Reviewer Rating Profile

Commander Vanguard88 (#56584)

Reviewer Average Rating: 1.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 100
Reviewed: 2024-09-05
Reviewed: 2024-09-05
One of the buggiest, poorly designed messes in the compendium, featuring such bugs as spontaneously combusting ships, missions that are harder on medium than on hard, starfighters missing orders and ships attacking their own faction.
Reviewed: 2024-07-17
Boring missions that are all essentially just turkey shoots of one variety or another. The Sentinel got old fast, as it has a very bad laser capacitor. Missions were also quite buggy. Mission 3 is also quite poorly balanced as you are facing 12 squadrons of fighters with just 1 of your own, and many of the enemy fighters have advanced missiles.
Reviewed: 2024-07-16
A very solid and creative suite of missions. Mission 3 is my favourite. My only issue is with mission 4 and the ship that is used. The VCX-100 has an entirely green cockpit HUD, meaning it is difficult to see when you are being shot at. It only has a single turret, meaning you must constantly re-position it if a fighter dips below your LoS. I also had issue with the turret snapping away from the target that I was shooting at, as well as it no longer functioning at all after a certain point multiple times.
Reviewed: 2024-07-16
Reviewed: 2024-07-16
Another poorly balanced buggy mission that pits the player and 3 wingmen with half a load of standard warheads against 2 Mon Cal cruisers with a full wing of fighters. Your stations don't fire back, your fighters are assigned to roles they should not be carrying out (Y-Wings with torpedoes dogfighting instead of attacking the cruisers, x-wings with missiles attacking the cruisers), and fighters that have different orders based on which part of the flight they are in.
Reviewed: 2024-07-16
Reviewed: 2024-07-16
Impossible to complete on hard, ATR's never disable the CORT. Also quite buggy.
Reviewed: 2024-07-16
Reviewed: 2024-07-16
Perfectly balanced for easy and medium, hard not so much. You get one wave of four craft with standard missiles and no beam system while you are outnumbered 10:1 and must protect a platform, a corvette, an ISD and a modular conveyor. The issue is that you must protect multiple of them at the same time, sometimes 3 of them are under attack simultaneously. You need more craft on hard to deal with them all, or 200% shields/better warheads/beam system. They also arrive at the same time, meaning there is no way to stagger the waves arriving. A random kamikaze corvette with 200% shields also appears to destroy your platform that you have 30 seconds to kill or you fail.
Reviewed: 2024-07-15
This is an excellent battle on hard, an incredible showcase of everything that the Tie Defender can do. From destroying multiple capital ships to taking out starfighters in between protecting the EH ones, to rapidly inspecting cargoes and peeling for your own bombers, all while making full use of the TD's full suite of uses. One of the top missions in the compendium for me.
Reviewed: 2024-07-14
Another very poorly put together set of missions featuring a variety of bugs, lack of global goals, shallow bonus goals, missions missing % counters, the possibility of failing a mission before a single shot has even been fired, too many enemy craft, lack of beam system and and not enough warheads given to the player.
Reviewed: 2024-07-13
Reviewed: 2024-07-13
Probably the worst battle in the entire xwa compendium
Reviewed: 2024-07-12
These missions were not properly balanced on higher difficulty, often requiring insane levels of flying. You are often assigned the wrong craft for the mission and not given the correct ordinance. In all the missions you start at 100% shields, which is a huge detriment especially given how slowly rebel shields charge.

Mission 2 where you have to destroy a platform you should be given an A-Wing, not a b-wing as you are under constant attack from enemy fighters and do not ever get a chance to restore your shields properly after the start of the mission. You can also fail the mission out of nowhere if the mines happen to destroy an ATR or stormtrooper transport that is on an attack run towards the platform/containers, causing the platform to be destroyed by the explosion.

In mission 3 your entire complement of fighters is wiped out at the start, forcing you to sit between your capital ships or be destroyed. The enemy forces are given 30 squadrons of fighters on hard, while you get 2.

In mission 4 you have to destroy an interdictor in a b-wing with half a load of warheads in 5 minutes while once again impossibly outnumbered.

In mission 5 you can lose out of nowhere if one side loses all their ships and you happen to be in the middle of the fight; all of the remaining pirate forces will target you and destroy you instantly. You should be in a faster ship like an a-wing or t-wing in the last mission. I understand it is a tactical withdrawal but the insane number of fighters given to the opposition should have been re-evaluated.
Reviewed: 2024-07-06
A solid battle that is well executed, only a few minor issues but nothing game breaking.
Reviewed: 2024-07-01
These missions were not properly balanced for higher difficulty, and there were many bugs with the first few missions. Too many enemy fighters, not enough warheads given, lack of reload craft, no beam weapon in the missile boat missions and a series of missions that were all essentially "protect x craft". There were also no advanced missiles or torpedoes given except in the missile boat missions.
Reviewed: 2024-06-23
Many bizzare bugs in this set of missions, but there was a lot of effort put into the plot and missions themselves.
Reviewed: 2024-06-22
Aside from a few minor issues, the battle is well constructed and has a very good story. Definitely worth flying.
Reviewed: 2024-06-02
While the story was quite good, there were far too many gameplay issues with it to give it a good score. The majority of the issues centered around the use of the dungeon ship itself. Mission two gives you rockets when you are sent to destroy X-Wings, when there are already bombers arriving to take care of the facility. Mission 3 and 4 are essentially the same, except in 3 you are attacking and 4 you are defending.
Reviewed: 2024-06-01
Reviewed: 2024-06-01
Very bland, repetitive missions with a ton of bugs and issues as well as craft being assigned to roles that don't suit them. The use of non-advanced warheads coupled with giving almost every enemy fighter countermeasures and only being given half a load of warheads means this is a grind if you fly it without infinite ammo.
Reviewed: 2024-05-21
This mission is not bug free. There are many issues with it that prevent it from getting a higher score. Another bizarre modification made is that each flight group spawns several kilometers away from one another. You also cannot issue wingman commands to your squadron at all.
Reviewed: 2024-05-15
This mission does have bugs, but they don't make that big of a difference. Mission itself is mediocre, nothing special
Reviewed: 2024-05-13
Have to agree with jagged, everything seems off about this mission. Tie Fighters would not be sent to do this, you can hangar camp the fighter spawns, you don't have time to complete the bonus goals as the cruiser arrives too quickly and attacking a civilian outpost felt weird.
Reviewed: 2024-05-12
An incredibly poorly balanced mission that sees the player and 3 wingmen vs 150+ enemy starfighters. You aren't given enough warheads to destroy the cruisers, as they have twin advanced concussion missile launchers, all enemy craft have advanced warheads and countermeasures and 200% shields. The decoy beam system doesn't work properly as enemy ships will simply patrol for craft to attack and resume firing at you once the beam is deactivated. At some points it is possible to be under attack from 25 starfighters at once, and you cannot kite them because you have to protect your interdictor from 2 squadrons of enemy fighters with rockets. Your wingmen will die within 30 seconds and reinforcements consist of 4 T/A that will also die in 30 seconds, leaving you to solo the mission.
Reviewed: 2024-05-11
In terms of story and plot this is one of the best battles in the compendium and probably the best XWA battle out there. The combat however is another story, plagued by bugs (ATR's taking 30 minutes to trigger a nav buoy .1 KM's away from them, Escort shuttles destroying entire stations) and balance issues. On a higher difficulty the trithian interceptor is quite overpowered, and the last mission where you are not given a tractor beam to deal with it is particularly painful, as was waiting for 6 ATR's to dock with a shipyard one at a time while being fired on by capital ships that you cannot suppress because you get half a load of warheads.
Reviewed: 2024-05-08
This one felt a bit rushed. Bonus goals not working properly, no additional craft waves given to player resulting in being outnumbered >10:1 on higher difficulty, no bombers deployed to destroy the capital ships that remain at the end of the mission.
Reviewed: 2024-05-08
Another solid entry in the series, I do like the creative use of the capital ships in these missions.
Reviewed: 2024-03-16
Reviewed: 2024-03-16
Not very well put together. This is essentially the 2v2 CRL vs Strike cruiser from the bop battle but slightly different. Mission messages tell you to protect the gunboats and the ISD while every enemy craft has advanced weaponry and countermeasures meaning you cannot effectively defend them both, while A-Wing rogue and T/A avenger have infinite ammo. AI starfighters should never be given infinite ammo.
Reviewed: 2024-03-15
Reviewed: 2024-03-15
Very buggy and not well put together felt rushed and none of the missions were long enough

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