Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Joe Arena (#8823)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 8
Reviewed: 2002-09-16
Reviewed: 2002-09-16
This was the worst battle i've ever flown. In mission 4, you have 7, count um, 7 ISDs and they launch two flights of fighters who die immediatly, even on easy. Your poor ISDs cannot even defend themselves efficiently. An enemt tie fighter killed one ISD on its own. Just an example of how bad this was. I wanna cry just thinking about my experience playing it.....
Reviewed: 2002-07-29
Reviewed: 2002-07-29
I dont know what to say, except that its probably the worst battle i've ever flown and it made me wanna puke.
Reviewed: 2002-07-08
Reviewed: 2002-07-08
God forbid any other pilots on your side do anything. On the last mission, the caputre craft fired about three ion shots before being killed. After that, no more capture craft we sent. So i had a fun time sitting around for a half hour with nothing happening. I got some of my homework done during all of it.
Reviewed: 2002-06-13
This battle is solid. The missions are challenging, but not impossible. Highly recommended.
Reviewed: 2002-06-13
Reviewed: 2002-06-13
Terrible, im sorry, but i can't give this any higher than a one. Very good storyline and concept for the missions, but the quality of the missions themselves was poor. Mission 3, just you vs/ 5 xwings a frigate and 50 mines. Mission 4, all of your wingmen killed on the first pass. Thats just to list a few.
Reviewed: 2002-06-07
Reviewed: 2002-06-07
These missions were a lot of fun. The briefings were done nicely.
Reviewed: 2002-06-04
Reviewed: 2002-06-04
I didn't think this battle was that bad. Mission 5 is really challenging, and at times became really ridiculous. Other than that, i don't see any problems with this one.
Reviewed: 2002-05-16
Fun battle to fly. Those ancient pilots really can fly. However, in the last misson, theres a CC and an ISD and between the two of them, they launch only 4 fighters.

Showing all 8 records