Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel Azazel (#1232)

Reviewer Average Rating: 1.9
Number of Battle Reviews: 10
Reviewed: 2003-01-08
Jusus this battle is so long..long , difficult , buged also i saw like 5 times when ships crashed eached other ..anyway on easy this battle is more difficult then some battles i played on hard..comon i am on 26 or 27 mission and i hate this battle already
Reviewed: 2002-12-16
Gah 1st mission u wait like 20 minutes and later your wingman destroyes critical craft.. never again
Reviewed: 2002-12-02
Reviewed: 2002-12-02
ok i gave it before 0 , but after consideration i change it to 2 , sorry i just had very much difficulty with that battle more people also , AI crafts even on easy insane , on 5th mission cant hyper out cos sometimes hyperboy doeasnt appear , many more but i forgoten them , i didnt finish that battle it happened first time in xwa , so play it and judge yourself
Reviewed: 2002-09-11
great battle one of the best i played on xvt/bop no bugs , fun to play !
Reviewed: 2002-08-26
Reviewed: 2002-08-26
ok ...3 first mission were quite ok i mean nothing special but ok , but 4th mission is just crap ...i just lost time playing that battle
Reviewed: 2002-07-17
Reviewed: 2002-07-17
i must say this battle maybe has original plotline but rest is horrible , you dont know whats going on ..on second mission it is completly mess i hate that kind of battles i would give it 0 but plotline makes i gave it 1
Reviewed: 2002-07-03
Reviewed: 2002-07-03
o my god ! it is long i have played so stupid battle ...x-wing against t/d who are we rebs or imerials? beware of that battle
Reviewed: 2002-06-10
hmmm i was tester for that battle i wont forget that one long...what can i say have to fly it to feel it ..heheh :)
Reviewed: 2001-10-30
Reviewed: 2001-10-30
There is bug on 3rd mision i think , the platform after diseble is being destroyed by your own crafts ..unable to complete
Reviewed: 2000-06-20
Reviewed: 2000-06-20
I would give it 4 but in 4 th mission Atr's are crushing when they leave Frigate , it happened like 2 times ...

Showing all 10 records