Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Xanthos Deia (#7340)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.8
Number of Battle Reviews: 8
Reviewed: 2002-05-02
Reviewed: 2002-05-02
Way too difficult; plus the fact that you have to wait 3 minutes before any enemy craft arrive. Definitely not a good competition battle
Reviewed: 2002-03-01
Reviewed: 2002-03-01
A rather poor effort on the part of the battle creator. The missions were short and seemingly pointless, virtually no briefing, and you fly a T/F. Somehow, I think a High Admiral would take a little more precaution than 4 cadets in T/Fs and a frieghter. Only reson it didn't get a 0 is becuase it was bug-free.
Reviewed: 2001-09-18
Reviewed: 2001-09-18
Funny, I guess, but in a twisted sense of humor sort of way... good quick 8 FCHG points
Reviewed: 2001-08-11
Reviewed: 2001-08-11
Good mission. Lots of good dogfighting. If these people think this dogfighting is too difficult, try the second mission of XWA-1. Anyway, good dogfighting, but by the end I was the only one left to take down the CRS. I did, but it took a long time.
Reviewed: 2001-08-10
Reviewed: 2001-08-10
Good battle. Short and fun to play. Good for 4 FCHG points.
Reviewed: 2001-08-10
Reviewed: 2001-08-10
This battle is absolutely insane! It took me at least ten tries to beat the first mission on easy, b/c *T/F*'s were blasting me like I had no shield. And I still haven't beaten the second mission. One dogfighter and a handful of assault ships against 6 Marauders, a massive convoy, and tons of enemy fighters? Good Lord! If I wanted something this frustrating, I'd go against an SSD in a T/F =P
Reviewed: 2001-08-07
Great battle. Especially the added officer questions. Funny.
Reviewed: 2001-07-28
Reviewed: 2001-07-28
Good mission, but I gave it a 4 because all the Rebel starfighters needed for secondary and bonus goals kept running away.

Showing all 8 records