Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Vanguard88 (#56584)

Reviewer Average Rating: 1.6
Number of Battle Reviews: 101
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
A poorly balanced mission that pits the player against four squadrons of planetary fighters, all with missiles. The fighter is so manoeuvrable that it just sits behind all your AI craft and shreds them within 30 seconds. You get no countermeasures, no beam system and only one craft wave. Avoid at all costs.
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
Not doable on hard and barely passable on medium. You are outnumbered 7 to 1, all the Y-Wings have advanced torpedoes (8 of them attack your frigate and each wave spawns in warhead range of it, meaning you have to pick them off right away. You cannot get too close to the base or it will melt you, and the T/A will destroy the disabled ones) and you only get one craft wave.
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
Not even sure why the T/I is included. You cannot use it on hard as the enemy has a-wings with advanced missiles that will melt interceptors instantly. No point in staying around either as 2 capital ships arrive with 3 squadrons of a-wings and 2 squadrons of b-wings, and you get no additional craft waves and no reinforcements.
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
A quick bombing mission marred by bugs. All enemy fighters crash into the golan which leaves you with a straight up bombing run vs one station and one ship.
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
A poorly balanced mission due to the fact that the Howlrunner excels in head to head combat due to its laser fire rate and all your ally AI can do on a harder difficulty is fight head to head. This means your fighters get shredded very quickly, there is only one wave and no reinforcements meaning you are left to mop everything by yourself. Do not try to take head to heads with the enemy or you will get evaporated.
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
Reviewed: 2023-09-08
One of the missions does not work at all on hard. Throughout cargo ferries have starfighter attack orders. Many starships are lacking orders completely and simply sit there. The last mission doesn't make sense. An entire fleet of MC80's would not run from 2 ISD's.
Reviewed: 2023-09-06
Reviewed: 2023-09-06
One of the best battles out there for sure. Wildly entertaining, not too challenging even on hard and it all comes together very nicely in the end. Avoid the capital ships as much as you can due to the squishiness of the fighters and you will have a great time.
Reviewed: 2023-09-06
Reviewed: 2023-09-06
The story is original and interesting and the action is good when it happens. However there are several major flaws with the missions that include

1) Repeatedly failing missions because of the choice of cruiser. On lower difficulties the AI repeatedly crashes into the cruiser when doing its bombing runs, causing you to fail. This is because of the (you can only lose so many starfighters before you fail) caveat. On one mission I watched a total of 12 missile boats and 2 tie defenders crash into the cruiser and die. Using the MC-80 would have eliminated this problem completely.

2) Multiple missions cannot be completed on hard due to the aforementioned issue and weird choices (forcing the player to disable 12 craft that all have warheads while you have no beam or countermeasures) while you cannot afford to lose a single craft.

3) There is a lot of downtime. Some of the missions you are waiting 15 minutes for ships to dock because not enough transports were assigned to capture the enemy.

4) One of the points of the battle was to not destroy any EH pilots, which is the focus of an entire mission but for some reason goes out the window in the next mission. The same thing goes for a capital ship. You can destroy it multiple times yet it shows up in the last mission.

5) lack of beam system or countermeasures for the battle which becomes more of a problem the higher the difficulty.
Reviewed: 2023-09-06
Reviewed: 2023-09-06
An enjoyable set of missions with a solid plotline and missions that were not overly difficult to complete. One of the best battles I've flown in recent memory.
Reviewed: 2023-09-05
Reviewed: 2023-09-05
Many issues on higher difficulty centered around a lack of a beam system, no wingmen in any mission and too many waves of enemy starfighters. Also bizarre that you have to protect the other squadron instead of your own.
Reviewed: 2023-09-04
Do not bother trying these missions on hard. Every superiority fighter has advanced missiles and you often find yourself flying near modified corvettes and modified frigates which will quickly ruin you. Even medium was a challenge. Decent premise but not executed properly.
Reviewed: 2023-09-04
Another battle that would have been good but was not properly balanced around hard difficulty. Mission 3 and 4 are particularly difficult to complete on hard.
Reviewed: 2023-09-02
What could have been a good battle if you had more AI to work with on hard. You often find yourself heavily outnumbered and the enemy has too many waves of starfighters for you to deal with. Enemy capital ships all seem to have advanced missile launchers while yours never have them.
Reviewed: 2023-09-02
If a mission is too hard to do on medium or hard, it should be re-polished and edited before being released. Multiple missions have huge errors that make them unplayable on higher difficulties. If a mission can only be done on easy then there is something wrong.
Reviewed: 2023-09-01
Reviewed: 2023-09-01
Too many redundant missions and several that were not properly balanced or tested. Often your allies do nothing leaving you to kill everything.
Reviewed: 2023-08-17
Reviewed: 2023-08-17
Many of these missions are not even doable on hard. For example the last mission you get one craft wave while the opposition gets 150 fighters.
Reviewed: 2023-08-01
Reviewed: 2023-08-01
Great if you love training dogfighting vs A-Wings. Your allies will deal with the cruiser so you have time to focus on the dogfighting.
Reviewed: 2023-07-31
Reviewed: 2023-07-31
not doable on hard. CRV's also have warheads and have starfighter orders.
Reviewed: 2023-07-29
Reviewed: 2023-07-29
Some missions were very good, others not so much. Many bugs and issues especially in later missions. Also not very balanced around hard difficulty.
Reviewed: 2023-07-27
Reviewed: 2023-07-27
You are outnumbered 6 to 1 even on medium difficulty. You can't issue commands to your allies because they aren't in your flight group. You get one craft and one wave. You get half a load of warheads. Your reinforcements consist of an ETR that hypers into the middle of nowhere. Your wingmen will all die to the initial wave of x-Wings because they have advanced missiles. Avoid at all costs.
Reviewed: 2023-07-23
Reviewed: 2023-07-23
The missions are very poorly balanced on higher difficulty, especially mission 5. You are given half a load of warheads and 6 fighters against an entire fleets worth of craft that all start attacking your ships when you complete 25% of the primary mission goal. Mission 3 can only be flown a certain way on hard in order to complete the mission, there is no wiggle room. All in all on hard you are heavily outnumbered and outgunned and do not have the proper resources to manage what is being thrown at you.
Reviewed: 2023-07-19
A-wings destroy the shuttle (which is stationary for some reason) within 3 seconds of exiting hyperspace
Reviewed: 2023-07-19
Reviewed: 2023-07-19
far too many x-wings to deal with at the start of the mission. You start outnumbered 2:1 and you lose all your allies within the first minute. You are constantly facing 5 or 6 enemies and it is hard to trim the waves because of the redundant X-wing flight names. This means you never get time to protect your gunboats from the other x-wings.
Reviewed: 2023-07-14
Reviewed: 2023-07-14
Mission is not doable on hard, there are too many enemy fighters. Each type of enemy fighter has at least 3 waves and there are 6 types of them at least, meaning you are heavily outnumbered. The gunboats can't even disable the dreadnaught before they die, and you only get one wave of them. The capture transport is also 5 minutes away from docking with the dreadnaught, and it launches more Tie advanced to destroy the ISD when it arrives.
Reviewed: 2023-07-14
A few small things here and there but on the whole not a bad mission. You have to kill the frigate before your ATR's arrive, the ISD will leave before the last ATR can board it but the ATR will still hyper out, and the TIE Phantoms don't seem to do anything much except float around, but the action is well balanced and enjoyable.

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