Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Mrowaksu (#56859)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 1
Reviewed: 2024-05-13
I love the new ships as well as refreshed models.

I like the multilayered mission structure.

I love how difficult the mission are... when they are fair. Read on.

But unfortunately for "reimagined" part there appears to be a lot if imbalance and RNG present in some missions. Some missions are noticably more difficult than others, specifically Mission 2: "Red Alert" and Mission 4: "Outpost D-34 fall" are designed to be learned by rote. It feels you must fail a few times to learn how the events on the map will unfold, and then on subsequent tries be exactly in the place you are supposed to be. For example, in mission 2 you must remember how many enemy waves there are, and then appear near their entry points. In mission 4 you have just 2-3 minutes to destroy 4 craft and inspect 2 other, and doing fancy stuff like commanding your wingmen to destroy the target often results in them shooting down the space station next to it you were supposed to protect... or failing to protect the motherbase frigate you were also supposed to defend, because enemy bombers appeared on the other side of the battlefield.

Once you learn the patterns the missions are fun. But before that, you will have to experience the pain. I do not like this design. I could accept it in classic games, where they were more balanced. Here they do not appear to be balanced. Remember in TF:TC

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