Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel andr3 (#56112)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 224
Reviewed: 2022-08-23
Reviewed: 2022-08-23
Easy little battle with little to no story and individual missions that do not seem to be connected in the frame of a bigger battle.
Reviewed: 2022-08-20
Reviewed: 2022-08-20
There is some story to it and the missions are quite nice and different from each other.
Reviewed: 2022-08-16
Interesting battle with long waiting periods at times.
Reviewed: 2022-08-16
Reviewed: 2022-08-16
The missions are not bad. To the contrary, they are mostly fun. But the story line makes little sense. How are you re-armed for every mission if you're lost in space? Where's the connection between the missions? Also, and I had to look that up in the mission editor, in mission 2 you have to grind the ISD, that you're supposed to protect, down to 50% in order for "Probe Hangar" to appear so you can destroy it. Could have been a high 4 stars but so only 3.
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Terrible waste of your free time. It is incredible what we take on for these competitions. I think I am off to playing something else. Oh no wait I need to add more words for this review to be counted. This is totally ridiculous.
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Reviewed: 2022-07-09
Complete and utter nonsense that has you hold down the trigger button at four times speed endlessly. I do not know what else to say about this misson to get my review to the manded thirty words for the competition.
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Every single battle of TFTC-R is an abolute masterpiece. As if the original TIE-Fighter was not one of the best games ever conceived, TFTC-R tops it - on every single mission. It is not only that the graphics, sound and joystick support cababilities were brought today's standards with underlying XWAU package. TFTC-Reimangined also set out to redisgn the original TF missions reimagining what they could have looked like if it wasn't for TF's 1994 engine limitations (e.g. only ~30 ships in space at any given time) yielding huge battles which truely make you feel as part of a mighty imperial war machine rather than a lonely TIE Fighter pilot taking on the galaxy. They even did full voice acting, remastering of the soundtrack and ironed out some story quirks - it is insane. They did what they set out to do - mission accomplished - and then some!
Reviewed: 2022-06-27
Reviewed: 2022-06-27
The first time around it was bugged. The shuttle just circled around waypoint 4 for like an hour (15 min at 4x speed). I let it run in the background waiting for something to happen because I was told you need to run it on 4x. Eventually the mission aborded back to the home screen.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Terrible laser grind. Thank goodness for four times time accelleration. Inspect the firgate and the two cruisers then disable the frigates, take out all the fighters and then grind down the cruisers. Very, very little fun.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Quick mission. Inspect and then disable the ISD. Take out waves and waves of fighters while you wait for the ISD to be captured. When the battle is over you can wait for TIE-Defenders to return home to get some bonus points.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Tell your wingmen to igrnore the assault shuttles, take them out. Then go for the X-Wings while you order your wingmen to take out the stations shields. Next pop your rockets into the station and hopefully disable it before the capture transport had too much.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Send your wingmen to wear down the frigates while you take care of the bombers attacking Immortal (hint: it is not). You might want to finish off the frigates for points though.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Nice and quick little missle practice. Taking out a cruiser and some fighters is no real chellange for the Advanced Missle Boat. But hey, it is fun. Play it if you need it for a competition.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Lots of dog fighting and missile dodging as well as grinding down a frigate is contained in this mission. Do not be an idiot like I am and fly your TIE Advanced into the frigate. Sepuku clearly does not help here.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Kill the Z-95s, then fire 4 rockets at the Dreadnaught to lower its shields. Then help the ATR take out the B-Wing's shields because it is too dump to hit it often enough to take them down. Consider yourself lucky if it is able to disable the B-Wing. Take out the Dreadnaught and TRNs and Shuttles if you have time.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
It's an okay little mission that has you fight not overly smart X-Wings which are chasing you. Every once in a while it is actually fun flying a good old TIE-Fighter once again. If you get a chance kill a Y-Wing as well. And for points you can grind down the station at 4x time speed.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Fighting A-Wings in an Assault Gun Boat is not exactly fun. That is especially true when you are under time pressure. Nothing else happens that is it. Kill or disable the A-Wings before the shuttle escapes. After it is captured, resume killing.

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