Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Rosh Nyine (#56886)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 13
Reviewed: 2024-06-20
Everything in this battle is great, period. The story is great, the mission design is great, the briefings and debriefings are great, radio messages are great...

There's basically nothing in this battle that is not superior or on par to anything else I have seen in the Battle Center, a truly great adaptation of the original novels which uses all the power of TFTC and modding to show how great and alive the Star Wars flight simulators are even today.

Special mention to Space Emus and Drop Bears all over the battle. In the middle of all seriousness of the events of the story, some of the mails received and chatter during the missions really made me laugh (...I swear I'm going to start using space emus for Calamari Cruisers from now on...) Also the backdrops are gorgeous, and the view of the Lusankya in any of the missions it shows up really takes your breath away.

The only things I would have wished for are more humane voices with more emotion in them, though they are still great as they are, and being able to distinguish fighters properly against clear backdrops (like in the last battle). Still, that's just wishlisting.

Make yourself a favor a play this battle, it's amonsgt the best the EH has at the time of this writing. And don't play on easy! (I made a mistake and did so, realized too late) The battle on easy is likely to diminish the fun of the experience!
Reviewed: 2024-06-15
A really original storyline spanning three battles that is asking for a proper ending, only slightly confusing when it comes to which side are you flying for. If New Republic and Empire would have switched sides in the story, it would have made way more sense, and some Viraxo and Azzameen things didn't fit the general tone seen in XWA, but those are minor points on a otherwise really good storyline.

The missions themselves have some nice twists when it comes to mission creation, and I really liked being able to fly Alliance starships for a change. In short, a very enjoyable battle, which could be applied to the two previous ones.
Reviewed: 2024-06-15
Extremely simple battle, with the most basic missions that can be imagined with zero inspiration and a really bad balance in difficulties. Advance missiles from all enemy ships on easy, really? The 200% shielded T/A in these mission are one shotted by those over and over, which I could expect on medium and hard, but definitely not on easy.

Nevertheless, your involvement in this battle seems irrelevant as the AI does everything for you. You can sit back, relax, and see how the New Republic crumbles before your eyes in a snap of your fingers, as some of the most prominent figures of the NR get killed or captured in the four missions. Rated one because the author at least let Luke and Leia live and because the missions just work, but definitely not worth investing any time on them.
Reviewed: 2024-06-14
The reimagined campaign makes the Aftermath of Hoth battle from the old TIE a walk in the park compared to this one. I find this battle way harder than the old one, though in my case I really appreciated the challenge. On the missions themselves, the changes look stunning and well balanced, though it really takes time to get used from old games like XvT or TIE to the new warhead systems in TFTC.

For a first, "introductory" battle, the scope of it looks and feels spectacular, and ties perfectly with the prologue. Even the mails through the battle and after it make a lot of sense. It's a shame LucasArts didn't do this, but it is wonderful we can play these again with a new feel. Definitely top rating for me.
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
An interesting concept for a mission, feels like doing a rally racing through a circuit where a wrong turn means death. Very interesting and hard at the same time, though I would rather fly something with more story to it. It deserves a four at least though, in my opinion, for the creativity of getting everything put together. the way, no, you cannot destroy those doors... There's a way, trust me!

PS: To Jagged Fell, you score a 4 on your own mission? The humbleness! :P
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
The start of the reimagined campaign really looks like a much better and improved TIE-Fighter game, and definitely better than XWA. The missions as tutorial serve their purpose, and the prologue missions is a treat to fly. There are some things that don't look as polished as they should (crashing Z-95s before getting out of the platform?) and is really missing voiced messages, but being what it is I think it couldn't be better.
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
I must admit that I'm in awe of the potential this battle shows for the future of TFTC custom battles. Its inspiration from the Rogue Squadron series and being there from moments detailed in novels read years ago is an amazing feeling I didn't have since I played the original games. On top of that, the banter between pilots and the mails on the crew quarters are just on point and made me laugh out loud in a few occasions.

They are a lot of missions, but what a great collection of missions! From small sized ones to large scale battles, in many differerent crafts and roles, and with some original mission crafting (I'm looking at you, mission 5), this is a real treat to fly and deserves to be flown at least in medium difficulty. I am looking forward to try the next installments, but a few battles like this could easily fight toe-to-toe with the original battles.
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
Reviewed: 2024-06-13
I really liked this battle. It seemed well balanced so other Flight Groups were doing their job and you could focus in doing yours. The difficulty also seemed on point and doesn't get neither extremely easy nor hard so you need to keep an eye on different starships.

The plot is not amazing, as in it has nothing special on it, but it would be good enough to be on the same level than a battle from TIE-Fighter, which is not bad at all. The different missions, while not very different from one another, in general have a solid background. It's a bit of a shame that some FGs were not named seriously, which diminishes the background of the plot, but nothing someone cannot ignore.

After the current run I'm doing through the compendium, this battle definitely stood out for all the points mentioned above. I'm hoping to see more like this!
Reviewed: 2024-06-11
Reviewed: 2024-06-11
I'm giving this battle a one just because you can complete it, but nothing else. There is no story practically, and the missions well... someone decided to use the same mission in the editor just changing a few parameters in each of them. There's nothing challenging in this battle, no story to enjoy, nothing to see. I played it on easy and I'm not sure if I regret it, but definitely I won't do it again.
Reviewed: 2024-06-09
Reviewed: 2024-06-09
I agree with other reviews when they say that some missions in this battle are extremely hard. Even playing on easy, the lack of waves and the strong opposition makes this battle enjoyable until a certain point where one just wants to quit. Some mission bugs regarding the arrival of certain groups in the latest missions don't help either, making one of them especially suicidal.

The story of the battle is not bad, although nothing special. It starts well, but it goes a bit down the slope as it advances. I would love to grade this battle higher, but gameplay wise I found it extremely frustrating.
Reviewed: 2024-06-08
Reviewed: 2024-06-08
The first mission of this battle is the most challenging for sure, and I understand other reviews pointing out that it can be frustrating, though I think a bit of a challenge is welcomed. George and Gracie are definitely a (minor) pain all through the battle, but I found myself smirking at the idea of two goofball pilots doing things completely wrong, and they had an interesting explanation for their behavior in the briefings and radio messages.

The three middle missions do not pose any challenge and they seem to be there more to tell a story than to provide some challenge. Not bad, though it feels that this battle could have been cut down by a few missions to explain all this and then add some actual challenge with some more story to it.

The last mission of the battle is a mildly interesting one. It closes the plot, which is good, but doesn't provide much a challenge either. Special mention to FG Armaggedon in some missions. That's the real and actual threat in this battle and the ones to look out for if you want to try your luck.

All in all, I found myself enjoying this battle at the end. It was simple, but satisfying and actually made me chuckle.
Reviewed: 2024-06-06
Reviewed: 2024-06-06
Not a challenging mission at all, more like a tutorial. There's no real danger here as you get enough missiles to take care of anything that could really harm you. A sort of replacement from the usual gunnery training missions, but with way more limited waves of starfighters.

If your wingmen are not sent home, there is very little chance of being taken down. Without story and without challenge, I would only recommend it to very new pilots, and even then I'd suggest sending wingmen home, as previously said.

Overall, I give it a three because it accomplishes its purpose, but there's nothing that makes this mission special.
Reviewed: 2024-06-05
Reviewed: 2024-06-05
A standard escort mission with a twist. This is what I use to call a "mission for Jedi", since it requires you to know exactly when and where you need to be in order to complete it, and have the Force on your side on top of that.

While flying in easy is too easy (knowing what to expect), flying this mission on medium or hard is about asking to fail it. ATRs will show up and destroy your critical objective within seconds, and if you happen to manage to save the craft, another wave is certain to destroy it. I'm not exactly sure how this can be overcome, but at the moment it doesn't seem possible to me.

Showing all 13 records