Drakonan Report # 96 (2020-12-27)

This report was submitted by SW Earnim Branet

Resultado de imagen para sith gif star warshttp://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/images/ClanDrakonan2019.jpgResultado de imagen para sith gif star wars

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLAN DRAKONAN CONSUL REPORT N°96 - 27/DEC/2020

FROM: SW  Earnim Branet

Greetings Members of the Clan Drakonan.

These are the last days of the month and also of the year. Make your last efforts to take part in the clan competitions which end this Month and which will have an annual award in addition to the awards of the Month.

Also remember that Hyperion's BTL position is open to applications. As a main requirement it is required that you be an active Star trek Online player. Those who are interested send their applications to GM Tomaas Montte, DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave and MAA/SWL Miles Prower, with a copy to CON/SW Earnim Branet.

Retro Review: Luke Takes Another Step Towards Becoming A Jedi in Marvel’s Star Wars #6
At the end of the previous issue, Force-sensitive Verla flooded the cage which held Luke Skywalker, seemingly drowning him. She might know a thing or two about the Force and dark side users, but she has no experience with R2-D2.
Proving once again he is the true hero of Star Wars, the little droid electrocutes her and revives Luke. When Verla regains consciousness, Luke and R2-D2 have set up camp outside of the cave. Luke frees her and learns the name of Anakin Skywalker.
More information here:


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgIN-GAME STATUS OF EH-CORPS

File:Federation Emblem.png


Star Trek Online Federation Fleet:

Fleet Level: 61 (+1)
- Colony World Level: 2
- Dilithium Mine Level: 3
- Embassy Level: 3
- K-13 Level: 2
- Research Lab Level: 2
- Spire Level: 2
- Starbase Level: 4

File:Klingon Empire Emblem.png


Star Trek Online Klingon Fleet:

Fleet Level: 8 (+1)
- Colony World Level: 0
- Dilithium Mine Level: 0
- Embassy Level: 1 (+1)
- K-13 Level: 0
- Research Lab Level: 0
- Spire Level: 0
- Starbase Level: 1

OPINION - The Current State of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | GamePress


Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Guild name: Aggressor Strike Force
current guild strength: 44.752.372 points (+3.187.968 points)

Guild members: 50/50 (+0)
DB members: 9 
last guild-event result: No data.

Last raid results:  "

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/images/GoH23122020.png "
Information courtesy of SBL Talons Pryde.

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgDB COMPETITIONS


Pimp the Fleets V8.0

Start Date: January 1, 2020
End Date: December 31, 2020
Groups involved: All STO playing DB members
Awards: Cr-Q - Cr-D monthly - BN - GN and Cr-E - Cr-D annual
Every month I will calculate the donations every DB member did to the EH ingame fleets in STO. With those donation points I will built up rankinglists for each fleet section and an overall rankinglist for each fleet. Awards will be Cr-E for first, Cr-T for second and Cr-Q for third in each section, Cr-A for first, Cr-S for second and Cr-E for third overall in each fleet.
At the end of the year, based on the amount of donations, there will be an annual rankinglist for each section and one for each fleet. Annual awards for each section will be Cr-A/Cr-S/Cr-E for 1st/2nd/3rd, for the winners in each fleet Cr-D/Cr-R/Cr-A for 1st/2nd/3rd.
To better compare the monthly donations to both fleets, the participants will earn overall points for placement in the section ranking lists, 4 points for first, 3 points for second, 2 points for third and 1 point for all other participants in that section. These overall points will be summed up for each member and a ranking list based on these will be used to crown the overall winner for the month. First place in that ranking list will receive the prestigious Cr-D, second a Cr-R, third a Cr-A.
These donation points will be summed up and put into a rankinglist at the end of the year. The annual winner in this rankinglist will receive a Gold Nova, the second placed a Silver Nova and third a Bronze Nova.

Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet



Defenders of Aurora Prime Phase V - 2020

Start Date: January 1, 2020
End Date: December 31, 2020
Groups involved: Clan Drakonan

Awards: Monthly Part:
1st place Crescent with Amethyst Star / 2nd place Crescent with Sapphire Star / 3rd place Crescent with Emerald Star
The winner will be awarded additional with a Kaiburr Star. The Kaiburr Star can be achieved only 3 times in a row.
Awards: Yearly Part:
1st place Crescent with Diamond Star / 2nd place Crescent with Ruby Star / 3rd place Crescent with Amethyst Star
The overall winner of the year will be awarded additional with a Silver Nova, the second will be awarded a Bronze Nova.

The Aurora Prime defense continues!
Every end of the month all awarded Clusters of Fire will be summed-up. The crucial factor will be the tracking spreadsheet of the MAA, CON and P:GM of Clan Drakonan. All Dark Brotherhood multiplayer approved games for earning Clusters of Fire will count for this competition.
In the end of the year, all screens will be summed up again and the winner of the year will be awarded with a high-ranking award additional to the Crescents.
Screenshots for CoF approval have to be send to the MAA of the DB and the CON and the P:GM of Clan Drakonan.

Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet


Sword of Clan Drakonan competition - 2020

Start Date: January 1, 2020
End Date: December 31, 2020
Groups involved: Clan Drakonan

Awards: Monthly Part: 1st place Crescent with Amethyst Star / 2nd place Crescent with Sapphire Star / 3rd place Crescent with Emerald Star. The winner will be awarded additional with a Kaiburr Star. The Kaibur Star can be achieved only 3 times in a row.
Awards: Yearly Part: 1st place Crescent with Diamond Star / 2nd place Crescent with Ruby Star / 3rd place Crescent with Amethyst Star. The overall winner of the year will be awarded additional with a Silver Nova, the second will get a Bronze Nova

For this competition points, will be given for certain activities, which are listed below.
The winner in the end of the month will be announced as wheeler of the Sword of Clan Drakonan. Additionally, Crescents will be handed out. See below.

Here's the breakdown of points earned by each Battle Team member in the Sword of Drakonan competition.
- TIE Fighter/XWA/ etc.: 1 point per mission flown /  2 points for every high score earned
- Multiplayer Gaming (on any official platform): 1 point per match played / 1 point per earned CoF
Multiplayer points will be calculated the following way:
o PvP+COOP+CoF = MP points
o Based on the MP points following points will be given: 500 MP points and more: 4 points / 300-499 MP points: 3 points / 150-299 MP points: 2 points / 149 MP points and less: 1 point
- Gaming activity: 4 points per hour tracked by any game time tracker app. Screens sent to CON Earnim Branet
- SW TOR: 1 point per in-game character level achieved. Multiple characters are cumulatively scored. Send screens of your characters to CON Earnim Branet to show the progress of thee characters. Max characters will be get 50 points once.
- STO Activity: Based on the monthly calculation of the “Pimp the Fleet” competition (calculated for both fleets), for every section points will be given:
1. Place: 4 points / 2. Place: 3 points / 3. Place: 2 points / 4. Place: 1 point / 5. Place and more: 1 point
- SW: GoH - Based on the monthly calculation of the in-game tracking points for the evaluations following points will be given:
3.500 points and more: 4 points / 2.500-3.499 points: 3 points / 1.000-2.499 points: 2 points / 999 points or less: 1 point
- DB Fiction: 2 points per page, an extra point for a submission that wins a competition
- Graphics/Videos Creation: 2-5 points depending on the size and detail of each
- Mission, Mod, Map, Level Creation: 2-5 points depending on the size and detail of each
- Coursework: 3 points for successful completion of any course in the Imperial University. Forward the result to CON Earnim Branet, to get the points.
- Recruiting: 5 points for each new member recruited that becomes active and stays so for at least a month.

Serving as BTL: Each week counts as 2 points, the BTL must produce a unit report (even when there isn’t much to say) and be active in at least one other activity listed above
- Trivia and other miscellaneous types of activity/competition: 1 point for participating in each competition / 2 points for winning a competition.

Awards: For achieving certain awards, points will be also given. The awards include competition awards and general awards.

Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet


Short story
Start Date: December 7, 2020 / End Date: January 2, 2021
Groups involved: For Sentinel team members to participate in something other than flight based gaming.
Awards: First place - Cr-1Q Second place - no award Third place - no award
Write a short story in the Star Wars universe. Competition judging is purely subjective on your story idea. You will have until the 2th of January to submit your story in a text file, pdf file format or a word doc. Any submission not in the accepted formats will not be considered.
Comp Admin: SBL Tygra Shadowclaw

Alpha vs. Sentinel Holiday Competition
Start Date: December 6, 2020 / End Date: January 2, 2021
Groups involved: Alpha vs. Sentinel Holiday Competition Participants: Alpha Squadron and Sentinel Battleteam Dates: December 6 to January 2
Awards: Medals: The equivalents of: Bronze and Silver ribbons overall and individual events. A total of 8 each up for grabs.
Events: Graphics (25 points) – Judged by the wing, ship, and clan leadership Fiction (1 point per 50 words x scoring from 1 to 10) – Judged by the wing, ship, and clan leadership Holiday themed trivia (50 to 100 points – time will not be an issue) – Talons Pryde Weekly special task/event (50 points per event) – Judged by the wing, ship, and clan leadership Reporting requirements: Name Position TC/DB pins (both if in both) If there are any questions about this summary, please let me know. I would like this submitted for review by wednesday at the latest. The winners will get only one medal per event, either DB or TC even if in both. They may choose if in both the TC and DB teams.

Comp Admin: SBL Tygra Shadowclaw

The list of all current competitions can be seen here: http://www.emperorshammer.org/comps.php

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLAN ROSTER

Hyperion Flight Battle Team

The members of Hyperion are great Captains, accustomed to traveling through Galaxies aboard of all types of ships, whether scientific, exploration or combat. Of vocation of explorers, they are also formidable warriors when the situation requires it, capable of leading battle teams in any situation of crisis that may arise. The adventure is his north, and the recklessness his condition of life.


Stingray Battle Team

"Flying is for droids", said a well-known Jedi every time he had to maneuver a battle ship in battle. That will be fine for the Jedi, but not for the Sith. A Sith is able to fly any type of combat ship in any situation, and lose his life in it if is necessary. The members of Stingray are excellent pilots, reckless and lethal. They stand out in training battles as well as in life and death battles. That is your lifestyle, and your combat ship, your home.

Sentinel Battle Team

Air, land, sea or space. Any environment is acceptable to these warriors and explorers. They can be excellent foot soldiers, like great admirals in command of large armies, with excellent tactical and strategy sense, or excellent overall vision to manage large navies. As an individual soldier or in command of a battle group, nothing stops them. A member of Sentinel can be what he want, or take any role that the situation requires.


BTL/PRT Jarion Renalds

BTL/SBL Tygra Shadowclaw

BTM/SBL Torres

BTM/DSP Pellaeon

BTM/SBL Talons Pryde

BTM/SK Jedi Eclipse

BTM/SWL Anahorn Dempsey

BTM/ACO Keth Aalith

BTM/DSM Exar Kit

BTM/SBL Coranel Both

BTM/ACO Syntroth 


BTM/SW Golbez Harvey

BTM/SW Zekk Terrik 


BTM/ACO Rachel Tahiri Drakon

BTM/ACO Sparky


BTM/ACO Aldaric

BTM/PRT Coremy Jertese


BTM/GRD Pete Mitchell

BTM/ACO Highlander


BTM/DA Silvius

BTM/NOV Rin Jaeger


BTM/SK John T. Clark



BTM/NOV Hav Antiel









http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgDB SUPPORTED GAMES

An overview of the games, which are supported in the DB:

Real Time Strategy

Flight Sims

First Person Shooter

Empire at War


Jedi Outcast

Rebellion (aka Supremacy)

TIE Fighter

Jedi Academy

Sins of Solar Empire

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

Battlefront II

Dawn of War I

X-Wing Alliance

EA Battlefront I and II

Dawn of War II

FreeWorlds (Freelancer mod)

Battlefiled 2

Starcraft II

FreeSpace 2

Battlefield 2142



Battlefield Bad Company 2


Star Conflict

Battlefield 3


Star Wars: Squadrons 

Call of Duty 4 (Modern Warfare 1)

Star Wars: The Old Republic


Call of Duty 6 (Modern Warfare 2)

Star Trek Online

Mobile Games

Call of Duty 7 (Modern Warfare: Black Ops)

Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Call of Duty 8 (Modern Warfare 3)



Team Fortress 2



Killing Floor

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgResultado de imagen para emperor hammer dark brotherhood swtor guild"

This section will provide information about our Guild in the Game Star Wars The Old Republic.

Name of Guild: Emperor's Hammer. (Empire)
Server: Star Forge
Grand Master: Garonin
- Earnim Branet. Sith Marauder. Deputy member.
- Talons Pryde. Operative.
- Exar kit. Sith Marauder.
- Tygra Shadowclaw. Sith Juggernaut.
- Rachel Tahiri Drakon: Kera Draco, Sith Assassin.

Name of Guild: The Infiltrator Wing. (Republic)
Server: Star Forge
Grand Master: Leghrand (Garonin)
- Earnim Branet. Vanguard Trooper Branet. Star Forge server. Deputy member.

SWTOR In-Game Events for December

Life Day
Date: December 15, 2020 - January 5, 2021 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 4:00AM PST/12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Levels 10+
It is that time of the year again - denizens across the galaxy get ready to celebrate Life Day! Special Missions like “A Special Snowflake”, “Parcel Droid”, and “Could Use a Good Hug” are available during this limited time. Throwing snowballs and participating in these Missions will earn players Snow-Covered Parcels, redeemable for unique rewards. Get out there, throw some snowballs, hug some Wookiees, and most importantly, have fun!
Nine Year Anniversary
Date: December 15, 2020 - January 5, 2021 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 4:00AM PST/12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Levels 10+

We are happy to celebrate out 9th anniversary on December 20th! To mark this milestone, a special “Anniversary Personnel” vendor can be found on the fleet with new Class Ship Stronghold Decorations. All previous anniversary rewards will also be available during this limited time as well. Alongside this, both the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas Strongholds will be available for only nine credits each!


The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally
Date: December 22 - December 29, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 4:00AM PST/12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Levels 20+
In the growing shadow of war, swoop fans across the galaxy descend on Dantooine, Tatooine, and even Onderon for the sport’s biggest spectacle—The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally! They’re packing the stands, eager to take their minds off their troubles and cheer their favorite swoop gangs. The bikers are here to take on dangerous challenge courses, show off their piloting skills, and flaunt their souped-up swoop bikes. The thunder of the engines, the deafening applause from the fans, the wind battering their helmets… there’s no bigger rush for these thrill seekers.
Despite their reputation as wild rebels whose makeshift courses disregard local districting restrictions, swoop gangs aren’t a serious threat to anyone--something all true swoop fans know! They just love adrenaline-pounding speed, sweet jumps, and big explosions, and the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally combines all three in one crowd-pleasing package. The biggest gangs on the circuit — Horizon’s Razor, the Pit Screamers, and the Blatant Beks — are ready to show their fans a great time.
Pirate Incursion
Date: December 29, 2020 - January 5, 2021 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 4:00AM PST/12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Level 20+
The remote planet Dantooine has been thrust into the center of escalating hostilities between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Spurred on in secret by covert Imperial forces, the Nova Blade pirates have staged an all-out attack on the pastoral Republic world. As the Republic scrambles to defend this key territory at the edge of Imperial space, the Empire plans to capitalize on the chaos and deal a major blow to the longtime Republic bastion.
Login Rewards and Emote Window - Coming soon in Game Update 6.2.
With Game Update 6.2, we’re introducing two exciting features! One is the brand new Login Rewards system, and the other is a player favorite, the Emote Window, which we’ve touched up for Game Update 6.2. Let's dive in and give you an idea of what to expect from these features in Game Update 6.2: Echoes of Vengeance, launching December 9th.
Login Rewards
Our Login Rewards system is a new feature that rewards all players, regardless of their status! The only thing you need to do is log into our game, open the Login Rewards window, and claim your reward. Rewards could include Companion Gifts, Crafting Materials, Dyes, Tech Fragments, and more valuable items!
If you’re wondering what will happen if you don’t log into the game for one--or several--days... Don’t worry! The Login Rewards system was designed to track accumulated logins, similar to a punch card. If you log into the game for the first time on Monday, you will earn your first reward. If you do not log into the game again until Friday, you still earn your second reward, as that is your second login. You can earn all rewards at your own cadence, without fear of ever missing any!
More information here:



The idea is that those who play SWTOR send their information of their characters to my e-mail to complete their data and thus be able to perform some activity in the future.



This section provides Star Trek Online game information, news and commentary to help improve the performance of our fleets and the experience of our Brotherhood players.

Tips from the Hyperion BTL, SWL Darkfinn to improve our contributions to the Brotherhood fleets.

Previous fleet managers have taken a balanced approach to the fleet holdings. This works with a large group of players who are constantly turning projects, but with a smaller group it is less than ideal. There are certain aspects of the holdings which provide better benefits than others, so let's get those completed first then circle back to fill out the rest.

- The Dilithium Mine and Embassy are now complete, so let's not waste any more resources on those areas when they can provide growth elsewhere.
- On the Starbase we need to focus Tactical. Tier V Tactical gives access to all the best fleet quality ships, so we need to hit that hard and grind it until it's done, then we can finish out Science and Engineering.
- On the Spire we need to focus Research. Tier III Research gives access to Tactical Consoles that provide +Crit Chance, which is the best option. When that's done we can focus on finishing Operations.
- Research lab need to focus Development in order to finish it out, so we can upgrade the whole lab and be done there.
- Colony needs to focus Infrastructure and Energy, which provide equipment. Morale is training manuals and Officers... less important in the immediate future.
- I don't particularly care for anything that K-13 provides, so we can continue the balanced approach there.
- Also, please don't put Dilithium into any Dilithium only projects when it can be used elsewhere... that's wasteful.

If you need gear, if you need tips on skill planning, if you need help leveling, if you want to know about simple keybinds, just ask. The missions are much easier and more enjoyable when you are properly equipped and trained. 


The Legendary Discovery Captain Bundle
As Star Trek: Discovery celebrates its third season with the continuation of new adventures in a new timeline, it is time for Star Trek Online to celebrate the ongoing vitality of the franchise as well. If you haven’t already experienced the handcrafted experience of starting your career as a Federation captain amid the turmoil of the late-23rd century, now is your chance to do so with a bit of extra flair!
We are happy to announce the upcoming availability of the Legendary Discovery Captain Bundle. By attaining this bundle, you can now instantly raise the level of any single Discovery-Era Federation character on your account to Level 65!
More information here:
Q's Winter Wonderland!
The seasonal favorite from years past is returning once more to Star Trek Online! Q proudly invites personnel of all ranks, allegiances, species, cosmological variances, and molecular stabilities (or lack thereof) to ring in the holiday season, and visit his Winter Wonderland for fun, frivolity, and prizes!
Participate in your choice of Winter Wonderland Activities to work your way toward obtaining the fabulous new Fek'Ihri Gok'tad Carrier [T6]! Complete details of this ship’s capabilities will be obtained in a separate Dev Blog.
Like last year, this year’s festivities will be integrated into our recently released Event Interface, as part of your Mission Journal. This means that, just like last year: Daily Progress toward earning your new starship can be obtained by participating in any of the following activities: Fastest Game on Ice, Klingon Ice Fishing, Tides of Ice, The Fast and the Flurrious, Cones of Conduct, The Kramp’Ihri.
More information here:
Join the Synth Wave!
The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be gain a brand new prize on December 8th. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages, while the Angel’s Wake Lock Box will be retired.
This run of the Infinity Lock Box will contain an all-new Tier 6 Starship, the Deimos-class Pilot Destroyer [T6]!
More information here:
Two New Recon Ships!
Beginning December 18th, two new Recon Destroyers are being made available in the C-Store on PC! These new vessels in the Dominion and Romulan ship lineage were inspired by the Federation’s Lafayette-class and the KDF’s Ketha Recon Raptor. They feature many of the technological advances seen there, combined with the unique shipbuilding advantages employed by the Dominion and Romulans, respectively. These starships will be available in both Non-Fleet and Fleet variants.
Special Introductory Pricing Discount! From 12/18 @ 8am PT - 12/22 @ 10am PT, you can get these ships for 2400 ZEN each when purchased individually, a bundle with either the Federation & Klingon or the Dominion & Romulan ships for only 3200 ZEN, or a bundle with all four ships for only 5600 ZEN! Thereafter, they will return to their normal price of 3000 ZEN individually, 4000 ZEN for either two-ship bundle, or 7000 ZEN for the four-ship bundle.
Fleet versions of each of these starships will unlock upon completing your Fleet Starbase’s Tier 4 Shipyard. The standard Fleet Module discounts apply if you have purchased the ships from the C-Store.
Without further ado, here are the stats on these exciting new starships!
More information here:
The First Sales of Winter!
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, even in the Final Frontier. Starting today, we want to celebrate with you by releasing four quadrants worth of sales, on all platforms. Whatever you celebrate, you can save on the ships, costumes, weapons and more, you've been eyeing. But these aren't the only sales you can find this Holiday season. Keep an eye out for more to come throughout the new year! More information here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11482063
A Thank You Upgrade
PC Captains, there have been several frustrating incidents with have to retrain your characters recently. While we believe those issues have been fixed by this morning's update, we know how painful it was to retain over and over and over again. With that in mind, we want to offer you a thank you gift for your patience. Starting this Friday, December 18th, at 10am PT (19:00 CET), and running until January 3rd at 10am PT (19:00 CET), you'll be able to claim four free Captain Retrain Tokens, and one free Experimental Starship Upgrade, in the Promotions Tab of the Zen Store. You can only claim this gift once per account. Thank you again for your incredible patience, Captains, and we'll see you in the Final Frontier!
Get 3 Ships, Upgrade 3 Ships!
'Tis the season of giving, so why not give yourself something good? We're releasing a brand new pack on the Zen Store on PC just in time for the holidays. For 7500 Zen (and affected by any sales during that period), you can grab a pack of three T6 Ship Coupons and three Experimental Ship Upgrade tokens. That means you can pick three ships you want off the store for much cheaper than usual, and you can immediately upgrade those ships to new heights of power and versatility. What will you be commanding? This pack will be available from 12/18 at 8am PT (17:00 CET) - 1/3 @ 10am PT (19:00 CET).
Infinity Promo Packs Return!
From December 24th at 8am PT (17:00 CET) to January 2nd 10am PT (19:00 CET), we are running a promotion that will provide an additional bonus when opening a Research and Development Pack or a Duty Officer Pack – and from From December 24th at 8am PT (17:00 CET) to December 28th at 10am PT (19:00 CET), all of these packs will be 20% off!
When you purchase a Research and Development Pack or a Duty Officer Pack from the C-Store during this promotion and open it, you will receive either 10 Lobi Crystals or a Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack in addition to the Research and Development Pack.
Opening this Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack will give the recipient a choice of any Tier 6 ship found in any previous Research & Development or Duty Officer Promotional Pack.
More information here:
Junior Officer and R&D Weekend!
We’re pleased to announce the return of the Research and Development Weekend! This event will run from December 24th at 8AM PT (17:00 CET) to Monday, December 28th at 10AM PT (19:00 CET), and features several bonuses throughout STO that will give Captains of all levels a leg up advancing their rank in the Research and Development school(s) of their choice.
For those Captains looking specifically for extra help with their projects, all R&D packs throughout the game will give out an extra 25% of the items they currently disperse for the duration of this event. Queue R&D Material Reward Packages (Normal, Advanced and Elite) will reward 25% more R&D Materials and have a chance to reward a Catalyst.
For all Captains that work on a Research and Development project during this weekend event, those projects will reward an extra 50% of the appropriate Research and Development School XP. This includes projects to make components as well as those to make items.
More information here:



http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgAWARD AND PROMOTIONS

73+ Sith Code Wallpapers on WallpaperPlay

No this week


DSP Elwood the Brave - GC
SW Earnim Branet - CoF

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgOPEN COMMAND POSITIONS

- BTL of Hyperion.


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCONSUL ACTIVITIES

Resultado de imagen para sith animated gifs- Played Star Trek Online
- Played Star Conflict
- Played Star Wars Squadrons
- Write Reports
- Mail activity


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLOSING COMMENTS

Message from the Grand Admiral...

The Journey Continues…

Now that we have reached open space finally we can plot longer jumps, but we need to make sure that we do not give away our intentions, destination or point of origin… So jumps will be short and occasionally in random direction or even backwards as we do our best to throw off New Republic forces.

There will be times during this stage that individual squads, ships and even battlegroups will be tasked with recon missions into neighboring systems or with raid missions in order to gather supplies.

Our Infiltrator squadrons have requested access to the newer T-70 X-Wing and RZ-2 A-Wing so a plan is in the works in order to do that.

Keep up the good work, I salute you all.

OOC: Missions and fiction can be pretty broad during this time allowing each squad, or battlegroup plan operations on their own with the Avenger as a mobile base of operations. The Plan to acquire the newer NR equipment will be rather extensive and involve the entire TC and the EHDB in an operation that will probably take a month or more to complete and we should see it in the February/March time frame. I do not expect to reach the edge of the Unknown Regions before June so feel free to play in the sandbox we have. Good Luck.

FC/GA Rapier/CS-1/SSD Avenger
CoS/CoB/OV-23E [Dragoon] [Trainee] {TCCORE-SM/2}This is all for now. Take care, keep your social distance and we'll see you in the next report.

star wars loop GIF

Be ready....

Cosas de Kiko: Star Wars - Ted Mininni


CON/SW Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury
(SBx3) (GCx16) (SoI) (SoA) (SE-TB) (SN) (BNB) (KS-S) (Cr-Dx2-Rx3-Ax23-Sx6-Ex24-Tx38-Qx39) (CF-B)



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