Palpatine Report # 1 (2021-09-06)

This report was submitted by PRT Coldsnacks

"The Sting in the Tail" #1

Coldsnacks checked as the diagnostics on his terminal finished, reporting no malicious programs were in place to record his keystrokes. The terminal screen was the only light in the room, barely illuminating the bottom of his face under the cowl of his robe. Checking once more the door was locked - such that it could only be opened from the inside, the human from the Imperial planet of Carida began composing his report, to be distributed on a private channel, encrypted as an inventory report request to the Nebulon-B Frigate "Swift Fury"....


Dark Greetings, Brothers of Stingray.

In line with the will of the Dark Side, and with permission from the Dark Council, I have taken the position of Battleteam Leader of Stingray. I shall endeavour to submit a report at a regular time - beginning with monthly, but that may become more frequent as time goes on, depending on circumstances.

Things are in flux at this time. Many changes are occurring behind the scenes, to help bring the Dark Brotherhood into its position of old. I cannpt speak of these changes yet, but will inform you of them when they occur - be assured, they are imminent and will be of great benefit.

Our roster is strong! The Battleteam is currently made up of 16 members, including myself. I know many of you are active in a variety of different ways, but until such time as tools exist to collate that information easily, I will not be listing the activity of our membership. The Consul himself is undertaking the Monthly Battleteam Evaluation for the month of August, so beware! He watches and judges.

I sent out a survey to you via the mailing list to help gauge where people's activity lies, to help ensure that you are given the opportunity to grow in power, wherever you may be - if you have not seen it/filled it out, please do so here:

Until I next report, stay vigilant.


In Service to the Dark,

BTL/PRT Coldsnacks/Stingray Battleteam/Clan Drakonan
(GCx2) (SE) (Cr-Ex2-Q) (CF-Y) (LSS)


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