Drakonan Report # 89 (2020-11-10)

This report was submitted by SW Earnim Branet

Resultado de imagen para sith gif star warshttp://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/images/ClanDrakonan2019.jpgResultado de imagen para sith gif star wars

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLAN DRAKONAN CONSUL REPORT N°89 - 09/NOV/2020

FROM: SW  Earnim Branet

Greetings Members of the Clan Drakonan.

The results of the Defenders of Aurora Prime Phase V and Sword of Clan Drakonan competitions have already been delivered and the medals have already been received by the winners. Congratulations!.

The MSE os the Clan is complete and the medals have been submitted for your approval. We congratulate all those who have been awarded which is a recognition of their dedication and effort during the past month. Now we must concentrate all our efforts in this Month. Good luck to everyone!

We must regret the passage to the rogues of APP Sunfell. We hope he are doing well and that he can contact us again in the future.

We should also rejoice with two new promotions. ACO Sparky has been elevated to the rank of Protector and PRT Coremy Jertese has been elevated to the rank of Guardian. Congratulations and excellent work!

Retro-Review: Vader’s Past and Present Collide in Marvel’s Darth Vader #3
Darth Vader is finally back! After a couple months without this story, I am happy to be writing a review for it. For those who have forgotten some of the current story, I’ll give a brief overview. The current story takes place right after The Empire Strikes Back. Luke knows Vader is his father and Vader failed to turn him to the dark side. Now, Vader is on a mission to destroy whoever made Luke “weak”. This leads him on another mission to find out what exactly happened to Padme, only to discover one of Padmé’s former handmaiden, Sabé. They decide to join forces to discover what happened to Padmé. The second issue ends with Sabé, Vader, and his clever forensics droid Zed-67 traveling to Naboo where she has hidden security videos of Padme’s quarters right before she disappeared. Lets take a look into this third issue… More information here: https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2020/07/review-vaders-past-and-present-collide-in-marvels-darth-vader-3.html


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgIN-GAME STATUS OF EH-CORPS

File:Federation Emblem.png


Star Trek Online Federation Fleet:

Fleet Level: 61 (+1)
- Colony World Level: 2
- Dilithium Mine Level: 3
- Embassy Level: 3
- K-13 Level: 2
- Research Lab Level: 2
- Spire Level: 2
- Starbase Level: 4

File:Klingon Empire Emblem.png


Star Trek Online Klingon Fleet:

Fleet Level: 7 (+1)
- Colony World Level: 0
- Dilithium Mine Level: 0
- Embassy Level: 1 (+1)
- K-13 Level: 0
- Research Lab Level: 0
- Spire Level: 0
- Starbase Level: 1


Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Guild name: Aggressor Strike Force
current guild strength: 44.752.372 points (+3.187.968 points)

Guild members: 50/50 (+0)
DB members: 9 
last guild-event result: No data.

Last raid results:  "Kuiil is now available (the Ugnaut from the Mandalorian) and a new raid starts in 24 hours (tank take down) no guild events are up right now."
Information courtesy of SBL Talons Pryde.

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgDB COMPETITIONS


Pimp the Fleets V8.0

Start Date: January 1, 2020
End Date: December 31, 2020
Groups involved: All STO playing DB members
Awards: Cr-Q - Cr-D monthly - BN - GN and Cr-E - Cr-D annual
Every month I will calculate the donations every DB member did to the EH ingame fleets in STO. With those donation points I will built up rankinglists for each fleet section and an overall rankinglist for each fleet. Awards will be Cr-E for first, Cr-T for second and Cr-Q for third in each section, Cr-A for first, Cr-S for second and Cr-E for third overall in each fleet.
At the end of the year, based on the amount of donations, there will be an annual rankinglist for each section and one for each fleet. Annual awards for each section will be Cr-A/Cr-S/Cr-E for 1st/2nd/3rd, for the winners in each fleet Cr-D/Cr-R/Cr-A for 1st/2nd/3rd.
To better compare the monthly donations to both fleets, the participants will earn overall points for placement in the section ranking lists, 4 points for first, 3 points for second, 2 points for third and 1 point for all other participants in that section. These overall points will be summed up for each member and a ranking list based on these will be used to crown the overall winner for the month. First place in that ranking list will receive the prestigious Cr-D, second a Cr-R, third a Cr-A.
These donation points will be summed up and put into a rankinglist at the end of the year. The annual winner in this rankinglist will receive a Gold Nova, the second placed a Silver Nova and third a Bronze Nova.

Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet



Defenders of Aurora Prime Phase V - 2020

Start Date: January 1, 2020
End Date: December 31, 2020
Groups involved: Clan Drakonan

Awards: Monthly Part:
1st place Crescent with Amethyst Star / 2nd place Crescent with Sapphire Star / 3rd place Crescent with Emerald Star
The winner will be awarded additional with a Kaiburr Star. The Kaiburr Star can be achieved only 3 times in a row.
Awards: Yearly Part:
1st place Crescent with Diamond Star / 2nd place Crescent with Ruby Star / 3rd place Crescent with Amethyst Star
The overall winner of the year will be awarded additional with a Silver Nova, the second will be awarded a Bronze Nova.

The Aurora Prime defense continues!
Every end of the month all awarded Clusters of Fire will be summed-up. The crucial factor will be the tracking spreadsheet of the MAA, CON and P:GM of Clan Drakonan. All Dark Brotherhood multiplayer approved games for earning Clusters of Fire will count for this competition.
In the end of the year, all screens will be summed up again and the winner of the year will be awarded with a high-ranking award additional to the Crescents.
Screenshots for CoF approval have to be send to the MAA of the DB and the CON and the P:GM of Clan Drakonan.

Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet


Sword of Clan Drakonan competition - 2020

Start Date: January 1, 2020
End Date: December 31, 2020
Groups involved: Clan Drakonan

Awards: Monthly Part: 1st place Crescent with Amethyst Star / 2nd place Crescent with Sapphire Star / 3rd place Crescent with Emerald Star. The winner will be awarded additional with a Kaiburr Star. The Kaibur Star can be achieved only 3 times in a row.
Awards: Yearly Part: 1st place Crescent with Diamond Star / 2nd place Crescent with Ruby Star / 3rd place Crescent with Amethyst Star. The overall winner of the year will be awarded additional with a Silver Nova, the second will get a Bronze Nova

For this competition points, will be given for certain activities, which are listed below.
The winner in the end of the month will be announced as wheeler of the Sword of Clan Drakonan. Additionally, Crescents will be handed out. See below.

Here's the breakdown of points earned by each Battle Team member in the Sword of Drakonan competition.
- TIE Fighter/XWA/ etc.: 1 point per mission flown /  2 points for every high score earned
- Multiplayer Gaming (on any official platform): 1 point per match played / 1 point per earned CoF
Multiplayer points will be calculated the following way:
o PvP+COOP+CoF = MP points
o Based on the MP points following points will be given: 500 MP points and more: 4 points / 300-499 MP points: 3 points / 150-299 MP points: 2 points / 149 MP points and less: 1 point
- Gaming activity: 4 points per hour tracked by any game time tracker app. Screens sent to CON Earnim Branet
- SW TOR: 1 point per in-game character level achieved. Multiple characters are cumulatively scored. Send screens of your characters to CON Earnim Branet to show the progress of thee characters. Max characters will be get 50 points once.
- STO Activity: Based on the monthly calculation of the “Pimp the Fleet” competition (calculated for both fleets), for every section points will be given:
1. Place: 4 points / 2. Place: 3 points / 3. Place: 2 points / 4. Place: 1 point / 5. Place and more: 1 point
- SW: GoH - Based on the monthly calculation of the in-game tracking points for the evaluations following points will be given:
3.500 points and more: 4 points / 2.500-3.499 points: 3 points / 1.000-2.499 points: 2 points / 999 points or less: 1 point
- DB Fiction: 2 points per page, an extra point for a submission that wins a competition
- Graphics/Videos Creation: 2-5 points depending on the size and detail of each
- Mission, Mod, Map, Level Creation: 2-5 points depending on the size and detail of each
- Coursework: 3 points for successful completion of any course in the Imperial University. Forward the result to CON Earnim Branet, to get the points.
- Recruiting: 5 points for each new member recruited that becomes active and stays so for at least a month.

Serving as BTL: Each week counts as 2 points, the BTL must produce a unit report (even when there isn’t much to say) and be active in at least one other activity listed above
- Trivia and other miscellaneous types of activity/competition: 1 point for participating in each competition / 2 points for winning a competition.

Awards: For achieving certain awards, points will be also given. The awards include competition awards and general awards.

Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet

The list of all current competitions can be seen here: http://www.emperorshammer.org/comps.php

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLAN ROSTER

Hyperion Flight Battle Team

The members of Hyperion are great Captains, accustomed to traveling through Galaxies aboard of all types of ships, whether scientific, exploration or combat. Of vocation of explorers, they are also formidable warriors when the situation requires it, capable of leading battle teams in any situation of crisis that may arise. The adventure is his north, and the recklessness his condition of life.


Stingray Battle Team

"Flying is for droids", said a well-known Jedi every time he had to maneuver a battle ship in battle. That will be fine for the Jedi, but not for the Sith. A Sith is able to fly any type of combat ship in any situation, and lose his life in it if is necessary. The members of Stingray are excellent pilots, reckless and lethal. They stand out in training battles as well as in life and death battles. That is your lifestyle, and your combat ship, your home.

Sentinel Battle Team

Air, land, sea or space. Any environment is acceptable to these warriors and explorers. They can be excellent foot soldiers, like great admirals in command of large armies, with excellent tactical and strategy sense, or excellent overall vision to manage large navies. As an individual soldier or in command of a battle group, nothing stops them. A member of Sentinel can be what he want, or take any role that the situation requires.

BTL/SWL Darkfinn.

BTL/PRT Jarion Renalds

BTL/SBL Tygra Shadowclaw

BTM/SBL Torres

BTM/DSP Pellaeon

BTM/SBL Talons Pryde

BTM/SK Jedi Eclipse

BTM/SWL Anahorn Dempsey

BTM/ACO Keth Aalith

BTM/DSM Exar Kit

BTM/SBL Coranel Both

BTM/ACO Syntroth 


BTM/SW Golbez Harvey

BTM/SW Zekk Terrik 


BTM/ACO Rachel Tahiri Drakon

BTM/ACO Sparky


BTM/ACO Aldaric

BTM/PRT Coremy Jertese


BTM/GRD Pete Mitchell

BTM/NOV Highlander


BTM/DA Silvius

BTM/NOV Rin Jaeger


BTM/SK John T. Clark












http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgDB SUPPORTED GAMES

An overview of the games, which are supported in the DB:

Real Time Strategy

Flight Sims

First Person Shooter

Empire at War


Jedi Outcast

Rebellion (aka Supremacy)

TIE Fighter

Jedi Academy

Sins of Solar Empire

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

Battlefront II

Dawn of War I

X-Wing Alliance

EA Battlefront I and II

Dawn of War II

FreeWorlds (Freelancer mod)

Battlefiled 2

Starcraft II

FreeSpace 2

Battlefield 2142



Battlefield Bad Company 2


Star Conflict

Battlefield 3


Star Wars: Squadrons 

Call of Duty 4 (Modern Warfare 1)

Star Wars: The Old Republic


Call of Duty 6 (Modern Warfare 2)

Star Trek Online

Mobile Games

Call of Duty 7 (Modern Warfare: Black Ops)

Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Call of Duty 8 (Modern Warfare 3)



Team Fortress 2



Killing Floor

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgResultado de imagen para emperor hammer dark brotherhood swtor guild"

This section will provide information about our Guild in the Game Star Wars The Old Republic.

Name of Guild: Emperor's Hammer. (Empire)
Server: Star Forge
Grand Master: Garonin
- Earnim Branet. Sith Marauder. Deputy member.
- Talons Pryde. Operative.
- Exar kit. Sith Marauder.
- Tygra Shadowclaw. Sith Juggernaut.
- Rachel Tahiri Drakon: Kera Draco, Sith Assassin.

Name of Guild: The Infiltrator Wing. (Republic)
Server: Star Forge
Grand Master: Leghrand (Garonin)
- Earnim Branet. Vanguard Trooper Branet. Star Forge server. Deputy member.

SWTOR In-Game Events for May

Feast of Prosperity
Date: October 20th - November 10th, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 11:00AM PDT/6:00PM UTC)
Requirement: Level 20+
Over the years, the Hutt Cartel’s reputation has taken a hit. The once powerful organization no longer instills respect and fear. To restore the Cartel’s influence, two up-and-coming Hutts, Gaboorga the Abundant and Duuba the Magnanimous, are throwing the most lavish “charitable banquet” in history for the galaxy’s underprivileged. And if the Cartel happens to advance their business interests during the Feast, everyone wins!
If Gaboorga and Duuba can cooperate, they could rocket the Cartel back into the upper echelons of the galactic underworld. But the Hutts’ conflicting priorities means they’re constantly undermining each other. Each week a new Story Mission will unlock to progress this storyline, leading to the climatic choice during the third and final week: Gaboorga or Duuba? Only one Hutt can win, and the fate of the Feast of Prosperity is at stake. Choose wisely!
More information here:
Claim Your Free Mini-pet to Celebrate the Star Wars™: Squadrons Launch!
We have all been counting the days until we could jump into our very own cockpits in a galaxy far, far away! The day has finally arrived and we are excited to experience the adventures of Vanguard Squadron in Star Wars™: Squadrons. Join us in offering a huge congratulations to our friends at Motive on their amazing accomplishment!
As a studio that has spent its fair share of time piloting starships, we were especially drawn to Vanguard Squadron. So, in their honor and as a special congratulations to the Motive team, we have built a remote-controlled Starship Mini-pet based on their design! We worked hand-in-hand with the Motive team to ensure our design was influenced by Vanguard Squadron while also remaining true to The Old Republic being thousands of years earlier. We present to you the Model Corellian Stardrive Vanguard.
More information here:
Infamous Bounty Hunter's Armor Set
Inspired by The Mandalorian, check out the newest Armor Sets, Weapons, mounts, and more, available now on the Cartel Market!
More information here:
Bounty Contract Week
Date: November 3 - November 10 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 10:00AM PST/6:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Level 15+
For a limited time, the Bounty Brokers Association has opened its doors to anyone willing to take on their dangerous contracts, offering an opportunity for both seasoned and rookie hunters to prove their skills and bring crime syndicates and violent gangs to justice!
Each day, you can sign up for one standard Henchman contract and one high profile Kingpin Contract, and each may take you to a separate planet. Complete five standard contracts to unlock Kingpin missions with bigger loot! Head to the fleet now, invite your friends and visit representatives of the Association to get started on your contracts!
The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally
Date: November 17 – November 24, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 10:00AM PST/6:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Levels 20+
In the growing shadow of war, swoop fans across the galaxy descend on Dantooine, Tatooine, and even Onderon for the sport’s biggest spectacle—The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally! They’re packing the stands, eager to take their minds off their troubles and cheer their favorite swoop gangs. The bikers are here to take on dangerous challenge courses, show off their piloting skills, and flaunt their souped-up swoop bikes. The thunder of the engines, the deafening applause from the fans, the wind battering their helmets… there’s no bigger rush for these thrill seekers.
Despite their reputation as wild rebels whose makeshift courses disregard local districting restrictions, swoop gangs aren’t a serious threat to anyone--something all true swoop fans know! They just love adrenaline-pounding speed, sweet jumps, and big explosions, and the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally combines all three in one crowd-pleasing package. The biggest gangs on the circuit — Horizon’s Razor, the Pit Screamers, and the Blatant Beks — are ready to show their fans a great time.



The idea is that those who play SWTOR send their information of their characters to my e-mail to complete their data and thus be able to perform some activity in the future.



This section provides Star Trek Online game information, news and commentary to help improve the performance of our fleets and the experience of our Brotherhood players.

Tips from the Hyperion BTL, SWL Darkfinn to improve our contributions to the Brotherhood fleets.

Previous fleet managers have taken a balanced approach to the fleet holdings. This works with a large group of players who are constantly turning projects, but with a smaller group it is less than ideal. There are certain aspects of the holdings which provide better benefits than others, so let's get those completed first then circle back to fill out the rest.

- The Dilithium Mine and Embassy are now complete, so let's not waste any more resources on those areas when they can provide growth elsewhere.
- On the Starbase we need to focus Tactical. Tier V Tactical gives access to all the best fleet quality ships, so we need to hit that hard and grind it until it's done, then we can finish out Science and Engineering.
- On the Spire we need to focus Research. Tier III Research gives access to Tactical Consoles that provide +Crit Chance, which is the best option. When that's done we can focus on finishing Operations.
- Research lab need to focus Development in order to finish it out, so we can upgrade the whole lab and be done there.
- Colony needs to focus Infrastructure and Energy, which provide equipment. Morale is training manuals and Officers... less important in the immediate future.
- I don't particularly care for anything that K-13 provides, so we can continue the balanced approach there.
- Also, please don't put Dilithium into any Dilithium only projects when it can be used elsewhere... that's wasteful.

If you need gear, if you need tips on skill planning, if you need help leveling, if you want to know about simple keybinds, just ask. The missions are much easier and more enjoyable when you are properly equipped and trained. 


Accelerate Your Reputation!
No matter where your adventure in the Final Frontier takes you, one thing is always true: Reputation is everything. You’ve done the work to advance your Reputation with your allies across the quadrants, but you want to do more. That opportunity is presenting itself to you, Captains, with our all new Reputation Purchase system.
Tier 5 Reputation Buyouts will become available to Captains on PC with an update this week, and very soon after to Captains on Xbox One and Playstation 4. You’ll notice a new button in the Reputation window, allowing you the option to spend Zen to complete any Reputation up to Tier 5. The starting price for this service is 3000 Zen, but it will decrease in price depending on how much of the Reputation’s XP you’ve already earned.
More information here:
The Widening Gyre Event!
As part of our upcoming content release, from October 6th to November 5th, PC Captains playing Star Trek Online will have access to a special event: The Widening Gyre. This new event will provide participating Captains with an epic reward, the Imperial Rift Space Set. Read on to find out more about the event and its rewards.
Event Progress
Participating in this event grants daily progress towards the Grand Prize: The Imperial Rift Space Set. Obtaining the Imperial Rift Space Set requires 20 daily progress, and Captains can earn one daily progress per account per day by playing either the brand new episode or brand new Task Force Operation in our upcoming content release (more details on that, soon!).
More information here:
Upgrade a T6 Ship for Free!
Very soon on PC, (and quickly after on Xbox One and Playstation 4) we will be introducing a new Starship feature that will allow captains to apply additional capabilities to their favorite starships, pushing their performance to new heights. This system, called “Experimental Upgrades” will allow T6 and T5-U Starships to be upgraded beyond their current limits, adding new equipment slots and other options to any upgraded ship that you take into battle.
Experimental Upgrades can be applied by visiting any Ship Selector location, which are found in most starbases and social zones, and will make use of a new token called “Experimental Starship Upgrade Tokens.” These tokens will be found in numerous places throughout Star Trek Online, allowing captains multiple methods of obtaining the materials they need to push their starships’ performance capabilities beyond the stars. From October 6th to November 5th, anyone can claim one of these tokens per account in the Space Items section of the Zen Store for free!
More information here:
The Year of Klingon: Part 2
The Year of Klingon continues its rise to glory. Beginning with our June update, House Divided, we announced the Year of Klingon as an initiative where both our main story would focus on Klingon content, and we would take the time to update the early Klingon experience to modern standards. All this, while still keeping up new content and items for other factions across the board. As we get closer to our next update, it’s time to talk about the next round of updated Klingon content.
The second part of the Year of Klingon focuses on the story arc “Warzone.” This story continues your journey with Alexander, Worf’s son, who is living a new life as K’mtar. The missions in this arc have been streamlined, given all new environments, new cutscenes, and new character art. The Ketha region of Qonos has been given an updated mission flow, to help guide you to your next destination. In addition, Lady Sirella’s model has been completely reworked, and will be voiced by her original actress, Shannon Cochran.
More information here:
Star Trek Online on the Epic Games Store!
Star Trek Online is coming to the Epic Games Store! In addition to the ability to launch the game from Arc or Steam, we're now joining the Epic Games Storefront as a third option to play in the Final Frontier on PC. This means you'll be able to download and launch STO from the Epic Games Store, as well as purchase Zen bundles from their storefront. You can find STO on the Epic Games Store by following this link:
As part of our launch in the Epic Games Store, Star Trek Online is launching the Epic Pack for Epic Games Users.
More information here:
The Legendary Mirror Bundle
Ever since The Original Series first introduced the Mirror Universe in “Mirror, Mirror”, it has captured the imagination of fans, appearing in several different series, and in Star Trek Online in various episodes and events. As a universe with humans who never grew out of bigotry, warmongering, and hatred, and all the changes inflicted on the galaxy as a result, it dances between a warning to improve our ways and an inspiration at the ongoing fight to make that galaxy a better place.
For players interested in exploring more of their villainous side, we’re releasing a brand new bundle for Star Trek Online, coming on October 22nd for 6,000 Zen! This bundle brings together some of the must-have items for any would-be mirror captain in Star Trek Online – account-wide costume unlocks, an intimidating pet, ground and space weaponry, a new Tier 6 starship, and more! More information here:
The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert!
The entire Galaxy is going to Red Alert! Next week, we’re launching a new week-long event, called the Galactic Red Alert. From 11/05 @ 8am PT (17:00 CET) – 11/12 @ 10am PT (19:00 CET), all of our Red Alert events will be returning at once on all platforms, as the Final Frontier is caught in a massive invasion on all sides.
More information here:
Prometheus Ships of the Line
It’s time for another Ships of the Line Bundle! There are a lot of ships in the galaxy that have multiple tiers available, and we want to make it easier to get your hands on every version of your favorite starships. This time, it’s the Prometheus Class! An advanced Starfleet ship designed for deep space tactical assignments, the Prometheus is known for its incredibly powerful Multi-Vector Assault Mode. The Ships of the Line: Prometheus Bundle will cost 5000 Zen, and will be 35% off from November 5th at 8am PT (17:00 CET) to November 12th at 10am PT (19:00 CET).
More information here:
Star Trek Online at the Vendor's Haul Convention!
Star Trek Online is joining the programming of the Vendor’s Haul convention on November 7th! We’ll be putting on a panel with two of our favorite scientists, Erin Macdonald, the Science Advisor for Star Trek in general, and STLV mainstay, “The Bad Astronomer” Phil Plait! Joining them will be Senior Content Designer Jesse Heinig, to discuss Science and Star Trek Online. Specifically, we’ll be diving into the fun and challenge of creating a Black Hole in STO for our mission, “Gravity Kills!”
The panel takes place on November 7th at 10am PT. You can find out more information at VendorsHaul.com
The Legendary Discovery Captain Bundle
As Star Trek: Discovery celebrates its third season with the continuation of new adventures in a new timeline, it is time for Star Trek Online to celebrate the ongoing vitality of the franchise as well. If you haven’t already experienced the handcrafted experience of starting your career as a Federation captain amid the turmoil of the late-23rd century, now is your chance to do so with a bit of extra flair!
We are happy to announce the upcoming availability of the Legendary Discovery Captain Bundle. By attaining this bundle, you can now instantly raise the level of any single Discovery-Era Federation character on your account to Level 65!
More information here:
Lifetime Subscription Sale!
Hailing all Captains!
We are pleased to announce a sale on Lifetime Subscriptions from now November 5th at 8am PT to December 10th at 10am PT, bringing the price down by $100 to $199.99! Now is the perfect time to pick up a Lifetime Subscription to STO!
Enjoy all the rewards that come with being a Lifetime Subscriber. With exclusive species unlocks like playable Talaxian Species, instant access to all Lifetime Rewards, to Priority Login, there are dozens of reasons to become a lifetime subscriber today! You will even get 500 ZEN a month to spend on all the new gear and ships that come out in Star Trek Online. More information here:



http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgAWARD AND PROMOTIONS

73+ Sith Code Wallpapers on WallpaperPlay

PRT Coremy Jertese to GRD
ACO Sparky to PRT


DSP Elwood - Cr-E x10, Cr-Q x3, Cr-T, Cr-D, Cr-A x2, CoF x2, GC
SWL Miles Prower - Cr-T x3, Cr-Q x2, Cr-E x2, GC
SW Earnim Branet - Cr-Q x7, Cr-T x2, Cr-A, Cr-E, GC
GM Montte - Cr-E x3, Cr-T x8, Cr-Q, Cr-R, Cr-S x2, GC
SBL Coranel Both - Cr-A, KS, GC
SW Golbez Harvey - Cr-A, KS, GC
SK John T. Clark - Cr-S, GC
DSP Pellaeon - Cr-S, GC
SWL Dempsey - Cr-S
SW Zekk Terrik - Cr-S, DC
DSM Exar Kit - Cr-E
SBL Tygra Shadowclaw - SoE
SBL Talons Pryde - SoE
ACO Sparky - DC
NOV Highlander - SoE
PRT Jarion Renalds - DC
SWL Anahorn Dempsey - GC


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgOPEN COMMAND POSITIONS

- None


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCONSUL ACTIVITIES

Resultado de imagen para sith animated gifs- Played Star Trek Online
- Played Star Conflict
- Played Star Wars Squadrons
- Write Reports
- Mail activity


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLOSING COMMENTS

This is it for now. Take care, keep your social distance and we'll see you in the next report.

star wars loop GIF

Be ready....

Cosas de Kiko: Star Wars - Ted Mininni


CON/SW Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury
(SBx3) (GCx16) (SoI) (SoA) (SE-TB) (SN) (BNB) (KS-S) (Cr-Dx2-Rx3-Ax23-Sx6-Ex24-Tx38-Qx39) (CF-B)



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