Palpatine Report # 3 (2023-11-14)

This report was submitted by BTL/JUG Locke Setzer/Stingray/Drakonan


November 14, 2023
JUG Locke Setzer

Dark Greetings, Member of Battleteam Stingray! We have another month in the books, with one battleteam-wide competition finished and another one soon beginning, as well as some news and whispers circulating throughout the Dark Brotherhood as a whole! So, without further ado...


Competition Results: Book of Stingray

Congratulations to all our participants for this competition: MRD Westric Davalorn, MRD Legion Ordo, MRD Habu, ACO Master, and NOV Maston Dane (with an extra shout out to NOV OL" Davy Jones who put some finishing touches on Maston Dane's work). I had a lot of fun reading and reviewing each of your submissions. Ultimately, awards were given to MRD Westric Davalorn (first), ACO Master (second), and MRD Legion Ordo (third), but all participants have completed their first creative work, and are one step closer to carrying the lightsaber! Congrats to all!

I've compiled everyone's works (my non-competition submission included) into a compilation novel, the aforenamed BOOK OF STINGRAY! Definitely recommend checking it out when you get a chance!

Thanks again to everyone who participated! As a friendly reminder, you don't need a competition or event to work on your creative works... but if you like the extra motivation, this kind of competition is likely to return some time in the future...

New Competition Alert: Cauldron of Fire

With a fiction/art competition behind us, I'd like to swing hard towards the other direction with a new competition that will run for the next month: the Cauldron of Fire! If it's not clear from the name, this will be a Cluster of Fire-oriented competition, focused on rewarding members for achieving Clusters of Fire and contributing them to the cauldron that is our battleteam!

The initial premise is simple: earn the most Clusters of Fire within the timeframe! I will be tracking submissions and the three members with the highest total Clusters of Fire earned will be rewarded with a Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Topaz Star, and Crescent with Quartz Star respectively

But wait! There's more! In the interests of promoting use of other game platforms, I will also be rewarding the three Battleteam members with the most Clusters of Fires earned across different platforms. So there will also be a Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Topaz Star, and Crescent with Quartz Star up for grabs for the three members who manage to earn a Cluster of Fire across the most game platforms.

Competition will run from November 15th - December 18th (EH Time). While I am typically considered "optional" for Cluster of Fire submissions, please consider me "mandatory" for the duration of this competition.

Additional details can be found here. If you need a refresher on the criteria for Clusters of Fire and how best to submit them, please take a look at the Guidance and Expectations section at the end of this report!

Please reach out to me if you have any questions!

Promotions, Awards, Arrivals, and Departures!


This week sees the arrival of APP Vanguard88 to the ranks of Stingray! We welcome the TIE Corps' resident Baron with open arms, and hope we can help guide him towards even greater powers...


Quite a few promotions in October and into November! Some of these are recent, some have past, but let me again congratulate the following Stingray members on their promotions since our last report:

  • Promoted to Warrior
    • WAR TheBlackxRanger
  • Promoted to Knight, and may now wear their lightsaber openly...
    • KNT Triji Boliv
  • Promoted to Juggernaut
    • JUG Atashi Rain
    • JUG Brutalist
  • Promoted to Marauder
    • MRD Habu
    • MRD Legion Ordo
    • MRD Westric Davalorn
  • Promoted to Acolyte
    • ACO Alexandre Morgan
    • ACO Master
    • ACO Sylas Pitt

If you're curious for more info on rank requirements and expectations for promotions, I highly recommend reviewing the Guidance and Expectations section at the end of this report!


Quite a few medals this month, particularly for both activity and competition performance!

  • Steel Cross
    • WAR TheBlackxRanger
    • JUG Brutalist
    • JUG Locke Setzer
    • MRD fr0zen
    • MRD Robert Hogan
    • NOV Maston Dane
  • Star of Eos
    • MRD Westric Davalorn
    • NOV Master
  • Dark Cross
    • KNT Aardvark
    • ACO Alexandre Morgan
    • NOV OL" Davy Jones
  • Crescent with Diamond Star
    • WAR TheBlackxRanger (x2)
    • WAR TI-40026
    • KNT Aardvark (x2)
    • NOV Maston Dane
  • Crescent with Ruby Star
    • WAR TheBlackxRanger (x2)
    • NOV Maston Dane (x4)
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star
    • WAR John T. Clark
    • WAR TheBlackxRanger
    • WAR TI-40026
    • KNT Aardvark
    • ACO Drun'der Chuanach
  • Crescent with Emerald Star
    • MRD Westric Davalorn
  • Crescent with Topaz Star
    • ACO Master
  • Crescent with Quartz Star
    • WAR TI-40026
    • KNT TheBlackxRanger
    • JUG Locke Setzer
    • MRD Legion Ordo
  • Cluster(s) of Fire*
    • L Elwood the Brave (x15)
    • WAR TheBlackxRanger (x12)
    • KNT Aardvark
    • MRD Brutalist (x114)
    • MRD Robert Hogan (x26)
    • MRD Habu (x82)
    • NOV Maston Dane (x66)
  • Legion(s) of the Scholar
    • JUG Locke Setzer (x9)
    • KNT Aardvark
    • KNT Triji Boliv
    • MRD Robert Hogan
    • MRD Habu
    • ACO Sylas Pitt
*Forgive me on the Cluster of Fire numbers - I am only listing those awarded in October for this report. Let it be known that many of the members listed above have continued to earn additional Cluster of Fires this month!

If you're curious for more information on different medals, what is needed to earn them, and some of the criteria we're using in the Dark Brotherhood to determine what's awarded, please take a look at the Guidance and Expectations section at the end of this report!


The following members were moved to the Rogues this month:

  • JUG Atashi Rain
  • NOV Kane Polybius
  • NOV Rui Borges

We hope to see each of them back, here or elsewhere in the Dark Brotherhood, at some point in the future.


Dark Voice #1 Submissions Requested!

The Grand Master has announced the return of the Dark Brotherhood newsletter, the DARK VOICE! Submissions are now open. If you have a piece of fiction, art, editorials, or anything you'd like shared with the Emperor's Hammer membership, please send it over directly to our Grand Master, Darth Surgo!

Note that submissions don't need to be new - this could be something you made for a competition (Raise the Flag, Book of Stingray) or have already shared on the #artwork-and-writings Discord channel. Just make sure to have your submissions in to Darth Surgo no later than December 17th, 2023!

For more information, please view the competition listing hare.

Competition Results: Symbols of Clan Drakonan

Results are in for the Symbols of Clan Drakonan competition! Congratulations to all who participated, and specifically to NOV Maston Dane, MRD Westric Davalorn, and KNT Aardvark, who placed first, second, and third respectively with their submissions for Stingray's sigil!

The top three submissions for Drakonan and Hyperion's sigils were also obtained by Stingray members! Congrats again to KNT Aardvark and MRD Westric Davalornon their first and second place entries for both Clan Drakonan's sigil and Hyperion's sigil. Additional congratulations to TheBlackxRanger on a third place finish for Clan Drakonan's sigil!

I am very pleased to include Stingray's winning sigil at the top of this month's report, as well as on the cover of our Book of Stingray compilation! I'll be sneaking in the other two as well, (perhaps even in this report...). Nevertheless, all winning sigils can be seen in the #artworks-and-writings Discord channel. Additionally, the Stingray winning entries can be found on Stingray's wikipedia page on the Emperor's Hammer wiki.

I look forward to putting the winning Stingray entry at the top of my report in the future...

Dark Council Meeting Minutes

The Dark Council has regularly been posting their weekly meeting minutes online. While there are plans to compile all of these together in a central spot, for now I encourage you to review the latest and greatest, located here.

There are many significant changes coming in the days ahead. I intend to do my best to keep everyone apprised and up-to-speed as things become official, but I highly recommend reviewing these meeting minutes to give you an idea of some of the things on the horizon, before they arrive.

After all, Knowledge is a pathway to Power...


With so many ongoing changes in the Dark Brotherhood as a whole, I like to maintain this regular section with useful information about Dark Brotherhood activities and expectations for membership which I believe may prove valuable.


The expectations here are pretty simple: participate with the Dark Brotherhood! That sounds obvious, but it's worth stating. Participation comes in many forms of course - whether it's participating in a Dark Brotherhood competition, playing one of our many supported platforms, creating fiction or art, or simply hanging out in the Discord channel, the base expectation is that you're here to engage with the Dark Brotherhood. There's a lot of different avenues to participate in, and sometimes that can be overwhelming. But if you're having trouble finding something to do, please reach out to me directly and we'll work something out.

For our TC-dedicated members, there is an expectation that you do more than simply sign up for the Dark Brotherhood and forget about it. Yes, much of your TC activity will count here as well, but for rewards and progress, we'd still like to see some DB-specific participation - whether that be with the type of activities (CoFs, DB-centric SP missions, Shadow Academy, etc.), DB-specific platforms (GoH, STO, JA), or simply engaging in the Dark Brotherhood Discord channel with your fellow Stingray battleteam members. Please reach out if you have any questions!


Clusters of Fire (CoFs), the DB medal for victory in PvP matches, are still submitted via a manual process. You must e-mail the screenshot of your MP winning match to our Master-At-Arms INQ Taurus ( and (usually optional, but this month will be MANDATORY for the Cauldron of Fire competition) to myself, JUG Locke Setzer (

As a quick refresher, CoFs are earned not just by winning a PvP match, but by placing above over half of your team members. For example:

  • In matches with 3 or less players on each team, only the 1st place player (according to score/kills/efficiency) would be eligible.
  • In matches with 4-5 players on each team, only the 1st or 2nd place player (according to score/kills/efficiency) would be eligible.
  • In matches with 6+ players on each team, only the 1st, 2nd or 3rd place player (according to score/kills/efficiency) would be eligible.
And so on. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to myself or INQ Taurus. Approved platforms are listed here. Note that there's a number that aren't included in the TC! So if someone wants to break out Jedi Academy, this is the place to do it...


Promotions are granted to individuals who have engaged in Dark Brotherhood related activities for the minimum specified time period for their current rank (at least). There are, however, three ranks that require an additional action to achieve.

  • Acolyte - In order for a Novice to be promoted to Acolyte, they must complete the DB:CORE exam, located here.
  • Stalker - In order for a Juggernaut to be promoted to Stalker, they must complete a creative work demonstrating how their character acquired the parts to make a lightsaber. Fiction is the common route, but there are many other options available. Please consult with the Herald (along with your Battleteam Leader) to identify if your desired creative work will be accepted before proceeding.
  • Knight - In order for a Stalker to be promoted to Knight (and be granted the ability to wear a lightsaber openly, including on their TIE Corps uniform), they must complete all Shadow Academy courses regarding lightsaber construction, as well as a creative work demonstrating how their character assembled their lightsaber. Fiction is the common route, but there are many other options available. Please consult with the Herald (along with your Battleteam Leader) to identify if your desired creative work will be accepted before proceeding.
For more information about ranks of the Dark Brotherhood, please review the relevant Dark Side Compendium page on the Emperor's Hammer Wiki.


We have a number of writers and artists in this battleteam, which I love! The arts are, to me, one of the fundamental pillars that the Dark Brotherhood was founded on. I highly encourage you to share your creations on the Discord channel (especially in #artworks-and-writing). I also highly encourage you to consider uploading your fiction creations to your profile in the EH page (after logging in, under Management, choose "Manage fiction submissions"). This makes it easier for me to keep track of what you've created (and when you've done it), and it also gives others a one-stop-location for your creations. That being said, this is recommended, but not required - all I do ask is that, if you don't upload them to the main EH/DB site, please forward me a copy for my records.

For art, we don't yet have a go-to stop on your profile for uploading things... yet. So in the meantime, please just make sure I'm aware of any creation you produce. And keep your eyes towards the horizon for future options...


As we continue to re-organize and focus towards the future, there are ongoing opportunities for greater leadership in the Dark Brotherhood! Please reach out to me if you are interested - but note that completion of the DB General Leadership will likely be a prerequisite for most positions.

My thanks to everyone who has reached out to me so far! Please be patient - as we continue to restructure the Dark Brotherhood, opportunities are coming!


Motto: Intercepting the past, changing the future.
Nickname: The Flying Sith
Unit Reports

Battleteam Leader: BTL JUG Locke Setzer
Battleteam Members:

Thus concludes this month's report for Stingray! If you have any questions about things going on in Stingray, the Dark Brotherhood, or anything else, please feel free to reach out! My email is and my Discord name is LockeSetzer. Please use whichever is most convenient for you. My door is always open!

In Service,


BTL/JUG Locke Setzer/Stingray Battleteam/Clan Drakonan

COL TheBlackxRanger at 2023-11-14 (16:34)
Love the stingray patches!

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