Wing II Commander's Escort Flight

Competition ID #: 3098
Status: Finished
Submitted by: AD Hav Antiel
Competition dates: 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Wing II
Description: GN Frown wants to recognize the pilots that pay close attention to his pre-flight briefings and successfully complete the most missions. While Frown hardly has any need to leave the ship, he's been told that naming pilots to an 'escort flight' is one way to acknowledge their status, so he's asked to have those pilots called out in each Warrior Report.


Each month, complete enough SP missions to place in the top four from Wing II.

== AWARDS ==

Each month a pilot is in the top four, they're awarded one point. Each point results in the pilot being awarded an Iron Star based on how many points they have:

  • Points 1 and 2: IS-BW
  • Point 3: IS-SW
  • Points 4 and 5: IS-BW
  • Point 6: IS-SW
  • Points 7 and 8: IS-BW
  • Point 9: IS-SW
  • Points 10 and 11: IS-BW
  • Point 12: IS-GW

In the event that two pilots are tied for the same number of missions, the tie will be broken by calculating each pilot's average score compared to the high scores for the missions they flew. The pilot with the higher average will keep their current position and the other will be placed one position lower.

Competition awards:

IS-BW/SW/GW at various intervals as described below

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SW AD Hav Antiel Wing II Commanders Flight October 2020-11-11
IS-SW LC Rando Wing II Commanders Flight September 2020-11-11
IS-SW CPT Frenchie6 Wing II Commanders Flight September 2020-11-11
IS-SW CPT SL8c8 Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Month: May 2020 - 3rd month 2020-06-01
IS-BW AD Stryker Wing II Commanders Flight October 2020-11-11
IS-BW MAJ Jedgar Wing II Commanders Flight October 2020-11-11
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan Wing II Commanders Flight October 2020-11-11
IS-BW AD Hav Antiel Wing II Commanders Flight September 2020-11-11
IS-BW FA Pickled Yoda Wing II Commanders Flight September 2020-11-11
IS-BW LCM Lo Mar Wing II Commanders Flight August 2020-11-11
IS-BW ACO JetMech Wing II Commanders Flight August 2020-11-11
IS-BW HA Pete Mitchell Wing II Commanders Flight August 2020-11-11
IS-BW AD Hav Antiel Wing II Commanders Flight August 2020-11-11
IS-BW CPT Frenchie6 Wing II Commander's Escort Flight - July 2020 2020-08-19
IS-BW LC randyrumrnr Wing II Commander's Escort Flight - July 2020 2020-08-19
IS-BW LCM Lo Mar Wing II Commander's Escort Flight 2020-08-19
IS-BW HA Pete Mitchell Wing II Commander's Escort Flight - July 2020 2020-08-19
IS-BW HA Pete Mitchell Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Month: May 2020 2020-06-01
IS-BW CM Favdaukar Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Month: May 2020 2020-06-01
IS-BW AD Hav Antiel Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Month: May 2020 2020-06-01
IS-BW AD Hav Antiel Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Month: April 2020 2020-06-01
IS-BW LCM Charlie X Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Month: April 2020 2020-06-01
IS-BW LT BATUTA1 Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Month: April 2020 2020-06-01
IS-BW FA Pickled Yoda Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Month: April 2020 2020-06-01
IS-BW CM Jack Wynand Jack Wynand returned for a second month in my escort flight back in February, this time as a Lieutenant Commander. One step closer to becoming a General and never flying again. Once of these days, someone's going to listen to me about generals not belonging in the cockpit and maybe starting early is the trick. Let's see. 2020-04-04
IS-BW CM Firebreaker Terrik The other Terrik completed February among the top four pilots from the Warrior and earned a position in my escort flight. This one's name is... Firebreaker? How do you break fire, exactly? You can stop fire by cutting off its supply of fuel. So are you depriving the Rebels of the fuel they use to power their ships, and that ability became your name? There are so many implications to explore here. 2020-04-04
IS-BW CPT SL8c8 CM SL8c8 completed a second month in my escort flight this year back in February. They say that repeatedly being exposed to something makes a person fonder of that thing. I haven't found that to be the case with any of the pilots that have been assigned to my escort flight, so I guess that makes them wrong and I never have to give any credit to what they say ever again. I like that. 2020-04-04
IS-BW CM Jack Wynand Back in January, LT Jack Wynand was one of the top four pilots from the Warrior and earned a position on my escort flight. Good for him, I said to myself when I first saw him on the list. It's good for a pilot to be in my escort flight at least once a year. That makes it more likely for me to remember their name when I see them in the briefing room, but I wouldn't make any promises. 2020-04-04
IS-BW LC Rando By now, LC Rando is well aware of the routine here so let's keep this brief. January, top four, escort flight, medal. 2020-04-04
IS-BW CPT SL8c8 In January, CM SL8c8 started off the year by placing in the top four pilots from the Warrior. Some generals would recognize that by saying something nice about the pilot or their achievement. As you know by now, I'm not one of those generals, so instead I congratulate myself on another successful month of briefings that led to SL8c8's survival on all those missions. 2020-04-04