Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Blade (#12618)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.9
Number of Battle Reviews: 7
Reviewed: 2008-06-20
Reviewed: 2008-06-20
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! getting chased by the cops(seriously i wish i had that COPS theme in the background during that one mission), a choice of whether to disobey an order or not and still pass the mission. Not to mention great originality and humor. Things weren't too hard if you used your sponge inside your skull. they could be quite easy actually. Overall just another example of why Kawolski is my favorite mission creator.
Reviewed: 2008-05-23
Reviewed: 2008-05-23
This was a well thought out mission it seemed and it was realistic. For this reason I bumped this mission up to a 3. I really did not like this mission. While the goals were obtainable etc. the one BIG thing that really got to me is that in this mission there are not usual difficulty levels. Instead they are: Medium, Hard, and EXTRA Hard. Where is Easy? Easy=Medium here. To be fair the individual who likes assault gunboats and the like and more importantly knows how to effectively use the slow little buggers against lots of x-wings with advanced missiles might say "nice mission". But i'm used to agile craft; therefore, I didn't like it. NIce plot, pretty much good everything except that if you are an average pilot or someone who hasn't been playing the game long don't expect to be able to beat this on easy without flying it like 50 times and even then you might die every time.
Reviewed: 2008-03-16
Reviewed: 2008-03-16
It was ok. Easy yes. But interestingly the Vangaurd would seemingly self destruct if I went away from it to combat the new rebel craft after I had attempted to kill the CRV Death from kamikazing. every time i flew away from it five seconds later mission fail. There were no enemy craft nearby either...i'm perplexed. So i just flew by my ship the whole time and let the AI kill stuff. got me to win the mission at least.
Reviewed: 2008-02-14
Reviewed: 2008-02-14
well...this mission wasn't too good. unclear instructions...unrealistic mmissions. tip for mission 7: well i did it with infinite ammo and easy. kill all cap ships first...start with the SSD. then get the fighters. then your mission critical craft will survive. heavy rockets work well ;). but yeah crappy briefings too.
Reviewed: 2008-02-13
Reviewed: 2008-02-13
listing of why it is the worst battle ever: 3 sec AI lock, unclear mission objectives,unclear goals, mission 4 VERY unclear *tip* fly as fast as you possibly can and get to the CN/K sensor(close to name) as soon as freakin possible, then flay as fast as you can to the other container andif your lucky you can beat it, razer's with 3 sec lock with Adv. missiles(though good dodgeing missiles exercise), mission 7 overall,i would nitpick everything but i would need a whole page...unrealistic(SSD destroyed by T/G), too many enemy capital ships and spacestation stuff to destroy with little fighter support on your side, not to mention dealing with the "3 sec wonder" fighters at the same time you need to destroy capships and SSD. i can't give negative numbers so its 0. but if i could...I would.
Reviewed: 2008-01-06
Reviewed: 2008-01-06
this battle had a nice balance. It had easy missions but also some challenging ones. I could not get the S:Foil patch to work for I believe mission 4. But that was no big deal as I just used rockets and missile boat laser system sucks anyways. I liked the plot line as well and must say seeing all those dreadnaughts and playing through a scene I had read about in Thrawn's trilogy was freakin awesome. That damn skywalker got away!!!! XD
Reviewed: 2008-01-06
Reviewed: 2008-01-06
This mission had a very good plot. It made the after briefings a read but I enjoyed it.

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