Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Nashaa KamBuel (#4070)

Reviewer Average Rating: 5
Number of Battle Reviews: 4
Reviewed: 2000-12-22
Reviewed: 2000-12-22
Great mission! The cargos were very accurate to the ones normally carried in the Colossus! :) Keep up the great work!
Reviewed: 2000-12-02
Reviewed: 2000-12-02
I thought this battle was made well, and was created around a very in depth story line. THis missions might have been a little harder, but it IS Zsinji we were after. All in all, a mission I will definently play again and again.
Reviewed: 2000-08-17
This battle had it all. It had humor, it had political intrigue, I got to talk to some guy named the Rock. I'm not a big fan of wrestling, in fact, I hate it. But this battle is almost enough to make me change my mind. I have to admit, those last two missions were incredibly hard, but not hard enough to drop this battle's appeal. Good Job!
Reviewed: 2000-07-24
Reviewed: 2000-07-24
I thought the battle was excellent! The missions were well made, the plot was good, and the whole thing tied together really well. I am impressed!

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