Reviewer Rating Profile

Tomaas Banys (#5660)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Battle Reviews: 9
Reviewed: 2002-01-27
Z-95s rock! They really do. This mission teaches you how to use its neat maneuverability to avoid missiles and fight with 2 enemy flights at one time... a must-fly. Plus, it is part of the T&M saga. Great job again!!!
Reviewed: 2002-01-27
Reviewed: 2002-01-27
I just love it! Great mission, I want to fly the next of the series...
Reviewed: 2001-10-24
Reviewed: 2001-10-24
A great battle, with an original plot and a few nice design tricks. ;)
Reviewed: 2001-09-15
Reviewed: 2001-09-15
Bang! The battle is great. Incredibly fantastic (though simple) plot, few good struggles, good final mission. Maybe it was a bit too easy... :P I give it 4.99. I RECOMMEND THIS BATTLE TO ANYONE!
Reviewed: 2001-09-10
Reviewed: 2001-09-10
The battle is great! Variety of (similar) :) missions which weren't too hard, but with a good idea. Heh, and it rocks to hear your own voice! :P And Rebel Squadrons get what they deserve. :D
Reviewed: 2001-09-03
Reviewed: 2001-09-03
Not a bad plot itself. I liked the idea. Very interesting. What wasn't pleasant for me? Well, in most missions the player used the same equipment all the time. I know this is a squadron standard equipment - but a player might want to fly a T/B or a T/F, even though those craft aren't worth much, for a better challenge. Besides, the battle seemed a bit too... easy? Even on hard settings. There should be more challenge in at least the second part, imho. Nice 7 FCHG points, though.
Reviewed: 2001-04-17
Reviewed: 2001-04-17
Great for a non-LA mission. Fantastic plot and superb missions. I'd improve 2 things: first of all, I'd make a new fighter for those alien bastards. Second, I'd add some speech samples. But, anyways, this battle is a must-do and deserves a 6. It made me like XWA!
Reviewed: 2001-04-09
Reviewed: 2001-04-09
To tell the truth, it was not that bad. However, I've succeeded in vaporizing the cruiser with shields intact and using only few torpedoes. Why didn't it defend? Why did it only dodge? :) Huh, I know this might be fun for some, but it wasn't for me. Also, the rebel strike force was pitiful. They kept flying around and they just kept dying (it was on hard) while I didn't do nothing. This was way not realistic.
Reviewed: 2001-04-03
Reviewed: 2001-04-03
Well, this one was quite well designed if we don't mention the bug in one of the briefings that causes the game to crash. But the battle itself has a good plot, and there is some enemy craft to play with. However, even on hard settings, it is quite pleasant and not very hard. It has quite a good balance I must say, and it gave me an hour of good fun. I recommend it to those who want to see how IW operations look like: it is almost a commercial :)

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