Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel Strahd (#5789)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.3
Number of Battle Reviews: 7
Reviewed: 2002-02-12
Reviewed: 2002-02-12
Good battle up to mission 4. That mission is completly wrong in so many ways. ISD not shooting at attackers, 6 T/I and 6 Gun against 2 ISD, 1 Mon cal and Wave after wave of shielded T/I, Bombers, Fighters and T/A. not to mention that after the Cap ships are dead...the fighter cover you had (or what is left of it) leaves you to fight and defend the ships on your own. At least if we increased the number of ships on our side...might make a litl emore sense. I mean, there are 3 ISDs on our side and 1 squadron of fighters total to protect them all...never would happen.
Reviewed: 2001-06-14
Reviewed: 2001-06-14
Great battle! If only the first mission was made a little more easy? I mean, I did complete it with help from that tip. But only someone with mission editing experience could figure that trick out. (cause they blow up after a certain time of your arrival, not the fleets) Great story and I loved flying that T/D again :) Aslo a great way to test my new vid card too!
Reviewed: 2001-05-24
Reviewed: 2001-05-24
Great battle! I loved it...great use of the Emperor's voice and the plot was very good. I hope to see more battles of this quality. WOW!
Reviewed: 2001-04-15
Really hard mission, but you could complete it. Except for that last mission. Did the mission 10 times at least and the transports don't show up 90% of the time. I had to tell all my wingmen not to attack that ship or they killed it too quick and the transports never show. Good challenge but that glitch in the last mission kinda killed the fun :(
Reviewed: 2001-03-28
Reviewed: 2001-03-28
good potential and poor execution...Saving an interdictor is a good idea, but being the sole survivor of an attempt is pretty bad. Difficult, yes...until you figure out how to kill these ships one at a time. After's just a patience game.
Reviewed: 2001-02-14
Reviewed: 2001-02-14
Fun mission...I liked it. Well done and lots of dog-fighting. I just don't know how people got that high of a score...I tried missions on all difficulties and still got a small score...Oh well. Great battle anyway.
Reviewed: 2001-01-30
Reviewed: 2001-01-30
This was my first battle and it was fun. I liked the Avengers idea but found that the ending lacked closure...but other than that it was fun. I hope the others battles are just as challenging.

Showing all 7 records