Reviewer Rating Profile

Admiral Adren Silvori (#6596)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4
Number of Battle Reviews: 30
Reviewed: 2003-07-24
Simple and alot of Fun. No patches no huge stories, Just flying and killing rebels. I loved this
Reviewed: 2003-07-12
Reviewed: 2003-07-12
Nice easy mission and it has no bugs to speak of, Defend the ISD though. As ignoring the Xwings that make a run for her can kick you in the behind...
Reviewed: 2003-01-30
Reviewed: 2003-01-30
Good dog fighting battle . Simple mission with good objectives and no bugs . I thought that flying an Xwing was a welcome change and it had the same feel to it as many of the missions in the XWA Game itself
Reviewed: 2002-11-26
Reviewed: 2002-11-26
Quick mission and very Easy even on hard , Good mission and no bugs
Reviewed: 2002-09-06
Reviewed: 2002-09-06
A good battle and one i would recomend to anyone It is a large dogfight but one you have to choose your targets carefully All round a good fight and some inteligence has to be used Great work
Reviewed: 2002-05-26
Great Battle one for people who like to dogfight Great training module to
Reviewed: 2002-04-24
Reviewed: 2002-04-24
Good battle nice practice if your into dogfighting all in all not diverse But very fun
Reviewed: 2002-04-14
Reviewed: 2002-04-14
Nice battle ideal for the rookie pilot as its not hard but has a nice story and flows nicely
Reviewed: 2002-04-01
Reviewed: 2002-04-01
Well if this is he kind of mission you make on your return then please make plenty more .The mission is well balanced and the dog fights are enjoyable Big thumbs up
Reviewed: 2002-02-26
Reviewed: 2002-02-26
Well this battle has a nice harmony to it its not to hard but keeps you on your toes at the same time Very nice
Reviewed: 2002-02-11
you think your a good dogfighter you love the thrill of flying with your ass on fire This is the greatest free mission ever on hard its so cool Rogue wing please do a FEW IW battles from someone who is in the IW Go ON :P
Reviewed: 2002-02-03
This Battle is Truely Great i flew it when it was First Released and now i just flown it again a True pilot Mission GO Vallyn ! FLY IT FLY IT NOW :P
Reviewed: 2002-01-20
Reviewed: 2002-01-20
I though the Story of this mission was good and the battles were chalenging as for the last mission yeah use your head and be you character Nice Job Rogue
Reviewed: 2001-12-02
Reviewed: 2001-12-02
Good battle with a good fluid action No waiting around the flight groups do there JOB and its has no bugs to speak of good stuff
Reviewed: 2001-11-16
Reviewed: 2001-11-16
Great battle and somthing for people of all skill levels as usaul from Rogue wing a strong story line and great battles Big thumbs UP :P
Reviewed: 2001-10-24
Reviewed: 2001-10-24
Cool stuff and its one of them Battles on easy everyone can play and and hard is a real challenge nice battle's very cool dogfights !
Reviewed: 2001-10-23
Reviewed: 2001-10-23
1 word u fight the same fighters 12 times in every mission lie back and help out the ai zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Reviewed: 2001-10-23
Reviewed: 2001-10-23
Was a good battle but it needed a small element of suprise and the grey wolf needed to help out abit i though but nice story and decent missions !
Reviewed: 2001-10-19
Reviewed: 2001-10-19
Ship is great Story is great Missions are great WoW
Reviewed: 2001-10-16
Mission 2 aside not bad however not the greatest or easiest to fly unless u have no other IW missions to fly wait abit PS Bruc what were u on to get that score :P
Reviewed: 2001-10-06
Reviewed: 2001-10-06
Great battle and good use of AI it makes a change not to be the only target of 14 rebel sqdn's :) Nice work
Reviewed: 2001-09-23
Reviewed: 2001-09-23
Good Battle i would really recomend this one
Reviewed: 2001-09-09
Reviewed: 2001-09-09
Thats is such a dog fight in the first mission put it on hard and away you go it is like a 40 minute dogfight 1 tip for rookies dont target the mon cal and it cant launch missiles at you :) This Battle was great a marvelous dogfight trainier Big thumbs up
Reviewed: 2001-09-08
Reviewed: 2001-09-08
What a Great battle with a beleivable plot and story well worth a look
Reviewed: 2001-09-02
Very good and alot tougher than first but very good should make a save the cow's Battle :P

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