Reviewer Rating Profile

Captain Daar Skeloria (#9808)

Reviewer Average Rating: 4
Number of Battle Reviews: 25
Reviewed: 2006-02-05
Reviewed: 2006-02-05
So did I :)
Reviewed: 2005-01-15
Reviewed: 2005-01-15
Nice mission
Reviewed: 2004-11-07
Reviewed: 2004-11-07
Very nice battle. I especially liked the way ISD Grey Wolf was attacked.
Reviewed: 2004-10-10
Reviewed: 2004-10-10
Nice and plyable. Goob Job, chap! ;) Oh, and if someone makes the coralskipper, don't forget about those huge asteroid cruisers, plz!
Reviewed: 2004-09-18
Reviewed: 2004-09-18
Do NOT try to fly this mission if you don't want to lose your nerves and wreck your psychic health! I have been trying to complete the third mission for about ten times, three times I've been shot down, one time I lost the Revenger and for the rest of them I lost because stupid TIE Fighter which I had to protect flew stright into Mon Cal's laser fire!
Reviewed: 2004-07-24
Reviewed: 2004-07-24
Nice mission, but dogfighting with four X-Wings at the same time is not the thing I love :-]
Reviewed: 2004-06-21
Reviewed: 2004-06-21
We can now see what the rebels are fighting for! They don't want our worlds, they don't want democracy - THEY WANT BOOZE!!!
Reviewed: 2004-06-16
Reviewed: 2004-06-16
Not a masterpiece, just a good, enjoyable mission. I felt just like I did when playing TIE Fighter for the first time. Even though I HATE gunboats :)
Reviewed: 2003-11-07
Reviewed: 2003-11-07
Nice mission, but if you choose Toscan Fighter it is impossible to reach the factory and you lose huge amount of points. But what's the difference, even when you hyper to this facility you are shot down instantly :)
Reviewed: 2003-11-01
Reviewed: 2003-11-01
Nice mission, with interesting plotline. There's only one thing. When you play on hard it almost impossible to kill the FRG, save prisoners and capture Axis :(
Reviewed: 2003-10-03
Reviewed: 2003-10-03
Very nice battle, beacuse of: 1)Very climatic and dynamic dogfighting 2)Interesting plotline(But why they dind't destroy the Platform after boarding?) 3)Not too hard, not too easy-perfect for polishing your skills Overally, 4 points
Reviewed: 2003-09-08
Reviewed: 2003-09-08
Very,very,very,very...very impressive battle, but I must samy, that spending over half an hour completing the last mission was a bit boring thing...
Reviewed: 2003-09-06
Nice battle, but the last mission drove me completely mad and furious... To lose your engine in mission's last few seconds (CRS hull at 4%) and be blasted by it's lasers...
Reviewed: 2003-09-03
Reviewed: 2003-09-03
Very nice plotline and brefings are quite professional. But the seventh mission is a complete disaster! Shooting those &@^$@!# T-Wings almost made me mad!!!
Reviewed: 2003-08-20
Reviewed: 2003-08-20
Very nice battle, but the 4th mission is almost impossible :(
Reviewed: 2003-07-29
A small bit too hard, especially at the beggining. It's not so easy to avoid 3 Adv Missiles and to dogfight with T/As at the same time :( But overally rather good.
Reviewed: 2003-07-29
Reviewed: 2003-07-29
Relaxing :) Not too hard, not too easy... Just another nice made battle.
Reviewed: 2002-09-08
Reviewed: 2002-09-08
Zaarin's my favourite traitor, so it was a pleasure to take him out again ;). Overally, It's a very good battle.
Reviewed: 2002-09-07
Reviewed: 2002-09-07
Last mission was pretty funny(Especially trying to avoid Gunship's lasers) But I think the whole battle is far too easy :-(
Reviewed: 2002-08-27
Reviewed: 2002-08-27
NO!!! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!!! AVENGER CANNOT BE DESTROYED :"-( FM/LT Daar Skeloria/Chaos 2-3/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger
Reviewed: 2002-08-26
Reviewed: 2002-08-26
This mission is too easy! Even on hard level! But, it's a very relaxing melee mission. Three points, please. BTW Why the TIE Defender is used for such work? Delivering Rose seeds, lololol :-D
Reviewed: 2002-08-24
The best battle I've ever played!!! First two missions aren't too exciting, but the 3rd(Attack on a convoy) and the two last are great!
Reviewed: 2002-08-23
Very relaxing and enjoyable. No other comments.
Reviewed: 2002-08-21
Reviewed: 2002-08-21
Great mission! I've completed it on Hard difficulty level and I've never had so fun! Five points, please! BTW. My score is 64380, almost bet a record...
Reviewed: 2002-08-20
Reviewed: 2002-08-20
Very relaxing battle for me. Isn't very hard or too easy... But it's too short!

Showing all 25 records