Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Nate Towback (#56348)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 13
Reviewed: 2023-04-05
Reviewed: 2023-04-05
This battle was quite tough, good for seasoned veterans. It has one of the scaling issues where on Hard the enemy AI will overwhelm your own AI so it really is balanced around the easy/medium level of play, but that leaves the hard difficulty for really talented folks to show off. There's a few missions too that have capital ships that aren't part of the objectives to kill but I wouldn't doubt that someone with the skill and patience to single-handedly take down an entire Rebel Fleet could probably blow the high score sky high. All in all though it's a great little campaign with a lot of variety of objectives mixed in.
Reviewed: 2023-04-03
Reviewed: 2023-04-03
Pretty fun campaign. Nice story, a nice bit of variety to the missions and flight craft. :ots of room to chase high scores with a couple missions including capitals that you don't explicitly need to destroy to pass.

I found the last mission to be a bit slow to wrap up as I hit a point where all the fighters were destroyed; we took out the capital ships, and we just had a few platforms to take out. I defanged them but it still took a while of just holding the trigger down and for AI to come and help out with the final destruction. But all in all a great compilation of missions!
Reviewed: 2023-03-30
Reviewed: 2023-03-30
Pretty good mission, good mix of every bit of role. Not too difficult on it's own but chasing the high score takes quite a bit of work.
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
This was a fun set of bite sized missions focused around defending a station so there was a mix of dogfighting and intercepting and all of it done in the Classic TIE Fighter. Cohesive short story. The third mission has a weird bug if you do things in a particular order but otherwise the whole set is solid.
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
Reviewed: 2023-03-28
Definitely put me through my paces to get into the flow but once you know you can dogfight 6 fighters at once with low shields, the mission is doable.
Reviewed: 2023-03-24
Reviewed: 2023-03-24
This was a fun mission that involved taking out both fighters and capital ships, though only the capital ships will give you any trouble, and if you know how to take them on then the mission itself is pretty easy to pass. Though, I feel like when I do well I am still only getting half the high score that other pilots are getting, so there's obviously lots of room for the ceiling of your abilities to show off!
Reviewed: 2023-03-09
Reviewed: 2023-03-09
This was a fun mission with a mix of different fighter types to take out with decent waves of them that weren't too overwhelming but still a light challenge. And it includes a quick convoy mop up to feel that extra accomplishment and ties in a reason for performing the mission with the lore.
Reviewed: 2023-01-19
Reviewed: 2023-01-19
Fun campaign with a twist ending. I liked that while dogfighting was your main focus the missions presented you in a way of performing that role differently each time.

I don't know if I quite fully understood the story, in order to negotiate an alliance the Empire is trying to strong-arm the potential ally? Shrug, above the pay grade for a simple pilot!
Reviewed: 2023-01-18
Reviewed: 2023-01-18
This is a decent mini campaign that is good if you've been away from the game for a while. It wasn't overtly difficult and the missions are very straightforward to understand and can be completed without any major surprises thrown your way.

Misison 3 has some capship fighting where the capships take too long to destroy each other so you have to get involved, but the second region you hyper to doesn't have a re-arming ship so to top up on auxiliaries you need to hyper back and forth a bit, which is a slog.

But overall very cohesive in it's story, fun to fly.
Reviewed: 2022-08-24
Nice battle of good length; it scales up in difficulty nicely from 1 to 4 with 5 being a nice way to cap it off and end it. I also liked that they worked in a nice cinematic moment after hypering to another waypoint in mission 4; I think more missions need to deliver story elements where the player gets to see something critical by looking at the right spot when the timing is right. Good variety of fighters to fight against, good mix of objectives in missions. And being tied to an A-wing the whole battle felt thematic as it being your specialization and role within the fleet.
Reviewed: 2022-08-24
Reviewed: 2022-08-24
This was a fun battle that felt well balanced at various difficulty levels; and delivered a narrative story that was believable and immersive to the missions. The only drawback, if I had to pick anything, was the mission briefings were a bit lacking in flair or polish, but they were still very clear and concise in objectives for all the teams.
Reviewed: 2022-07-15
Reviewed: 2022-07-15
This battle felt like it suffered from one of the problems of difficulty balance whenever there are too many wingmen fielded in a battle; on easy difficulty XWA bumps friendly AI up a notch and enemy AI down a notch, and on hard it does the opposite. Making it so that on lower difficulties the missions play themselves. And on hard difficulty, sometimes you get into a scenario where you're the only pilot left to disable a capship, so you really have to cheese it with mag pulse to get it done. Most of the fighting was centered around dogfighting the same ship craft in lots of waves. It was maybe a bit thematic for the story that was told, but I would have liked it if each of the missions actually played out differently. For instance, there's a "Recon" mission but it turns into fighting basically instantly. XWA has a great recon mission as an example where you need to inspect ships while dodging fire, this would have been a great setting to do the same. Overall good writing though, still had a lot of fun.
Reviewed: 2022-07-14
Reviewed: 2022-07-14
Solid mission that has pretty decent pacing. The difficulty ramps up nicely to drive you to focus, without making you feel like you just got hammered instantly. Would like to see some more patrols with interesting outcomes!

Showing all 13 records