Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel andr3 (#56112)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 224
Reviewed: 2023-07-04
Reviewed: 2023-07-04
All craft identified, zero shots fired. Done in a minute. Why not.
Reviewed: 2023-07-04
With reinforcement the mission is done in a few seconds. Alright, I suppose?
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
It's a nice scenario. But without reinforcements you're quickly overwhelmed. With reinforcements, they take out the frigate so quickly that's it is a piece of cake.
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Good mission that brings some changes throughout the cause of the fight.
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Interesting to steer an ISD. Wouldn't want to do this every day, but it is a nice change for once. Don't stay in the mission for too long after you get the victory message (because it is so much fun to blow things up). You can still fail after you have won if two many imperial ships are destroyed.
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Reviewed: 2023-06-21
Nice mission. The mission goals don't quite align with the victory text. Also it has some factor of cap ship laser grinding.
Reviewed: 2023-06-20
Always fun to fly an X-Wing. Nice mission in which you attack in a team. That actually feels like the Empire!
Reviewed: 2023-06-20
Reviewed: 2023-06-20
Super nice mission with lots going on and it even comes with a bit of story.
Reviewed: 2023-06-20
Reviewed: 2023-06-20
It's nice to change things up. The very good mission briefing promises more than the actual mission holds, though.
Reviewed: 2023-06-20
Reviewed: 2023-06-20
Yeah, why not. Something different for once. Genie is right that there's not too much going on. A little bit more stuff to do would have been nice.
Reviewed: 2023-05-26
Reviewed: 2023-05-26
I kinda like the first 4 missions. Possibly due to the high number of ships. They become repetative though. And the last two missions are really bad, as everyone else mentioned. Mission 6: You cannot land on your own ship. When you quit the after victory message, you fail. Instead you have to land on the ESC.
Reviewed: 2023-05-26
Reviewed: 2023-05-26
Invincible ships and infinite waves of harakiri fighters that are used as an endless stream of torpedos might not be the best mission design.
Reviewed: 2023-05-17
Reviewed: 2023-05-17
Quite brief mission. Seems to be part of a story line of free missions.
Reviewed: 2023-05-17
Reviewed: 2023-05-17
Pretty standard battle. Nothing exiting to report.
Reviewed: 2023-05-16
Reviewed: 2023-05-16
Super nice battle. You are flying for and with the Empire and not allone. Missile Boats and ISDs attack enemy cap ships and installations as it is supposed to be (as opposed to you having to laser grind them down as in so many other battles). Only "bug" I found is that you cannot land on your ISD's hangar but have to q out of the missions.
Reviewed: 2023-05-13
Reviewed: 2023-05-13
The good thing is, it can be finished rather quickly.
Reviewed: 2023-05-13
Reviewed: 2023-05-13
Alright battle. At times a little repetative when wave after wave comes in.
Reviewed: 2023-05-09
Reviewed: 2023-05-09
1 star for effort. It is an epic endevour that has horribly gone wrong. so many bugs, invincible ships, unclear mission goals, bonus goals which are needed to finish the mission, wrong radio messages if you do things in a different order than the mission creator had anticipated... I will spoil mission 4 for you because it took me what felt like 20 tries to figure out what you actually need to do: you need to dock with the boxes, not with the realy stations themsleves, then identify the enemy ships and then distroy them. Coming to think of it, the battle is so not ready to be released, I'd have to take that one star back too.
Reviewed: 2023-05-04
Reviewed: 2023-05-04
Concise mission with a brief setup that makes sense for the mission. Tiny bug: there's no landing message when you're back at the Immortal's hanger. You have to q out of the mission.
Reviewed: 2023-04-24
Reviewed: 2023-04-24
Excellent battle with a compelling storyline. Fun to play!
Reviewed: 2023-04-24
Reviewed: 2023-04-24
I never expected to have fun in an Assault Gunboat, but I was pleasently surprized.
Reviewed: 2023-04-24
Reviewed: 2023-04-24
Sound mission that is fun to play all around. Only a slight logic glitch: when you hyper to your home region there's no cap ship to return to.
Reviewed: 2023-04-20
Simplistic missions, no story. The last mission is laser grind. I do not understand why almost nobody supports reloading ordnance in their missions since even TF has this very cool option.
Reviewed: 2023-04-20
Reviewed: 2023-04-20
Alright battle that's fairly quick except for the first mission. Nothing special to report.
Reviewed: 2023-04-17
Reviewed: 2023-04-17
The first four missions are nearly exactly the same and very simple at that. At least it is quick.

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