Eagle Maintenance Mania: X-Wing

Competition ID #: 3526
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Miles Prower
Competition dates: 2023-02-07 - 2023-05-23
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Eagle Squadron

It seems that the latest Industrial Automaton IAdOS update has scrambled the data on Eagle Squadron's astromech droids. It also seems that someone has been using the hardcopy manuals that are normally in the Challenge's library for porg cage bedding. Fortunately, our vulpinroid squadron commander doesn't run on IAdOS so he wasn't affected. Each week, Miles will put up a timed test with an image of a part of the T-65B X-Wing. You need to name the part and if applicable (it will be in the question) the quantity of parts expected.

Total Points Attainable (not assuming fastest time on every answer): 16 points
Total Points Attainable (assuming fastest time on every answer): 32 points

For each correct answer, you get 1 point.
If you get the correct answer and the fastest time, you get 2 points instead.
If you 'complete' the X-Wing manual with all correct answers, you get a ORA
For the pilot with the most points, you get an IS-SR, IS-BR for the runner up, IS-CR for third.

Competition awards:

ORA for completing the manual with all correct answers (16 points)
IS-SR for the pilot with the most points at the end of the competition, IS-BR for the runner up, IS-CR for 3rd

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR CPT Xylo Pethtel For attaining 19 points in Eagle Maintenance Mania, Captain Xylo Pethtel has demonstrated superior knowledge of the T-65B X-Wing straighter. As such he has earned the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. Congratulations! 2023-05-29
IS-BR MAJ SirCaleb For attaining 10 points in Eagle Maintenance Mania, Captain SirCaleb has demonstrated exceptional knowledge of the T-65B X-Wing straighter. As such he has earned the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. Congratulations! 2023-05-29