Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel Freelancer (#494)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.8
Number of Battle Reviews: 18
Reviewed: 2004-07-20
Reviewed: 2004-07-20
HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaaaaaheeeee... Eh, you hadda be there.
Reviewed: 2003-03-29
Reviewed: 2003-03-29
A very good mission, with some flaws here and there but for the most part a very good play. Of course, TI's with shields is a bit cliched, mind you, but when you get into it you just go with the flow. There is one case of a starship with fighter orders, but I suppose it couldn't be helped, and allows some interesting tactics.
Reviewed: 2003-03-29
Reviewed: 2003-03-29
Absolutely horrendous mission. The person that made this has no concept of mission design fundamentals. I'm sorry if this hurts, but the mission should never have been approved. First and foremost, the mission cannot be completed (as noted in other reviews/bug reports) unless you play it on "EASY". Second, there are an overwhelming number of fighters in this mission, so much so that I think the mission has reached the number that the game engine can display, and thus people do not kill all the rebel ships (because they simply never show up), but every one of these ships personally attacks the player craft. Nothing but the player craft. I don't know about you but this is boring as hell. And when it's not boring it's annoying. Avoid like the plague.
Reviewed: 2002-12-08
Reviewed: 2002-12-08
The visuals of this mission are amazing. I never personally figured out how to do that. The mission is simple, really. There's only about 4 fighters, one Medium Transport, and an Otana to destroy, the Otana being the hardest. The visuals, though.. I just love this misison for that alone. That gives it a 4!
Reviewed: 2002-12-08
Reviewed: 2002-12-08
This is a simple mission, which is not very hard even when flown on hard. However, it is a fun mission. Worth a fly, if you've got 10 minutes to spare. You ID a shuttle, then you shoot down 12 X-Wings with missiles that hyper in. It's up to the cadets in T/Is to take them down. Watch the laser accuracy on the T/I tho' :)
Reviewed: 2002-12-08
Reviewed: 2002-12-08
It's not necessarily a bad mission, but I don't consider it great, either. My main beef is 4-fold. First, EVERYTHING has advanced missiles, yet EVERYTHING has chaff as well. What's the point? None of the missiles have an effect on the enemy. Second, the main targets have "Holding steady" orders, and are easy targets. Third, on Hard it's nearly impossible to save the attack craft because your flights hyper in at 8k from them, by the time you fight through the advanced missiles to get BACK to the attack craft to cover them, they're dead. Finally, Fourth, you get more points for losing the mission than you do for winning it. It's a good mission to fly, and if you want a challenge, fly it on Hard with no waves. Good for a squadron competition, also! However, it's not perfect.
Reviewed: 2002-11-26
This mission was decent. The enemy were fairly well balanced, and were an actual threat to the attack force. The dogfighting was good. However, the extreme distances are ridiculous. An attack force that launches from 12k away is just begging to have its bombers picked off by rebel fighters. I had to take down the PLT alone in my T/A all by myself. Fun fun. I subtract a point for the distance between the forces.
Reviewed: 2002-11-26
Reviewed: 2002-11-26
Too much waiting around. Too many enemy in relation to friendly fighters. Kind of boring on the whole (in my opinion).
Reviewed: 2002-11-26
Reviewed: 2002-11-26
Yes, it was easy, even on "hard" difficulty settings. The plot is interesting, in a way, but the missions are a bit short, and not very involving. The briefings move too fast to read in many cases. Becuase of some annoying aspects, I give it a 2, but it's not bad. Not good either, but not bad. Average.
Reviewed: 2002-06-11
Reviewed: 2002-06-11
All in all, it was a good battle, if somewhat frustrating sometimes. Some time delays are too long, some things are kind of annoying here and there, but definitely a good battle to fly for a comp or for the FCHG points.
Reviewed: 2002-01-09
The battle is straightforward, which is good. However, the missions themselves are sub-par. You have plenty of wingmen, which is nice, and they all listen to your commands (also nice) in most missions. However, it's the simple things like having ships with invulnerable settings (there are better ways to keep the player from killing them) and none of the cap ships were actually motherships (which would have added to the battle a lot). One mission removes your shields for no apparent reason (he just did it for the hell of it). It's not great. It's not bad. I guess that leaves only "okay" as a description.
Reviewed: 2000-03-04
This battle I liked. However, there were some bad points. [1] Often your wingmen attacked you, but this wasn't too bad because you can order them off of you. [2] The missions in general were pretty easy. [3] How the hell do you take down an Escort Shuttle (worth 500 points in mission 4) without shields?!?!? [4] The final mission didn't feel like you were all that important in the resolution of the plot (maybe it's just me?). But all in all, it was a pretty good battle.
Reviewed: 2000-03-04
Reviewed: 2000-03-04
I think that is is an excellent battle. The missions are well-made, even if I did cuss at some of those A-wings ;). The only thing that STOPPED me from giving it a flat-out "5" was the absence of decent officer briefings and debriefings, and briefing maps. That seriously hampered my opinion of the battle. However, I would reccommend it to anybody with about 4 hours of flying time, and am using it in a competition. Well done Kurt, whoever you are.
Reviewed: 2000-02-19
Reviewed: 2000-02-19
Well, as much as I like it, and as much as I'm the one who made it :), I have to say that it rates a 4. I think I put it together well, and hope the plot is a little more interesting than some. Hey, at least I didn't make you fly the T/F in all missions, eh... :P (yet, at any rate...)
Reviewed: 2000-01-16
Reviewed: 2000-01-16
This mission was rather interesting. A tad too easy because all you have to do is wait until the boarding craft leave before inspecting the platform. Well, more than a tad too easy. This was a cake walk! I was never in any mortal danger, once, and only had to refly it becuase I crashed into a DREAD at 4x time accelleration. The escaping SHU was rather interesting too... It would get pilot to try over and over again to kill it, when in fact it is not possible. It is a way of drawing the pilot deeper into the game, and to get them to work harder.
Reviewed: 1999-11-28
Reviewed: 1999-11-28
[Good] The storyline that was thought up is pretty good. The Rebels would still be doing research. [Bad] For the longest time I couldn't do it, because I was flying with collisions off (not sure how THAT happened..), and neither the breifings or the readme file ever mentioned to check for that. [Good] It is different from the usual, because you have to ram the fighter (if collisions are set to ON) in the end of the battle. [Bad] The XW is often loaded with Adv. Mis. This is a bit much, because it is invincible. At most, it should have had standard concussion missiles, NOT advanced. [Good] You had wingmen that weren't rookie-level AI. [Bad] I just didn't get the feeling while flying it that it was "fun". It wasn't a chore, and it wasn't a joy; it was just plain bland. The missions just needed some perking up, perhaps. [Bottom line] An okay to so-so battle that lacks a little in the area of keeping players interested.
Reviewed: 1999-11-28
This turned out to be an interesting battle, to be sure. There were bugs galore, and those should be fixed to earn a higher rating than 2, but the gameplay was good enough for the time being. The major problems are bad goals, missing ship orders, departure events due to bad orders, wingmen dont' listen to your orders, there's a massive over-abundance of Imperial warheads, a lack of Rebel ones, a slow story (basically it's one or two missions pulled out into an entire battle). Good points include: Needs minimum of time. Player is NEVER at any danger (wait, no, that's a bad thing...). In the convoy mission and the base defence missions, the convoy is barely even attacked (CRVs do almost no damage) and the base is set to "invulnerable", so you don't have to worry at all about them (no, wait, that's a bad thing....). The bottom line is that it was a fast little battle that you only need to fly once to pass, and it was a refreshing, if short break from "Let's-all-Have-the-Empire-Outnumbered-Ten-to-One-by-the-Inferior-Rebels-so-it-makes-it-Harder" Syndrome. A "fun" mission, but needs some major work on bugs
Reviewed: 1999-11-28
Reviewed: 1999-11-28
While the designer/builder may have been trying to make something that could possibly happen in the Star Wars universe, frankly this is one of the worst battles I've ever flown (and I've flown many of the EH's worst!). Briefings are just that; they brief you on what WILL happen, or what you think will happen anyway. You don't say some things in a briefing then totally change the mission and put the player craft 30k (whatever) from the action. That happened in mission 1, and it's over before you even get within missile range. And the plot itself isn't the only problem. Frankly, the whole mission has a negative atitude, constantly blaming the player for something the mission designer did. This battle has some unoriginal moments, to be sure, but may have reached an all-time high for "The Empire's Worst Throw-The-World-and-Everything-You-Have-and-arm-it-with-Advanced-missiles-and-send-it-at-the-single-player's-craft Mission" Frankly, mission 3 is the epitome of all sucky-ness. Hardly any of your wingmen survive to be useful (they must be on rookie AI). Why place Ace level A-wings with advanced missiles withing 2k of startup? That's just dumb. Frankly, the number of incoming fighters is positively absurd! However, there were a very good number of bombers, since the main target was the base, but there were still too many fighters. And, after all of the REBELs are gone, they bring in IMPERIALs! This designer was trying to make this mission all but impossible. 1 T/A (player) vs. 6 Ace "New Republic T/As" (yeah... right...) with advanced missiles (and 2 waves)... And, to top it off, 6 T/D's with advanced missiles against that same (by now probably damaged and out of warheads) player's T/A. That is one example of the absence of reason or logic in this battle, and I shun it with all my might. I would never assign this for my squadron, nor would I order any of my men to fly it.

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