Reviewer Rating Profile

General Kaisin Mirtez (#12091)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 20
Reviewed: 2009-02-18
Reviewed: 2009-02-18
an ok battle. hard on some missions, nice job though...
Reviewed: 2007-02-21
Reviewed: 2007-02-21
Gonna kill the hobbit for this one. No really was alot of fun to fly and had some very intersting plts to it, YOU MUST DIE. missions where I have to die, this one was new to me. Never knew bag end was so big, thought it was just under a tree. Loved this one and hope theres more like. Nice Job Frodo
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
History, gotta love it. Alot of fun to fly and missions were well done. Great job on this one. Loved being the one to kill the NR-TAC and all and killing those A-wings.
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
That will teach them to mess with Frodo the little hobbit has teeth and knows how to use them. Loved flying it as it has humor and all. Nice work on this one.
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Loved this one with the leak being one of our own. Very good plot and mission outline. One of the best. Loved flying this one.
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Always wanted to be a prison guard and flying a unshielded craft was fun also. anouther great one from Frodo.
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Reviewed: 2007-02-20
Well what can I say, we all need to keep our selfs looking good dont we. Loved the humor and the battles were fun to fly.
Reviewed: 2007-02-18
Reviewed: 2007-02-18
Flew this the first time in the SSL's and did not do so good on it that time, this time I did better. Some of the missions are tricky and have you trying it over and over to get it right. I must say out of all the missions I have flown this has to be one of the best.
Reviewed: 2007-02-18
Reviewed: 2007-02-18
TIE is one of my favs as it is all about the Empire and Frodo brings it alive with his missions. Flying a shieldless craft helps keep me on my toes and makes me fly alittle better. The goofy FL is all Frodo.
Reviewed: 2007-02-18
Reviewed: 2007-02-18
I must say one of the best DB missions I hhave flown. Flying in a fighter wiht no shields is somehting I like and makes me work harder to complete the mission and stay alive. I love Frodo's missions as they are some of the best I have flown. Although I will say I keep seeing mines all over the place, nice touch wiht ION and Lasers for them.
Reviewed: 2007-02-17
Reviewed: 2007-02-17
I must say for my first XvT battle, this was fun. Where else can you beat other A:WC to become the new WC. Frodo makes some of the best battles and this is why I am going to love flying XvT battles. I loved mission 3 where you had a time limit to take out all the containers and then a corvette. needed to keep some warheads. took a couple trys to get it right.
Reviewed: 2006-11-09
One of the best ones I flew yet. Right on with the sqauds mission. Destroy the N-B before it blows your station. Nice one Admiral.
Reviewed: 2006-07-24
Good Mission. Love the jokes. Hard and trying at times.
Reviewed: 2006-07-24
Reviewed: 2006-07-24
I must say, out of the battles I have flown, this one was testing. With the shuttle escaping form the station and all, if you weren’t close by you would lose the mission. With the two other craft firing at you while trying to disable the, was tough. You had to be on your top game, cause if you dont protect the VSD then your out of luck with no mission win. The missile boats were nice but werent helpfull. That ATR is tricky, need to disable it. By the end I just sent home my squad and took out the CRS by my slef. I will say this was a good battle and should be standard form all KAPPA pilots to fly. Nice Job Major. Now for the next one.
Reviewed: 2005-10-01
Reviewed: 2005-10-01
Pretty fun, i love killing all those rebels and those rouge DJK. Nice mission
Reviewed: 2005-09-20
Reviewed: 2005-09-20
I could not really stand this battle. It was the same mission over and over. I killed the same ship four diff. times. It went on and on. Gets a one for no bugs.
Reviewed: 2005-08-31
Reviewed: 2005-08-31
Good battle. well done on the design.
Reviewed: 2005-08-31
Reviewed: 2005-08-31
enjoyed the mission, very Lucasarts like. One of the best I have played.
Reviewed: 2005-08-22
Reviewed: 2005-08-22
It was a good battle, funny with the text and good with the destruction of the orders, those poor kids.
Reviewed: 2005-08-22
I loved it, as my second battle it was by far the best. Loved the questions.

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