Drakonan Report # 116 (2021-06-14)

This report was submitted by SBM Earnim Branet







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http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLAN DRAKONAN CONSUL REPORT N°116 - 13/JUN/2021

FROM: SBM  Earnim Branet

Greetings Members of the Clan Drakonan.

They have been good days for the Clan, as new members have arrived who have shown great energy and motivation by taking part in activities and competitions, and in turn, also winning medals which are a recognition of their efforts in the path of the Sith. For this reason, we welcome to APP Hijacker who joins the Clan in the ranks of Stingray. We wish him the best of luck and the greatest success in his stay within the Brotherhood. We also welcome to DSM Baron and SW Marenta in your back to the Clan. Success and luck on the Path of the Sith!

With the competitions Pimp The Fleet, Brothehood Avengers and Sword of Clan Drakonan completed, we can congratulate the winners of these events: DSP Elwood the Brave, DSM Exar Kit, NOV Wreckage, SWL Anahorn Dempsey, GRD Pete Mitchell, NOV Genie and SK Silwar Naiilo and highlight them for their excellent participation. Congratulations!

With great pride, it is an honor and a privilege to announce the promotion of Coldsnacks, EvilGrin, Genie, Honsou, Morgoth6791 and APP Wreckage to the rank of Novice. Their excellent level of activity demonstrated in their early days in the Clan have earned them this recognition, which we hope will be the first of many other promotions in the future. We expect a lot from you.

The MSE of the Clan corresponding to May is already in its revision phase, so its results will be in the next few days. It has been a somewhat more extensive work than usual, but its results obtained from the excellent level of activity demonstrated in the past month will be good news for the members of the Clan. As soon as the MSE is finished, we will make the corresponding announcements.

We must remind you that PRT Jarion Renalds has started two competitions, which will start from June 7th. Details are in the DB Competitions section of this report. It is very important that Stingray members participate in these events, as it will help them increase their level of activity which will be considered for their monthly evaluation. Contact PRT Jarion Renalds if you need more information.

We continue with the search for a Battle Team Leader for Hyperion. As a main requirement it is required that you be an active Star trek Online player. Those who are interested send their applications to GM Tomaas Montte, DGM/DSP Elwood the Brave and MAA/SWL Miles Prower, with a copy to CON/SBM Earnim Branet.

Also remember that a survey has been initiated for the entire Clan, which has so far had very few participants. Your answers are very important for the future of the clan so we need the collaboration of all of you. Go to the end of this report and follow the link to enter the survey. Help the Clan!



http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgIN-GAME STATUS OF EH-CORPS

File:Federation Emblem.png


Star Trek Online Federation Fleet:

Fleet Level: 62 
- Colony World Level: 2
- Dilithium Mine Level: 3
- Embassy Level: 3
- K-13 Level: 2
- Research Lab Level: 2
- Spire Level: 2
- Starbase Level: 4

File:Klingon Empire Emblem.png


Star Trek Online Klingon Fleet:

Fleet Level: 10
- Colony World Level: 0
- Dilithium Mine Level: 1
- Embassy Level: 1
- K-13 Level: 0
- Research Lab Level: 0
- Spire Level: 0
- Starbase Level: 1

OPINION - The Current State of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | GamePress


Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Guild name: Aggressor Strike Force
Current guild strength: 63.737.699 points

Guild members: 49
DB members: 9 
Guild Raids: TANK TAKEDOWN: Heroic and Sith Triumvirate in progress.
Special Events Schedule: Galactic Bounties II coming up in 2 days 15 hours.

(Information courtesy of SBL Talons Pryde)

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgDB COMPETITIONS


Pimp the Fleets V9.0

Start Date: January 1, 2021
End Date: December 31, 2021
Groups involved: All STO playing DB members
Awards: Cr-Q - Cr-D monthly - BN - GN and Cr-E - Cr-D annual
Every month I will calculate the donations every DB member did to the EH ingame fleets in STO. With those donation points I will built up rankinglists for each fleet section and an overall rankinglist for each fleet. Awards will be Cr-E for first, Cr-T for second and Cr-Q for third in each section, Cr-A for first, Cr-S for second and Cr-E for third overall in each fleet.
At the end of the year, based on the amount of donations, there will be an annual rankinglist for each section and one for each fleet. Annual awards for each section will be Cr-A/Cr-S/Cr-E for 1st/2nd/3rd, for the winners in each fleet Cr-D/Cr-R/Cr-A for 1st/2nd/3rd.
To better compare the monthly donations to both fleets, the participants will earn overall points for placement in the section ranking lists, 4 points for first, 3 points for second, 2 points for third and 1 point for all other participants in that section. These overall points will be summed up for each member and a ranking list based on these will be used to crown the overall winner for the month. First place in that ranking list will receive the prestigious Cr-D, second a Cr-R, third a Cr-A.
These donation points will be summed up and put into a rankinglist at the end of the year. The annual winner in this rankinglist will receive a Gold Nova, the second placed a Silver Nova and third a Bronze Nova.

Federation Fleet - May 2021                                
Colony       Dilithium       Embassy       K13              
Elwood 94.722 4 Cr-E Elwood 27.910 4 Cr-E Elwood 54.058 4 Cr-E Elwood 51.500 4 Cr-E        
Branet 26.160 3 Cr-T Branet 21.250 3 Cr-T Branet 1.716 3 Cr-T Branet 21.625 3 Cr-T        
Research Lab     Spire       Starbase       Overall Federation Fleet         
Elwood 132.872 4 Cr-E Elwood 102.538 4 Cr-E Elwood 140.215 4 Cr-E Ranking              
Branet 129.100 3 Cr-T Branet 6.120 3 Cr-T Branet 12.843 3 Cr-T Elwood 603.815 4 Cr-A        
                Exar Kit 40 2 Cr-Q Branet 218.814 3 Cr-E        
                        Exar kit 40 2 Cr-T        
KDF Fleet - May 2021                                  
Colony       Dilithium       Embassy       K13       Overall Two Fleets 
Elwood 38.851 4 Cr-E Elwood 12.103 4 Cr-E Branet 7.000 4 Cr-E Elwood 14.304 4 Cr-E Ranking      
Branet 17.442 3 Cr-T Branet 8.062 3 Cr-T Elwood 1.824 3 Cr-T Branet 800 3 Cr-T Elwood   63 Cr-D
Research Lab     Spire       StarBase       Overall KDF Fleet Branet   40 Cr-R
Elwood 19.477 4 Cr-E Elwood 28.450 4 Cr-E Elwood 45.300 4 Cr-E Ranking       Exar Kit   4 Cr-A
                        Elwood 160.309 4 Cr-A        
                        Branet 33.304 3 Cr-E        

Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet



Brotherhood Avengers - 2021

Start Date: January 1, 2021
End Date: December 31, 2021
Groups involved: Clan Drakonan

Awards: Monthly Part:
1st place Crescent with Amethyst Star / 2nd place Crescent with Sapphire Star / 3rd place Crescent with Emerald Star
The winner will be awarded additional with a Kaiburr Star. The Kaiburr Star can be achieved only 3 times in a row.
Awards: Yearly Part:
1st place Crescent with Diamond Star / 2nd place Crescent with Ruby Star / 3rd place Crescent with Amethyst Star
The overall winner of the year will be awarded additional with a Silver Nova, the second will be awarded a Bronze Nova.

Every end of the month all awarded Clusters of Fire will be summed-up. The crucial factor will be the tracking spreadsheet of the MAA, CON and P:GM of Clan Drakonan. All Dark Brotherhood multiplayer approved games for earning Clusters of Fire will count for this competition.
In the end of the year, all screens will be summed up again and the winner of the year will be awarded with a high-ranking award additional to the Crescents.
Screenshots for CoF approval have to be send to the MAA of the DB and the CON and the P:GM of Clan Drakonan.

Brotherhood Avengers Results - May 2021  
PI. Sith Sum Medals
1 APP Genie 110 Crescent with Amethyst Star - Kaiburr Star
2 APP Wreckage 64 Crescent with Sapphire Star
3 SK Silwar Naiilo 25 Crescent with Emerald Star
4 PRT Kalve Ryder 9  
5 GRD Pete Mitchell 7  
6 APP Honsou 3  
7 SBL Talons Pryde 1  


Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet


Sword of Clan Drakonan competition - 2021

Start Date: January 1, 2021
End Date: December 31, 2021
Groups involved: Clan Drakonan

Awards: Monthly Part: 1st place Crescent with Amethyst Star / 2nd place Crescent with Sapphire Star / 3rd place Crescent with Emerald Star. The winner will be awarded additional with a Kaiburr Star. The Kaibur Star can be achieved only 3 times in a row.
Awards: Yearly Part: 1st place Crescent with Diamond Star / 2nd place Crescent with Ruby Star / 3rd place Crescent with Amethyst Star. The overall winner of the year will be awarded additional with a Silver Nova, the second will get a Bronze Nova

Description: For this competition points, will be given for certain activities, which are listed below.
The winner in the end of the month will be announced as wheeler of the Sword of Clan Drakonan. Additionally, Crescents will be handed out. See below.

Here's the breakdown of points earned by each Battle Team member in the Sword of Drakonan competition.
- TIE Fighter/XWA/ etc.: 1 point per mission flown /  2 points for every high score earned
- Multiplayer Gaming (on any official platform): 1 point per match played / 1 point per earned CoF
Multiplayer points will be calculated the following way:
o PvP+COOP+CoF = MP points
o Based on the MP points following points will be given: 500 MP points and more: 4 points / 300-499 MP points: 3 points / 150-299 MP points: 2 points / 149 MP points and less: 1 point
- Gaming activity: 4 points per hour tracked by any game time tracker app. Screens sent to CON Earnim Branet
- SW TOR: 1 point per in-game character level achieved. Multiple characters are cumulatively scored. Send screens of your characters to CON Earnim Branet to show the progress of thee characters. Max characters will be get 50 points once.
- STO Activity: Based on the monthly calculation of the “Pimp the Fleet” competition (calculated for both fleets), for every section points will be given:
1. Place: 4 points / 2. Place: 3 points / 3. Place: 2 points / 4. Place: 1 point / 5. Place and more: 1 point
- SW: GoH - Based on the monthly calculation of the in-game tracking points for the evaluations following points will be given:
3.500 points and more: 4 points / 2.500-3.499 points: 3 points / 1.000-2.499 points: 2 points / 999 points or less: 1 point
- DB Fiction: 2 points per page, an extra point for a submission that wins a competition. Fictions must have this format: Size 12, standard spacing and either Times New Roman or Ariel font.
- Graphics/Videos Creation: 2-5 points depending on the size and detail of each
- Mission, Mod, Map, Level Creation: 2-5 points depending on the size and detail of each
- Coursework: 3 points for successful completion of any course in the Imperial University. Forward the result to CON Earnim Branet, to get the points.
- Recruiting: 5 points for each new member recruited that becomes active and stays so for at least a month.

Serving as BTL: Each week counts as 2 points, the BTL must produce a unit report (even when there isn’t much to say) and be active in at least one other activity listed above
- Trivia and other miscellaneous types of activity/competition: 1 point for participating in each competition / 2 points for winning a competition.

Awards: For achieving certain awards, points will be also given. The awards include competition awards and general awards.

Sword of Clan Drakonan Results – May 2021        
Pl. Sith Sum   Pl. Sith Sum
  DSP Elwood 21 HONORARY MEMBER 7 SK Silwar Naiilo 4
  SBM Earnim Branet 16 DOES NOT COMPETE 7 SBL Talons Pryde 4
1 APP Wreckage 13 Crescent with Amethyst Star - Kaiburr Star 7 SW Zekk Terrik 4
2 SWL Anahorn Dempsey 9 Crescent with Sapphire Star 8 DSM Exar Kit 3
3 GRD Pete Mitchell 8 Crescent with Emerald Star 8 APP Morgoth6791 3
4 SBL Coranel Both 7   8 ACO Highlander 3
4 SW Golbez Harvey 7   9 PRT Jarion Renalds 2
4 APP Genie 7   9 GRD Coremy Jertese 2
5 DSP Pellaeon 6   10 PRT Kalve Ryder 1
  SWL Miles Prower 5 HONORARY MEMBER 10 ACO Rachel Tahiri Drakon 1
6 SW Phalk Sturm 5   10 APP EvilGrin 1
6 SK John T Clark 5   10 APP Honsou 1
6 APP Coldsnacks 5   10 PRT Sparky 1

Comp Admin: SW Earnim Branet



Dogfighter Domination


Start Date: June 07, 2021
End Date: July 07, 2021
Groups involved: Stingray Battleteam

Crescent w/ Emerald Star – 1st Place
Crescent w/ Topaz Star – 2nd Place
Crescent w/ Quartz Star – 3rd Place

In Squadrons, fly in Dogfighting mode as either faction and obtain the most combined kills and assists in a single match. For scoring, kills will be counted as a single point, and assists as a half point. In the case of a tie, it will be broken by fewest player deaths, and then by overall score. Also it doesn’t matter if the match ends in either a win or a loss, either way is eligible for a screenshot.
Email your screenshots in .gif, .png or .jpg format to
Jarak.Livings@googlemail.com. Good luck!

Comp Admin: PRT Jarion Renalds



Big Spender


Start Date: June 07, 2021
End Date: July 07, 2021
Groups involved: Stingray Battleteam

Crescent w/ Emerald Star – 1st Place
Crescent w/ Topaz Star – 2nd Place
Crescent w/ Quartz Star – 3rd Place

In the ‘Fleet Battles vs AI’ game mode in Squadrons, earn the highest overall score in a single match; a tie will be broken by the total number of kills (not AI kills) a player earns in that match. Also it doesn’t matter if the match ends in either a win or a loss, either way is eligible for a screenshot.
Email your screenshots in .gif, .png or .jpg format to Jarak.Livings@googlemail.com.

Comp Admin: PRT Jarion Renalds


The list of all current competitions can be seen here: http://www.emperorshammer.org/comps.php

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLAN ROSTER

Hyperion Flight Battle Team

The members of Hyperion are great Captains, accustomed to traveling through Galaxies aboard of all types of ships, whether scientific, exploration or combat. Of vocation of explorers, they are also formidable warriors when the situation requires it, capable of leading battle teams in any situation of crisis that may arise. The adventure is his north, and the recklessness his condition of life.


Stingray Battle Team

"Flying is for droids", said a well-known Jedi every time he had to maneuver a battle ship in battle. That will be fine for the Jedi, but not for the Sith. A Sith is able to fly any type of combat ship in any situation, and lose his life in it if is necessary. The members of Stingray are excellent pilots, reckless and lethal. They stand out in training battles as well as in life and death battles. That is your lifestyle, and your combat ship, your home.

Sentinel Battle Team

Air, land, sea or space. Any environment is acceptable to these warriors and explorers. They can be excellent foot soldiers, like great admirals in command of large armies, with excellent tactical and strategy sense, or excellent overall vision to manage large navies. As an individual soldier or in command of a battle group, nothing stops them. A member of Sentinel can be what he want, or take any role that the situation requires.


BTL/PRT Jarion Renalds

BTL/SBL Tygra Shadowclaw

BTM/SBL Torres

BTM/DSP Pellaeon

BTM/SBL Talons Pryde

BTM/SK Jedi Eclipse


BTM/ACO Keth Aalith

BTM/DSM Exar Kit

BTM/DA Silvius

BTM/ACO Syntroth 


BTM/SWL Anahorn Dempsey

BTM/SW Zekk Terrik 


BTM/SBL Coranel Both

BTM/ACO Sparky


BTM/SW Golbez Harvey BTM/PRT Coremy Jertese


BTM/SW Marenta BTM/ACO Highlander


BTM/SW Phalk Sturm BTM/NOV Rin Jaeger


BTM/SK John T. Clark



BTM/SK Silwar Naiilo



BTM/GRD Pete Mitchell



BTM/PRT Kalve Ryder


BTM/ACO Aldaric


BTM/ACO Rachel Tahiri Drakon

  BTM/NOV Coldsnacks  
  BTM/NOV EvilGrin  
  BTM/NOV Genie  

BTM/NOV Honsou

  BTM/NOV Morgoth6791  
  BTM/NOV Wreckage  
  BTM/APP Hijacker  


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgDB SUPPORTED GAMES

An overview of the games, which are supported in the DB:

Real Time Strategy

Flight Sims

First Person Shooter

Empire at War


Jedi Outcast

Rebellion (aka Supremacy)

TIE Fighter

Jedi Academy

Sins of Solar Empire

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

Battlefront II

Dawn of War I

X-Wing Alliance

EA Battlefront I and II

Dawn of War II

FreeWorlds (Freelancer mod)

Battlefiled 2

Starcraft II

FreeSpace 2

Battlefield 2142



Battlefield Bad Company 2


Star Conflict

Battlefield 3


Star Wars: Squadrons 

Call of Duty 4 (Modern Warfare 1)

Star Wars: The Old Republic


Call of Duty 6 (Modern Warfare 2)

Star Trek Online

Mobile Games

Call of Duty 7 (Modern Warfare: Black Ops)

Star Wars Galaxies

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Call of Duty 8 (Modern Warfare 3)



Team Fortress 2



Killing Floor

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpg<img alt="Resultado de imagen para emperor hammer dark brotherhood swtor guild" "="" class="n3VNCb" data-noaft="1" jsaction="load:XAeZkd;" jsname="HiaYvf" data-cke-saved-src="http://www.ddmsrealm.com/wp-content/gallery/swtor-assets-no-show/logo-the-old-republic.png" src="http://www.ddmsrealm.com/wp-content/gallery/swtor-assets-no-show/logo-the-old-republic.png" style="width: 397px; height: 107px; margin: 13.2074px 0px">

This section will provide information about our Guild in the Game Star Wars The Old Republic.

Name of Guild: Emperor's Hammer. (Empire)
Server: Star Forge
Grand Master: Havoc (Fel)
- Earnim Branet. Sith Marauder. Deputy member.
- Talons Pryde. Operative.
- Exar kit. Sith Marauder.
- Tygra Shadowclaw. Sith Juggernaut.
- Rachel Tahiri Drakon: Kera Draco, Sith Assassin.

Name of Guild: The Infiltrator Wing. (Republic)
Server: Star Forge
Grand Master: Leghrand (Garonin)
- Earnim Branet. Vanguard Trooper Branet. Star Forge server. Deputy member.

SWTOR In-Game Events for May

Welcome to Galactic Seasons!
Building upon the Login Rewards system that we launched in Game Update 6.2, we are now unveiling Galactic Seasons! While the Login Rewards are an easy method for collecting rewards by simply logging into the game, Galactic Seasons feature new high-value rewards based on playing the game.
Players will be able to monitor their progress along the Reward Track, including how many Galactic Season Points they’ve accumulated, how many Points they need for the next level, when the current Season ends, and more. Our tentative timeline is to have each Galactic Season last about 5 months.
More information here:
Behind the Scenes of the “Secrets of the Enclave” Flashpoint Part 1: Gameplay
Game Update 6.3 “The Dark Descent” brings players a new Flashpoint called “Secrets of the Enclave” and features one of the most notorious Sith Lords, Darth Malgus. The Flashpoint takes players to the previously unexplored Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. In a previous interview with World Designer Allison Berryman we discussed the creation of a new event: Behind the Scenes of “Feast of Prosperity.” Allison is back, this time to discuss the process of creating a new Flashpoint. We discuss the difference between the creation process of an event and a Flashpoint, the introduction of the Jedi Enclave in SWTOR gameplay, and more!
More information here:
The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally
Date: June 15 – June 22, 2021 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 5:00AM PST/12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Levels 20+
In the growing shadow of war, swoop fans across the galaxy descend on Dantooine, Tatooine, and even Onderon for the sport’s biggest spectacle—The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally! They’re packing the stands, eager to take their minds off their troubles and cheer their favorite swoop gangs. The bikers are here to take on dangerous challenge courses, show off their piloting skills, and flaunt their souped-up swoop bikes. The thunder of the engines, the deafening applause from the fans, the wind battering their helmets… there’s no bigger rush for these thrill seekers.
Despite their reputation as wild rebels whose makeshift courses disregard local districting restrictions, swoop gangs aren’t a serious threat to anyone--something all true swoop fans know! They just love adrenaline-pounding speed, sweet jumps, and big explosions, and the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally combines all three in one crowd-pleasing package. The biggest gangs on the circuit — Horizon’s Razor, the Pit Screamers, and the Blatant Beks — are ready to show their fans a great time.
Rakghoul Resurgence on Tatooine
Date: June 29 – July 6, 2021 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 5:00AM PST/12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Levels 25+
The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization (T.H.O.R.N.) has issued an official level-2 emergency alert concerning an outbreak of the Rakghoul plague on Tatooine. Quarantines have been put in place to restrict traffic of the plague off-world, but exceptions will be made for individuals with priority clearance.
T.H.O.R.N. is recruiting qualified volunteer emergency responders to travel to affected areas to combat the spread of the Rakghoul plague. More information about the outbreak can be found by checking the News Terminals on the Republic or Imperial Fleet!
T.H.O.R.N. wishes to remind you that plague symptoms can be treated if they are identified in the early stages of infection. Whether or not you have travel plans, please consult your nearest trusted medical supply droid and get vaccinated!
Double XP Event
Date: June 29 – July 13, 2021 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 5:00AM PST/12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: None!
Starting June 29th and lasting until July 13th there will be a Double XP event! Enjoy multiple weeks of Double XP, Valor, Renown, and more.
Nar Shaddaa Nightlife
Date: June 29 – August 10, 2021 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 5:00AM PST/12:00PM GMT)
Requirement: None!
Test your luck at the exotic Star Cluster and Club Vertica Casinos with the return of the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event! Rare and extravagant rewards await high-rollers or those touched by Lady Luck. For those of you wanting a change in scenery, the event has broadened its horizons and is also happening on Mek-Sha. New Daily Missions and a rewards await all those flushed with credits.
More information here:



Obtain your SWTOR signature here: https://www.enjin.com/tools/swtor-signature-generator

The idea is that those who play SWTOR send their information of their characters to my e-mail to complete their data and thus be able to perform some activity in the future.



The Legendary KDF Captain Bundle
The continuing saga of the ever-evolving Klingon Empire continues to unfold in Star Trek Online, in the form of our recent episode updates, as well as the Klingon Recruitment system. To continue this celebration and focus on the warriors of the Klingon Empire, players will soon have new options for joining the legends in-the-making.
Announcing the upcoming availability of the Legendary KDF Captain Bundle. By attaining this bundle, you can now instantly raise the level of any single Klingon Defense Force character on your account to Level 65! This may be applied to any species option, as long as they begin their career aboard a KDF starship, and complete the KDF Tutorial.
More information here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11485963
The Delta Quadrant Needs You!
Delta Recruitment Returns!
The special Delta Recruitment event is coming back! Starting April 15th on PC and May 13th on Xbox and PS4, you can create a new Delta Recruit character. Any newly-made 2409 Starfleet character, Klingon Defense Force character, or Romulan Republic character is eligible to become a recruit for the 28 days that this event runs!
Delta Recruits gain a set of special goals in order to prepare for the Iconian War. Using a tesseract transceiver from the future, you’ll chase down information about the Iconians and complete other tasks to make sure your faction’s ready to handle the Iconians. Along the way you’ll earn great rewards, and gain special account unlocks so that your other characters are rewarded, too!
More information here:
Command Book's Frigate!
The current run of the Infinity Lock Box will continue with the addition of items found in the Angel’s Wake Lock Box, as well as yet another all-new Starship!
Starting on May 4th, 2021, players on PC will have the chance to obtain and captain the Kwejian Pilot Frigate (T6). This agile and versatile vessel was flown on-screen by the former-courier Cleveland Booker, as an ally of the U.S.S. Discovery during Season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery.
More information here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11487283
New TFO: Remain Klingon
B’Eler typed quickly. Klingon encryption was not usually tough to crack – for her - but the Emperor’s new pet was House Mo’Kai and knew what he was doing. However, she had her own tricks up her sleeve. It was only a matter of time, and she knew it.
“Will you hurry it up already?”
B’Eler smiled at the impatience of her mate. “Almost there, Trevana. I would rather not rush and bring all of the shipyard’s security down on us. You’re a fierce warrior, but let’s not test your limits, shall we?” Her question was answered with muttering and some inspired swearing. A few more inputs, and she saw what they had come for. “I’m in.”
Trevana walked over and looked over B’Eler’s shoulder. “So these are the design specs for those new weapon and defense systems?” Her mate nodded. “Alright, let’s get this info back to the Witch.”
The war for the soul of the Klingon Empire is about to reach its final coda. The battle lines are drawn, and sides have been chosen. As battles rage across the surface of Qo’noS, the battle in orbit will be equally important in determining control of the system. In “Remain Klingon,” you will participate in the final space battle of the Klingon Civil War.
NOTE: We recommend that you complete the episode “A Day Long Remembered” before attempting “Remain Klingon”.
Only Qo'nos Endures
As part of our upcoming content release, from May 25th to June 24th (for PC Captains) and later this year for Console Captains, a special event calls to glory: Only Qo’noS Endures. This new event will provide brave Captains with honor and epic rewards – the Imperial Assault Ground Set. Read on to find out more about the event and its rewards.
Event Progress
Participating in this event grants daily progress towards the Grand Prize: The four-piece Imperial Assault Ground Set. Obtaining the Imperial Assault Ground Set requires 40 daily progress, and Captains can earn two daily progress per account per day by playing either of the brand new episodes or the brand new Task Force Operation in our upcoming content release (more details on that, soon!). Daily progress can also be earned by several other thematically appropriate challenges; in total, three available missions and three available TFOs reward 2 daily progress each, and six available Patrols provide 1 daily progress each.
More information here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11488553
Command the Crossfield of the Future!
Appearing as the grand prize of the Far From Home Lock Box, players will soon have the opportunity to fly the updated, 32nd-century version of the hero ship appearing on-screen in the latest season of Star Trek: Discovery!
This ship – as true of all Federation starships – may only be commissioned by players that either began their career with the Federation, or later allied through their Romulan or Dominion storyline missions. Captains from the KDF who have reached level 65 will also be eligible to fly this ship, as part of the “Cross Faction Flying” unlock achieved at that level.
More information here:
Explore Far from Home!
Living through collapse is just living, in the end. It becomes a part of life. When the Burn came upon the galaxy, for most people it was a distant, incomprehensibly vast problem. The news got scary, goods became scarce, but the long slow slide was hard to appreciate from the ground. Life went on even as society slipped into pieces. People began to rediscover common ground when a traveler told a forgotten truth: better things are possible. Hope’s funny that way. Everyone agrees which way is up, at the bottom of the barrel.
More information here:
Mudd is opening the doors on a new Choice Pack on June 10th, this one from the Kelvin Timeline! Purchase the Mudd's Into Darkness and Beyond Choice Pack for 29500 Zen, and choose any three of the above options! But that's not all - this pack will be 50% off from 6/10 @ 8am PT (17:00 CEST) - 6/24 @ 10am PT (19:00 CEST). More information here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11489213
Lifetime Subscription Sale!
Hailing all Captains!
We are pleased to announce a sale on Lifetime Subscriptions from now June 5th at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) to July 8th at 10am PT (19:00 CEST), bringing the price down by $100 to $199.99 on PC, and discounting the Subscription by 33% on Console! Now is the perfect time to pick up a Lifetime Subscription to STO!
But that's not all: For a limited time starting today, the Lifetime Subscription is 50% off! Save big on the subscription from June 3rd at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) to June 5th at 8am PT (17:00 CEST)!
Enjoy all the rewards that come with being a Lifetime Subscriber. With exclusive species unlocks like playable Talaxian Species, instant access to all Lifetime Rewards, to Priority Login, there are dozens of reasons to become a lifetime subscriber today!
More information here:
Double XP Weekend!
We’ve doubled our efforts to give Captains the necessary experience to deal with threats to the Galaxy! From Thursday, June 10th at 8AM PT (17:00 CEST), to Monday, June 14th at 10AM PT (19:00 CEST), players will be able to enjoy twice the experience!
During the event, content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise.



http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgAWARD AND PROMOTIONS

73+ Sith Code Wallpapers on WallpaperPlay

APP Coldsnacks to Novice
APP EvilGrin to Novice
APP Genie to Novice
APP Honsou to Novice
APP Morgoth6791 to Novice
APP Wreckage to Novice


DSP Elwood - Cr-Ex13, Cr-Ax2, Cr-T, Cr-D
SBM Branet - Cr-Tx10, Cr-Ex3, Cr-R
DSM Exar Kit- Cr-Q, Cr-T, Cr-A
NOV Wreckage - Cr-A, Cr-S, KS
SWL Anahorn Dempsey - Cr-S
GRD Pete Mitchell - Cr-E
NOV Genie - Cr-A, KS
SK Silwar Naiilo - Cr-E

http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgOPEN COMMAND POSITIONS

- BTL of Hyperion.


http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCONSUL ACTIVITIES

Resultado de imagen para sith animated gifs- Played Star Trek Online
- Played Star Conflict
- Played Star Wars Squadrons
- Write Reports
- Mail activity




In this section we will continue to deliver news related to Star Wars books or comics, as well as we will publish both fictions and graphics that the members of the Dark Brotherhood send us. Take advantage of this space to publicize your art, which will be highly appreciated by all of us.

Review: The Past Returns to Haunt Dengar and Valance in the Form of Chewbacca in Marvel’s Bounty Hunters #13
The War of the Bounty Hunters crossover continues as Valance and Dengar track Boba Fett to Nar Shadaa in pursuit of Solo. After last weeks stellar first issue of the main series, this issue focuses more on individual characters and the connective tissue this crossover provides. While I’m sure reading all issues for this event is the best way to experience it, this issue lends itself to the idea that if you want the main story without confusion, you can simply read the main War of the Bounty Hunters five-issue miniseries. This issue does little to forward the narrative from last weeks issue, it seems doubtful a lot of the tie-in issues will, instead focusing on fleshing out the revelations from last week. Spoilers ahead…..
After losing Fett’s trail on Nar Shadaa, Dengar has an idea. He has an arms dealer contact at the market.
Dengar recommends letting him do the talking as it has taken years to build up his trust, Valance decides just to punch the guy in the middle of the market and demand he start talking. As time goes on Valance seems to become less and less of a rational person in this series.
More information here: https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2021/06/review-the-past-returns-to-haunt-dengar-and-valance-in-the-form-of-chewbacca-in-marvels-bounty-hunters-13.html




http://newhorizon.online/Drakonan/image001.jpgCLOSING COMMENTS

Survey for the Dark Brotherhood.

In order to better focus our future activities, we need your help, so we ask you to complete the survey detailed below.


The information that you provide us will be very valuable to the entire Brotherhood.

Thank you for your cooperation!


I want to thank SBL Talons Pryde for their comments on some details in this report, especially the one related to the Sword of Clan Drakonan competition. With his help, and with the participation of all of you, you can help me correct and improve what we deliver here. In the same way, we are open to receiving suggestions or ideas related to new activities, which can be sent to the Dark Council and me so that we can study them. We are here to support you.


This is all for now. Take care, keep your social distance and we'll see you in the next report.

star wars loop GIF

Be ready....

Cosas de Kiko: Star Wars - Ted Mininni


CON/SBM Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury
(SBx3) (GCx16) (SoI) (SoA) (SE-TB) (SN) (BNB) (KS-S) (Cr-Dx2-Rx3-Ax23-Sx6-Ex24-Tx38-Qx39) (CF-B)




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