Lieutenant Troy (#55726)

TIE Corps - Inactive
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Code Cylinders

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LT Troy [Inactive]
PC/ISM/MoC-soc-2boc/IS-SW-4BW/LoC-CS/LoS/CoB/LoA [Hussar] [Trainee] [Beginner]

View character:
Secret Order - APP Troy

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Inactive
Group: TIE Corps (Inactive)
Group join date: 2019-08-19
(over 4 years ago)
Rank: Lieutenant
(2019-08-20 - over 4 years ago)
Positions: None
Assigned unit: None
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Uniform of LT Troy
Last Updated: 2019-09-04
Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                5th Echelon

Flight Certified - 5th Echelon
Points: 133

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):

Combat Rating (MP PvE):

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Hussar (64 points)
Total missions completed: 64
Battles completed: 13
Free missions completed: 2
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Trainee (5 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Beginner (2 points)

Combat Record

Battles completed (13)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 1: Capture of Zaarin Medal of Darkness
TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 3: New Dimensions Medal of the Emperor's Gate
TIE-TC 4: Recapture Zaarin's Technology Medal of Retribution
TIE-TC 38: Deepspace Syndicate Medal of Orion
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 1: The Verpine Encounter Second Medal of Earnestness
XvT-TC 2: Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle Medal of Confrontation
XvT-TC 5: Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC 41: More Power Part I Medal of Power-1S
XvT-TC 42: More Power Part II Medal of Power - 2S
XvT-TC 59: Cosmetic Wars! The Cleanest Plaque in the fleet
XvT-TC 145: The Karana Initaitive: A Raptor's Undoing none
Free missions completed (2)
TIE Fighter
Free mission
TIE-F 50: Griffin #1
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Free mission
XvT-F 1: Assault on Ravent

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2019-12-29 4y,5m,27d LT Troy [Inactive]
2019-12-29 RSV/LT Troy/M/FRG Phoenix
2019-08-28 4m,1d FL/LT Troy/Sin 3-1/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2019-08-20 7d FM/LT Troy/Sin 1-4/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2019-08-19 1d FM/SL Troy/Sin 1-4/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2019-08-19 TRN/CT Troy/M/PLT Daedalus
Award History
Date Information

Iron Star with Silver Wings

TIE Corps in Battle 2019
2nd place squadron participation
Sin Squadron

Recommended by: HA Pete Mitchell for competition TIE Corps in Battle 2019


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during October

Recommended by: HA Plif


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during September

Recommended by: HA Plif


Palpatine Crescent

August MSE. Excellent start of LT Troy, who has already assumed the role of Flight Leader with great motivation, in addition to completing missions for the RtF. For your efforts, we recommend the Palpatine Crescent medal. Congratulations!

Recommended by: GN Earnim Branet


Imperial Security Medal

Good participation of LT Troy in RtF. His great motivation and effort makes us recommend the Imperial Security Medal. Congratulations!

Recommended by: GN Earnim Branet


Letter of Achievement

Contribution to Volume 6 of the TIE Corps newsletter, The Commodore

Recommended by: HA Plif


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

One of our newest Lieutenants came back for a second round of escort flight duty in September by claiming a spot in the top four pilots from the Warrior. The additional face time would probably help in most situations, but I still can’t quite visualize his name. The names all kind of blur together after enough time seeing pilots in the briefing room one day and then never again. Keep coming back and we’ll see if your name sticks someday.

Recommended by: GN Gilbert H. Frown for competition Wing II Commander's Escort Flight


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Another new pilot was listed among the top four pilots from the Warrior in August and served on my escort flight. Note that we reward survivors because the admirals have directed us to avoid sending mixed signals by glorifying the idea of meeting one’s end in battle. But really, the pilots we lose are just the ones that paid the least attention to my briefings so I don’t miss them anyway.

Recommended by: GN Gilbert H. Frown for competition Wing II Commander's Escort Flight


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during August

Recommended by: HA Plif


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Contributed to Sin Squadron’s completion of 5 objectives in the Squadron (Re)Mobilization exercise

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

LT Troy flew enough MP missions in August to rank among the Warrior's four most active pilots and secure a spot on the WarCOM's escort flight.

Recommended by: AD Hav Antiel for competition Warrior Commodore's Escort Flight


Commendation of Bravery

For completing 30 custom missions from the battle center.

Recommended by: HA Pete Mitchell

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

This member has not completed an INPR.

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 2
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2022-12-29 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 5th Echelon
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 3rd Echelon
2020-01-22 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2019-12-29 Pilot status set as Inactive
New ID line : LT Troy [Inactive]
2019-12-29 New assignment :
RSV/LT Troy/M/FRG Phoenix
2019-11-21 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster (MoC-soc)
2019-11-11 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2019-11-11 Medal awarded : Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2019-11-11 Medal awarded : Palpatine Crescent (PC)
2019-11-05 Medal awarded : Letter of Achievement (LoA)
2019-10-20 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Wings (IS-BW)
2019-10-20 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Wings (IS-BW)
2019-09-21 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2019-09-08 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Wings (IS-BW)
2019-09-07 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Wings (IS-BW)
2019-09-07 New uniform upload approved
2019-09-04 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2019-09-04 Medal awarded : Legion of Combat (LoC)
2019-09-04 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Bronze Wings (IS-BW)
2019-09-03 Battle completed : XvT-TC 145 (4 missions)
2019-09-03 Battle completed : XvT-TC 42 (4 missions)
2019-09-02 Medals awarded : 2 Legions of Combat (LoCs)
2019-09-02 Battle completed : XvT-TC 41 (4 missions)
2019-09-02 New Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank achieved : Hussar [HUSS]
2019-09-02 Battle completed : XvT-TC 59 (4 missions)
2019-09-02 Battle completed : XvT-TC 5 (4 missions)
2019-09-01 Medal awarded : Commendation of Bravery (CoB)
2019-09-01 Battle completed : XvT-TC 3 (4 missions)
2019-09-01 Battle completed : TIE-TC 4 (6 missions)
2019-08-28 Battle completed : TIE-free 50 (1 mission)
2019-08-28 New assignment :
FL/LT Troy/Sin 3-1/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2019-08-28 IWATS Course added to Academic Record by the SOO : [TCCORE] - 100%
2019-08-28 Battle completed : XvT-TC 1 (6 missions)
2019-08-27 Battle completed : XvT-TC 2 (4 missions)
2019-08-27 New Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank achieved : Lancer [LANC]
2019-08-26 New uniform upload approved
2019-08-25 Battle completed : TIE-TC 3 (6 missions)
2019-08-24 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Combat (LoC)
2019-08-24 Medal awarded : Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2019-08-24 New Combat Rating achieved : Trainee
2019-08-24 Battle completed : TIE-TC 2 (6 missions)
2019-08-22 Medals awarded : 1 Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2019-08-22 New COOP/PVE Rating achieved : Beginner
2019-08-22 Battle completed : TIE-TC 1 (5 missions)
2019-08-22 New Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank achieved : Grenadier [GREN]
2019-08-20 New promotion : Lieutenant (LT)
2019-08-20 Battle completed : TIE-TC 38 (5 missions)
2019-08-19 Battle completed : XvT-free 1 (1 mission)
2019-08-19 New assignment :
FM/SL Troy/Sin 1-4/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2019-08-19 Obtained TIE Corps Flight Certification
2019-08-19 New rank set by the TCCOM : Sub-Lieutenant (SL)

Showing all 52 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Palpatine Crescent

The Palpatine Crescent can be awarded by Wing Commanders and Squadron Commanders to Flight Members and above for exceptional service to the wing or squadron. This could include help with overall management of a squadron or wing or a member who is consistently contributing new ideas for the unit.

Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (5)
Competition Award End Date
Warrior Commodore's Escort Flight Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2019-12-31
Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2019-12-31
Wing II Commander's Escort Flight Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2019-12-31
TIE Corps in Battle 2019 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2019-12-31
TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization Iron Star with Bronze Wings 2019-08-31
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Mission Creation and Beta Testing Standards 85% 2019-08-31
Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood 100% 2019-08-30
TIE Corps Core 100% 2019-08-23

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name