Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Kalve Ryder (#1968)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 2
Reviewed: 2022-06-03
Reviewed: 2022-06-03
Childish plotline and writing, decently conveyed plot points via mission design, with well put together missions that have obviously had time spent on them. But it felt like the effort was on design gimmicks rather than truly solid mission design. Missions 1-5 are passable, mission 6 aims to be something special, but if you have to refly it for hours trying to get it to work, resort to checking all ship conditions in YOGEME _and then_ have to fly it essentially on rails laid out by the designer to ensure the best chances for objectives to complete, it becomes less of a fun mission and more of a painful interactive cinematic that the game wasn't designed to do well or at all. See bug report for potential issues with mission 6.
Reviewed: 2021-10-24
I can appreciate these missions for the solid design, although not perfect, I believe they're in line with what should be considered the acceptable standards that other missions often fall short of. The story was slightly above average. Though in the grander scheme of the overall Praetorian Elite battles, it excels with it fast pacing and well timed delivery of in-game communication messages that continue to expand the narrative rather than relying solely on briefings and objectives.

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