of razor fighters all with missiles. You are given a jamming beam which is useless against such a large number of craft, and are penalized if the opposition captures a freighter, which you cannot stop because of the number of craft you are under attack from.
Reviewed: 2023-09-28
Reviewed: 2023-09-28
It could have been given a much higher score but multiple factors make this a poorly balanced mission. Lack of decoy beam when facing 24 craft with missiles (the missile boat has such a small countermeasure magazine that it needs the decoy beam in these scenarios, especially given how outnumbered you are), inability to change your torpedoes to advanced missiles (there are only starfighters so why are we forced to use advanced torpedoes instead of advanced missiles), and no slam system for the missile boat makes this a difficult one.
Reviewed: 2023-09-28
Reviewed: 2023-09-28
Another mission poorly balanced on hard difficulty. For some reason you lose one escort shuttle, all your conveyors lose 50% shields and the Z-95's get advanced missiles. Essentially you are on your own vs six squadrons, because the enemy have 18 ships per flight group not 12. The frigate also doesn't arrive to help unless one convoy craft makes it away. Escort shuttle ai is also set too low, they do not do anything.
Reviewed: 2023-09-27
Not a bad mission, but loses points for not giving either countermeasures or a beam system vs craft with missiles and advanced missiles.
Reviewed: 2023-09-27
Reviewed: 2023-09-27
Solid, doesn't take long to complete and relatively bug free and straightforward.
Reviewed: 2023-09-27
Reviewed: 2023-09-27
A poorly put together mission with bad craft, the usual impossible to beat on hard and questionable capital ship choices. Due to the MC90 and VSD being used, all the AI does is crash into both ships. A message about avoiding the guns on the MC90 is nonsensical because the ship paths into turbolaser range of your capital ship, meaning you will always be in range of its guns. If we are to avoid it, why do all fighters immediately target it as soon as it drops out of hyperspace?
Reviewed: 2023-09-27
What could have been a decent battle is ruined by several factors, mainly long wait times, lack of additional craft waves (you only ever get one wave), poor mission balancing (most are not beatable on hard) and not putting the enemy on a different iff group when during mirror matchups.
Reviewed: 2023-09-26
A poorly put together battle that sees pits you against far better fighters in a terrible ship, limited warhead selection and unmanageable odds.
Reviewed: 2023-09-22
Reviewed: 2023-09-22
An interesting premise that misses the execution. Flight groups with the same names, capital ships with starfighter orders, lack of nav buoys indicating convoy entrance and exit points, shuttles defending the death star. Mission 2 is the most challenging but the mission with a flight group of 9 x-wings is strange.
Reviewed: 2023-09-20
Reviewed: 2023-09-20
Another battle not balanced at all on hard difficulty. Don't even try it, will be a waste of time unless you like dogfighting in a tie fighter being heavily outnumbered.
Reviewed: 2023-09-19
Reviewed: 2023-09-19
A nice quick bug free mission, would have liked to see more fighters but solid nonetheless
Reviewed: 2023-09-17
Reviewed: 2023-09-17
Mission has a bug on hard making it impossible to complete
Reviewed: 2023-09-16
Not a very well put together battle. Flight groups with random names, enemy squadrons all being the same color, not balanced on hard (expecting gunboats to disable a-wings).
Reviewed: 2023-09-15
Reviewed: 2023-09-15
I believe that the mission creator never tested many of the battles/missions on hard difficulty. Half of the missions are impossible on hard either due to difficulty (Think you and 3 wingmen no additional craft waves, no beam system and stuck with flares vs 3 squadrons of superiority fighters with advanced missiles and chaff) or bugs. One mission the Tie defender that you are assigned to protect spawns 5km from you and dies 10 seconds into the mission on hard. All but one mission had a bug in it, many of them ruining the possibility of completion. Avoid at all costs.
Reviewed: 2023-09-14
Reviewed: 2023-09-14
An enjoyable battle with a solid plot, just make sure you install the patch first
Reviewed: 2023-09-12
This battle is a 5, hands down. The trick in the last mission for dealing with the luggage is to slow to 2/3 throttle and attack it from either above or below, and then when you get to .5 clicks away peel off, reset and then come back in. I was able to disable it within 4 minutes, which left plenty of time for other shenanigans.
Reviewed: 2023-09-10
Reviewed: 2023-09-10
An excellent battle with a little bit of everything and a ton of dogfighting, including some unexpected surprises along the way. Well put together, only complaint is some missions have 100+ fighters which gets to be a bit much but quite enjoyable nonetheless.
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
If the ATR at the start of the mission can't disable a transport with 0 shields when it has 45 seconds to do so, that is a major design flaw.
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
A decent mission but a weird placement of the platform inside the base meaning it destroys the base on its own and lack of additional craft waves when facing 2 platforms and 2 extra capital ships means it can't get a higher score
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
A poorly balanced mission that pits the player against four squadrons of planetary fighters, all with missiles. The fighter is so manoeuvrable that it just sits behind all your AI craft and shreds them within 30 seconds. You get no countermeasures, no beam system and only one craft wave. Avoid at all costs.

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