Warrior Locke Setzer (#4541)

Call sign: Cupid
Secret Order

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QUA/WAR Locke Setzer/Palpatine/Drakonan

View character:
TIE Corps - VA Locke Setzer

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: Secret Order (Active)
Group join date: 2000-06-10
(over 24 years ago)
Rank: Warrior
(2024-07-21 - 5 months ago)
Positions: Quaestor
Assigned unit: House Palpatine
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: If you can't fight it, you don't deserve to fly it!
Uniform of WAR Locke Setzer
Personal Craft
T/C Aerith III

T/C Aerith III
Type: TIE Crimson

Top Awards
Titles Earned
Title Season/Event
Guardian of the Third Circle Member of the Guard (32 ABY T1)

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                20th Echelon

Flight Certified - 20th Echelon
Points: 4,199

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):
Veteran 2nd

Combat Rating (MP PvE):
Campaigner 3rd

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Executor (2,197 points)
Total missions completed: 2,179
Battles completed: 350
Free missions completed: 346
Current battle high scores: 1
Current mission high scores: 5
Battles created: 7
Free missions created: 13
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Veteran 2nd (543 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Campaigner 3rd (491 points)
Battle High Scores (1)

Combat Record

Battles completed (350)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 1: Capture of Zaarin Medal of Darkness
TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 3: New Dimensions Medal of the Emperor's Gate
TIE-TC 4: Recapture Zaarin's Technology Medal of Retribution
TIE-TC 5: Pirate Uprising Medal of Security
TIE-TC 6: Destruction Medal of Destruction
TIE-TC 7: Betrayal Medal of Folly
TIE-TC 8: Strike Against the Pirates Medal of Prevailing
TIE-TC 9: Tracking the Defectors Medal of Loyalty
TIE-TC 10: Battle for the Death Star Medal for the Death Star
TIE-TC 11: Renegade Battle Medal of Victory
TIE-TC 12: Jedi Hunt Medal of Pursual
TIE-TC 13: Finding the Lakul Medal of Alertness
TIE-TC 14: Vader Takes Command Medal of Sith
TIE-TC 15: Special Operations Medal of Stealth
TIE-TC 16: Dacian Downfall Medal of Dacian
TIE-TC 17: Zaarin's Missile Boats Medal of Finality
TIE-TC 18: Interception Medal of Speed
TIE-TC 19: The Tethys Honeymoon Medal of Commitment
TIE-TC 20: Escort Carrier Missions Medal of Renewal
TIE-TC 21: Break the Sky Medal of Pain
TIE-TC 22: Aftermath Medal of Avenge
TIE-TC 23: Daedalus Medal of Readiness
TIE-TC 24: Save the Emperors DNA Medal of Replication
TIE-TC 25: Spoils of War Medal of Aries
TIE-TC 26: The Dark Troopers Medal of FutureShock
TIE-TC 29: Communications Wars Medal of Vigilance
TIE-TC 30: Save the Emperors Archives Medal of Archives
TIE-TC 31: Hidden Agenda Medal of Revelation
TIE-TC 32: Assassinate the Fleet Commander? Medal of Assassination
TIE-TC 33: Strike at Incom Medal of Devastation
TIE-TC 34: Encounter at Charybdis Medal of the Chromium Cloak
TIE-TC 35: Unexpected Encounter Medal of Efficiency
TIE-TC 36: Weekend Retreat Medal of Recreation
TIE-TC 38: Deepspace Syndicate Medal of Orion
TIE-TC 39: Up and at Em! Medal of the V-Wing
TIE-TC 40: Deception Medal of Deception
TIE-TC 41: Rebel Demise Medal of the Dark Sheath
TIE-TC 42: Jealousy Medal of Envy
TIE-TC 43: Wing XVIII: Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy The Armor of Protection
TIE-TC 44: Military Complex Operation Medal of MilCom
TIE-TC 45: Traitors Medal of Recreant's Demise
TIE-TC 46: Back to the Basics Medal of the Unattainable
TIE-TC 48: Ski Hoth - Star Wars Mercenaries Medal of Reconciliation
TIE-TC 49: Construct the Sovereign Medal of Construction
TIE-TC 50: Ackbar's Trick Medal of Trickery
TIE-TC 51: The Space Supremacy Medal of Supremacy
TIE-TC 52: Freedom Task Force Medal of Freedom
TIE-TC 56: Combined Attack Medal of Lightning
TIE-TC 57: Raptor Medal of Quickness
TIE-TC 59: Encounter at Dar'Telis Medal of Unbelievable Defiance
TIE-TC 63: Beyond the Minos Cluster Medal of Necessity
TIE-TC 72: Accident in the Carrida System Medal of Establishment
TIE-TC 76: Mirror Universe Medal of Reflection
TIE-TC 77: Verpine Encounter, Part One Medal of Earnestness
TIE-TC 78: Verpine Encounter, Part Two Medal of Fruition
TIE-TC 83: Battle For Truth and Honor Medal of Deference
TIE-TC 92: Deep Recon Into Tyrranian Space Medal of Reconnaissance
TIE-TC 94: The Ultimate Shield Medal of Invulnerability
TIE-TC 96: Deep Strike Medal of Expulsion
TIE-TC 100: The Battle for Manhood Medal of Manhood
TIE-TC 105: Treachery Aboard the Challenge Medal of the Tornado
TIE-TC 106: Battle in Corellia
TIE-TC 108: Unexplored Territory Medal of a New Race
TIE-TC 112: Super TIEs Medal of Amelioration
TIE-TC 115: Project Emperor's Revenge
TIE-TC 116: GA Ronin vs. Rogues
TIE-TC 117: Resh Battle
TIE-TC 119: The Razinki Operation Medal of Haste
TIE-TC 121: Battle of Principles Medal of Principles
TIE-TC 123: Strengthen the Emperor's Hammer
TIE-TC 124: Rebel Tenacity
TIE-TC 125: Operation 'Silent Scream'
TIE-TC 126: Strategic Termination Medal of Termination
TIE-TC 127: Making a New SSD
TIE-TC 128: Operation Yridia Alpha Minos Sapphire Cluster
TIE-TC 131: TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TIE-TC 132: Battle of the Bins
TIE-TC 134: Damaged TIEs Medal of Repair
TIE-TC 136: Recruitment Campaign Medal of Brandy
TIE-TC 137: Pirate Arms War
TIE-TC 138: Battle of the TIE Interceptor Medal of Advanced Skill: TIE Interceptor
TIE-TC 139: Mugaari Insurgence
TIE-TC 141: A New Ally II
TIE-TC 142: New Republic Retaliation
TIE-TC 143: Hit and Fade
TIE-TC 147: Inner Conflict
TIE-TC 148: Secret Clone Project
TIE-TC 150: Crush Weapons Development
TIE-TC 152: Relentless Training
TIE-TC 153: Koph Supremacy Project
TIE-TC 154: Spies!
TIE-TC 155: The Supplies War
TIE-TC 156: EH Wrestling Extravaganza
TIE-TC 158: A New Start
TIE-TC 159: The Destruction of Rogue Squadron
TIE-TC 160: Battle of Insanity The Briefing Officer's Plaque
TIE-TC 162: Phantom Phoenix
TIE-TC 163: Project: Athena
TIE-TC 164: A Question of Loyalty Medal of Loyalty
TIE-TC 165: The Hunt for Zsinj Medal of Ruthlessness
TIE-TC 166: Strike of the Hammer
TIE-TC 167: K2
TIE-TC 170: Barn Yard Beatings Bovine Farms Employee of the Month Award
TIE-TC 171: Fury of the Colossus Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 172: Kill em All
TIE-TC 173: The Job of Zeta Squadron
TIE-TC 176: Threshold - Escort
TIE-TC 177: Space Port F-16
TIE-TC 178: Ghosts of Endor Medal of Adaptability
TIE-TC 180: The Virus
TIE-TC 181: Gladiator Medal of Rome
TIE-TC 185: Joining the Heroes
TIE-TC 187: Katana Remnants Medal of Katana Six
TIE-TC 188: Battle for Endor Death Medal
TIE-TC 189: Strange New Worlds
TIE-TC 190: Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
TIE-TC 192: Claws of Death
TIE-TC 195: Wing II : Inkwolf's Raid Medal of Raid
TIE-TC 197: Gunboat Duty Star of Starwing
TIE-TC 199: Shinsen Gumi Saga #1: The School For Scandal
TIE-TC 200: Ascension Medal of Ascension
TIE-TC 201: Quarga's bounty: The life and death of COL Beef
TIE-TC 202: A Wormhole Too Far
TIE-TC 208: Special K's Medal of K-Suprise
TIE-TC 209: Mikey's Roundup TAC's Cross
TIE-TC 211: Silent Hunters
TIE-TC 213: Locke Setzer's Day Off The Tempest Crescent
TIE-TC 214: The Virus Medal of Infection
TIE-TC 215: Colon Wars
TIE-TC 216: Wing XI: Human Behavior Locke's Essay
TIE-TC 219: Shinsen Gumi Saga #2 : Gunsmoke and Haze
TIE-TC 222: Challenge ECR Missions Medal of Challenge ECR Tour
TIE-TC 223: The Search for Mosh Commendation of Craziness
TIE-TC 224: ECR IV - Training Maneuvers
TIE-TC 225: Inferno's Crazy Adventure
TIE-TC 226: Rendez-Vous with Peril SSL 2005 Participation Certificate
TIE-TC 233: The Adventures of Darby the Love-Bot
TIE-TC 244: Lord of the TIEs Platinum COMPOST Membership Card
TIE-TC 247: Typhoon Squadron Earns its Stripes!
Infiltrator Wing
TIE-IW 1: Welcome Medal of Audacity
TIE-IW 2: Strike at Incom
TIE-IW 3: Savior Second Savior's Medal
TIE-IW 4: Shadow Squadron
TIE-IW 8: Minos Raiders Medal of Versatility
TIE-IW 12: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion Copper Infiltration Crescent
TIE-IW 16: Home Turf Cross of the Home Land
TIE-IW 17: Smugglers Greed Medal of Greed
Dark Brotherhood
TIE-DB 1: Midnight Requisition Medal of Arrival
TIE-DB 2: The Krath Haj Medal of the Empress Teta
TIE-DB 3: The Light Jedi Medal of Extermination
TIE-DB 4: Baptism of Fire Medal of Graduates
TIE-DB 5: Destruction Medal of Annihilation
TIE-DB 6: Darkest Blood Medal of Darkest Blood
TIE-DB 7: Quest of the Elite
TIE-DB 8: The Capture of Yridia II
TIE-DB 9: Dark Brotherhood Battle 9
TIE-DB 10: Relics of the Ancient Jedi
TIE-DB 11: Black Dragon Rising
TIE-DB 12: Operation Darkstar
TIE-DB 13: Circlet of Domination
TIE-DB 14: Defend the Darkness Castle of Condemnation
TIE-DB 15: Return to Andevia
TIE-DB 16: Heading for Pyrath Pyrathian Medal of Haste
TIE-DB 17: Rite of Supremacy Artifact of Power
Intelligence Division
TIE-ID 1: Intel Joins the Fleet
TIE-ID 2: Secure Endor
TIE-ID 3: The Bacta War
TIE-ID 4: Attempt on the SDIR
Combined Arms Battle
TIE-CAB 1: Assault On the Hast Shipyards Hast Shipyards
TIE-CAB 2: Assault Of Aurora Medal of Aurora
TIE-CAB 3: Secure the Phare System Medal of Phare
TIE-CAB 4: Battle for Kronos Medal of Kronos
TIE-CAB 5: Destroy Shipyards of the New Republic Medal of the Shipyard
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
TIE-FCHG 3: The Perils of Diplomacy
TIE-FCHG 4: Nomads and Superlasers Medal of Mobility
Bounty Hunter's Guild
TIE-BHG 1: The Hunt Begins
TIE-BHG 2: Eliminating the Competition
TIE-BHG 3: Options
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 2: Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle Medal of Confrontation
XvT-TC 20: Mysterious People Cyborg Merit
XvT-TC 22: Rebel Cargo
XvT-TC 24: Princess Tatoka's Meeting Princess Tatoka's Cross
XvT-TC 25: Wing XV: Echo Squadron VanCom's Protector Medal (Pyrath-Aurora)
XvT-TC 26: INT Shire Medal of Gravity wells
XvT-TC 29: Super Elite Encounter
XvT-TC 50: ZT Force: Cerberus Infection ZT Bravery Credit
XvT-TC 51: Intrepid Intelligence gone mad Medal of Smarts
XvT-TC 53: INT Shire III Hobbit flight pilot of the month award
XvT-TC 54: Avengers, Frodo, and a Lost Mission Compendium Traitor's Nightmare Plaque
XvT-TC 55: Prison Duties Prison Producers of the Minos Cluster's Medal of Valour
XvT-TC 57: Mai in Danger Wing X Cross
XvT-TC 59: Cosmetic Wars! The Cleanest Plaque in the fleet
XvT-TC 65: The Leak The Secret medal of Intelligence division gratitude
XvT-TC 70: Cyclone Squadron operations I (Battle of Hoth)
XvT-TC 72: Cyclone Squadron Operations III (Mind Games) Medal of Mind Games
XvT-TC 73: Cyclone operations II (Desperate Times) Medal of have a long hug
XvT-TC 77: Assassination Time A Wasp in a Jar
XvT-TC 79: Cyclone Squadron Operations IV (End Game) Medal of Mind Steps
XvT-TC 80: ISD Challenge - a chapter in the History Crescent of Loyality
XvT-TC 84: VSD Gilded Claw : Path of Destruction Medal of the Golden Talon
XvT-TC 95: The Supremacy Competition Problem A month of Supremacy
XvT-TC 96: 10 Mission Mess The crumpled piece of paper of doom
XvT-TC 99: 8 missions of insanity The Perfect Empty Turquoise Square of Death
XvT-TC 108: The Quest for Cadet Doomsday A 3 Month Free Membership in Avenger Elite Squadron
XvT-TC 111: Praetorian Squadron - Installation Strike Praetorian Handshake - 2nd Echelon
XvT-TC 122: Praetorian Elite IV: Tour of Duty Classified
XvT-TC 123: Praetorian Elite V: Life an Times Classified
XvT-TC 124: Praetorian Elite VII: Rest and Relaxation Classified
XvT-TC 132: TIE Fighter: The Aftermath of Hoth Medal of Redemption
XvT-TC 135: TIE Fighter: Battle on the Frontier Medal of Progress
XvT-TC 142: The Venator Reprimand from the FC
XvT-TC 147: Jeequi Encounter Imperial Medal of Bravery
Infiltrator Wing
XvT-IW 1: Hunt for Fleet #18 Second Medal of Pursuit
XvT-IW 2: The Miranda Passage Medal of Audacity
XvT-IW 8: Renegade Tales Renegade History
Dark Brotherhood
XvT-DB 1: Jedi Academy
XvT-DB 2: Rascar Political Disruption
XvT-DB 3: House Ludo Kressh: Battle for Frondra
XvT-DB 4: Conflicts of Interest
XvT-DB 5: Hand Over Fist Styggyan Medal of Valor
XvT-DB 6: Operation: Razor Ice Combat Medal of Sharpness
XvT-DB 7: Betrayal and Loyalty Medal of Loyalty
XvT-DB 8: Mineral Wars Steel Sword of Honor
XvT-DB 9: The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury
XvT-DB 10: Last stand of Clan Alvaak Alvaak`s Saviour medal
XvT-DB 11: The Rogue DB Chronicles Part 1: Prelude to Rebellion Dark Cross of the Dark Brotherhood
XvT-DB 12: The Rogue DB Chronicles Part 2: Hero's Memorial Dark Cross of the Dark Brotherhood
XvT-DB 13: The Adventures of House Ludo Kressh Neo Memorial
XvT-DB 14: Rite of Supremacy The Artefact of Power
XvT-DB 15: Secret of Andevia Secret Medal of Andevia
XvT-DB 16: Heading for Pyrath Pyrathian Medal of Haste
XvT-DB 17: Operation Red Shift
XvT-DB 18: Rescue the Krath Tomes Sith Holocron with Krath Tomes knowledge
Hammer's Fist
XvT-HF 1: Torch Squadron: Pirate Trouble The Banner of the Torch
Combined Arms Battle
XvT-CAB 1: The Vong Plague is coming Coral Cross
XvT - Balance of Power
TIE Corps
BoP-TC 1: Double Cross at Coronada
BoP-TC 2: Behind Enemy Lines
BoP-TC 3: Smuggling at Vector 29
BoP-TC 7: The Habeen Problem
BoP-TC 8: Intercept Prisoner Transfer Mike's Medal #1
BoP-TC 9: Tiss & Mike: ISD Intrepid ISD Intrepid's Arm Patch
BoP-TC 14: Tiss & Mike: 1st Anniversary Special Present for Tissaya
BoP-TC 27: The Karana Initiative: Unleash Our Wrath
Infiltrator Wing
BoP-IW 1: New Recruits Medal of Recruitment
BoP-IW 2: Karana Takeover Campaign: Karana Killzone Gold Karana Cross
BoP-IW 4: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption Bronze Infiltration Crescent
Dark Brotherhood
BoP-DB 1: Black Omega Strike Missions Crescent with Ametyst Star
X-Wing Alliance
TIE Corps
XWA-TC 1: Avenger Encounter Medal of Entralla
XWA-TC 2: First Contact
XWA-TC 4: Privateer
XWA-TC 5: Show of Force
XWA-TC 6: Enemy Defector
XWA-TC 7: Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC 8: Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC 9: Defection of Kusanagi
XWA-TC 10: The Phare Encounter The Dark Crescent
XWA-TC 11: Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC 12: Imperium Deception
XWA-TC 13: Hammer to Anvil Part II
XWA-TC 14: The History of the ISD Immortal
XWA-TC 15: Nasty Surprise
XWA-TC 16: The History of the ISD Relentless
XWA-TC 17: Secrets and Lies: The Exile Bronze Crest of Truth
XWA-TC 18: Immortalized The Earplugs
XWA-TC 21: Ast's Story Medal of Craziness
XWA-TC 22: The Career of Adrenaline
XWA-TC 23: The Unknown Regions - Thrawn's Fist The Fist of Thrawn
XWA-TC 24: The History of the SSSD Sovereign
XWA-TC 25: Ticket to Chimaera Chimaera Cross
XWA-TC 26: Experimental Tie Evaluation Medal of Experiments
XWA-TC 27: Battle of Corellia Corellian Crest
XWA-TC 28: ViB: The Lost Missions Legion of the Vanguard
XWA-TC 30: Imperial Storm II: Dark Horizon ISII Dark Horizon
XWA-TC 31: Mission to Andevia Medal of Collaboration
XWA-TC 39: Wing IX: Encryption Error Relentless Ribbon
XWA-TC 47: Wing VIII: Prelude Colossus Cross
XWA-TC 52: Rendez-Vous with Peril SSL 2005 Participation Certificate
XWA-TC 58: Expansion Vanguard Campaign Medallion
XWA-TC 61: Battle for Lykos Medal Of Gratitude
XWA-TC 63: Arms Race in the Mevari Cluster Mevari plaquette
XWA-TC 64: The Garuda Garuda Scalp
XWA-TC 70: Anti-Rogue Squadron: Battle for Borleias
XWA-TC 71: Anti-Rogue Squadron: Wedge's Stumble
XWA-TC 72: Anti-Rogue Squadron: The Krytos Opportunity
XWA-TC 73: Anti-Rogue Squadron: The Bacta War
Infiltrator Wing
XWA-IW 1: Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell Hell's Doors Crescent
XWA-IW 2: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion Copper Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 3: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption Bronze Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 4: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship Silver Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 5: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors Gold Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 6: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Tactical Withdrawal Platinum Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 7: The Valiant and the Immortal New Tactical Understanding
XWA-IW 8: Obsidian Sector Campaign One
Dark Brotherhood
XWA-DB 1: The Forgotten Planet Medal Of The Ancient Sith
XWA-DB 2: Battle of Sharnall
XWA-DB 3: The Hidden Menace
XWA-DB 4: The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury
XWA-DB 5: Dark Brotherhood Vendetta
XWA-DB 6: Rite of Supremacy The Artifact of Power
XWA-DB 7: Sith Core Training
XWA-DB 8: Secret of Andevia Secret Medal of Andevia
XWA-DB 9: Heading for Pyrath Pyrathian Medal of Haste
Combined Arms Battle
XWA-CAB 6: Combined Arms
TIE Corps
XW-TC 1: ASF: Combat Collection II the ASF Combat Medal II
XW-TC 2: Operation: Dark Hammer Dark Hammer Medal
XW-TC 3: XW Week of War XLIII Week of Combat
XW-TC 4: ASF: Avenger Squadron I Bronze Avenger Cross
XW-TC 5: ASF: Avenger Squadron II Silver Avenger Cross
XW-TC 6: ASF: Avenger Squadron III Gold Avenger Cross
XW-TC 7: Wing XVII: Intruder Squadron I Flight of the Intruder
XW-TC 8: Renegades of the Republic Imperious Crescent
XW-TC 9: Wing XVII: Intruder Squadron II Squad of the Intruder
XW-TC 10: Wing XVII: Intruder Squadron III Wing of the Intruder
Infiltrator Wing
XW-IW 1: Capture Renegade Moff
XW-IW 2: Attack the Toakara System
XW-IW 3: Renegade Imperials
XW-IW 4: Savior First Savior's Medal
XW-IW 5: Eagle Tour of Duty
XW-IW 6: Lyccos Doom: The Blasted Landscapes Trial of Fire
XW-IW 7: Karana Takeover Campaign: Karana Infiltration Bronze Karana Cross
XW-IW 8: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion Copper Infiltration Crescent
XW-IW 9: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption Bronze Infiltration Crescent
XW-IW 10: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship Silver Infiltration Crescent
XW-IW 11: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors Gold Infiltration Crescent
XW-IW 12: Mereen Insurgency Kalidor Crescent
XW-IW 13: Mereen Insurgency - The Saga Continues Kalidor Crescent
Dark Brotherhood
XW-DB 1: The Ways of the Sith
Corporate Division
XW-CD 1: IBC: Paper Round Your first IBC Pay Check
Combined Arms Battle
XW-CAB 1: Assault of Aurora Medal of Aurora
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
XW-FCHG 1: Racing the Beltway Calidor of Ronin
TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA
TIE Corps
TFTC-TC 1: Anti-Rogue Squadron: Battle for Coruscant Coruscant Service Campaign Medal
TFTC-TC 2: Anti-Rogue Squadron: The Bacta War Thyferran Campaign Medal
TFTC-TC 3: Typhoon Squadron's Day-Off: Part 1 Typhoon Star Medal
TFTC-TC 4: Typhoon Squadron's Day-Off: Part 2 Fist of Brotherhood
TFTC-TC 5: The History of the ISD Immortal Commission in the Emperor's Hammer
TFTC-TC 6: The Career of AD Adrenaline Hero of the Immortal
TFTC-TC 7: Rendezvous With Peril Force of the Emperor’s Will
Infiltrator Wing
TFTC-IW 1: Wraith Squadron: Part 1 Ackmin Crescent
TFTC-IW 2: Wraith Squadron: Part 2 Implacable Medal
TFTC-CMP 0: Reimagined - Pilot Training Medal of Reimagination
TFTC-CMP 1: Reimagined - Aftermath of Hoth Medal of Redemption
TFTC-CMP 2: Reimagined - The Sepan Civil War Medal of Unity
TFTC-CMP 3: Reimagined - Battle On The Frontier Medal of Progress
TFTC-CMP 4: Reimagined - Conflict At Mylok IV Medal of Order
TFTC-CMP 5: Reimagined - Battle for Honour Medal of Loyalty
TFTC-CMP 6: Reimagined - Arms Race Medal of Destiny
TFTC-CMP 7: Reimagined - Treachery at Ottega The Emperor's Will
TFTC-CMP 8: Reimagined - Strategic Warfare Medal of Futility
Free missions completed (346)
TIE Fighter
Free mission
TIE-F 1: Ja24 #1
TIE-F 2: Ja24 #2
TIE-F 3: Ja24 #3
TIE-F 4: Ja24 #4
TIE-F 5: Dorja #1
TIE-F 6: Dorja #2
TIE-F 7: Dorja #3
TIE-F 8: Ronin #1
TIE-F 9: Ronin #2
TIE-F 10: Ronin #3
TIE-F 11: Ronin #4
TIE-F 12: Ronin #5
TIE-F 13: Ronin #6
TIE-F 14: Ronin #7
TIE-F 15: Fish56 #1
TIE-F 16: Pappy #1
TIE-F 17: Pappy #2
TIE-F 18: Pappy #3
TIE-F 19: Pappy #4
TIE-F 20: Pappy #5
TIE-F 21: Pappy #6
TIE-F 22: MFlux #1
TIE-F 23: MFlux #2
TIE-F 24: Krett #1
TIE-F 25: Ace #1
TIE-F 26: Ace #2
TIE-F 27: Ace #3
TIE-F 28: John #1
TIE-F 29: John #2
TIE-F 30: John #3
TIE-F 31: Shelly #1
TIE-F 32: Compton #1
TIE-F 33: Katarn #1
TIE-F 34: Katarn #2
TIE-F 35: Havok #1
TIE-F 36: Danman #1
TIE-F 37: Dactyl #1
TIE-F 38: Dactyl #2
TIE-F 39: Deathwatch
TIE-F 40: JFortin #1
TIE-F 41: Delta #1
TIE-F 42: Smiley #1
TIE-F 43: Binagran #1
TIE-F 44: Diceann #1
TIE-F 45: Mor #1
TIE-F 46: Mynock #1
TIE-F 47: Timbal #1
TIE-F 48: Vampire #1
TIE-F 49: Dragon #1
TIE-F 50: Griffin #1
TIE-F 51: Manticore #1
TIE-F 52: Arbroath #1
TIE-F 53: BGKurt #1
TIE-F 54: Chipmis #1
TIE-F 55: Crona #4
TIE-F 56: Drizzt #1
TIE-F 57: DTG500 #1
TIE-F 58: Garret #1
TIE-F 59: Gibbs #1
TIE-F 60: Hades #1
TIE-F 61: Horn #1
TIE-F 62: Kawolski #1
TIE-F 63: Lopanfre #1
TIE-F 64: Lorzan #1
TIE-F 65: Luc #1
TIE-F 66: The Battle of Yavin
TIE-F 67: Mat #1
TIE-F 68: Murdock #1
TIE-F 69: Pierce #1
TIE-F 70: Pif #1
TIE-F 71: Pif #2
TIE-F 72: Pif #3
TIE-F 73: Pif #4
TIE-F 74: Pif #5
TIE-F 75: Prae Flight 3
TIE-F 76: Silencer #1
TIE-F 77: Calli #1
TIE-F 78: Corran Horn #1
TIE-F 79: Deep Strike
TIE-F 80: Jedgar #1
TIE-F 81: Khaine #1
TIE-F 82: Farewell to Renegade
TIE-F 83: Tad #1
TIE-F 84: Torres #1
TIE-F 85: Wolly #1
TIE-F 86: Eugene #1
TIE-F 87: Zsinj #1
TIE-F 88: Scoser #1
TIE-F 89: Hack Lab
TIE-F 90: Mu 2-2
TIE-F 91: Mugaari Cargo Operation
TIE-F 92: The Belhassa Marches
TIE-F 93: The Manhunt
TIE-F 94: Destroy Rebel Morale Event
TIE-F 95: Omicron Squadron Reload
TIE-F 96: Shin Squadron's Ambush
TIE-F 97: The Nightshift
TIE-F 98: A New Ally
TIE-F 99: Defend the Border
TIE-F 100: Lord Bufford's Manor
TIE-F 101: Picnic Basket
TIE-F 102: Pot o' Gold
TIE-F 103: Smuggling
TIE-F 104: Aurora Online
TIE-F 105: Blowing Crap Up
TIE-F 106: The Courtship of Callista
TIE-F 107: Save the Party
TIE-F 108: A Quiet Day at the Office
TIE-F 109: Fish in a Barrel
TIE-F 110: TDK's Chance
TIE-F 111: Ricardo's Escape
TIE-F 112: Stop the Insanity
TIE-F 113: Sword vs. Hawk Squadron
TIE-F 114: TAC Incident
TIE-F 115: Suicide Mission
TIE-F 116: Protect the Admiral
TIE-F 117: Fight for Chalquila
TIE-F 118: Clash of the Infiltrator Wings
TIE-F 119: Snake Eyes
TIE-F 120: Assault on Minos
TIE-F 121: Psi Squadron's Reunion
TIE-F 122: Outpost in Question
TIE-F 123: Unexpected Twist
TIE-F 124: Secret TIE
TIE-F 125: Noname Squadron
TIE-F 126: Ambush in the Belhassa Marches
TIE-F 127: A Quiet Little Patrol
TIE-F 128: Brothers At Arms
TIE-F 129: Dagger Squadron Defends Missile Boat Technology
TIE-F 130: Chaos in Phare
TIE-F 131: Ambush of Surprises
TIE-F 132: When The Sun Rises, One Must Fall
TIE-F 133: Welcome to Wing II, Ready or Not!
TIE-F 134: Save the Immortal
TIE-F 135: Lightsaber Emancipation
TIE-F 136: 1:00 AM
TIE-F 137: The Baker's Dozen
TIE-F 139: Battlecry Two
TIE-F 140: Protect the DGN Lichtor V
TIE-F 141: Operation: Salvage ISD
TIE-F 142: Confiscate from the Hutts
TIE-F 143: Cutting Out
TIE-F 144: CUV
TIE-F 145: Demons and Angels
TIE-F 146: Funeral Service
TIE-F 147: Kill Drones
TIE-F 148: Tod's Anniversary
TIE-F 149: Patrol of Somewhere
TIE-F 152: The Slaughter of Phantom Squadron
TIE-F 157: Crammed with Walnuts
TIE-F 161: Midnight Raid!
TIE-F 164: Evacuate Platform
TIE-F 167: I Just Work Here
TIE-F 168: Colossus Wing VIII Starfighter Overhaul
TIE-F 179: The Hunt for Piglet
TIE-F 180: Cheese, Wookiees, and a BGCOM
TIE-F 181: First Strike
TIE-F 182: Dangerous Intentions
TIE-F 187: Great Ewok Hunt
TIE-F 193: Red Baron's Demise
TIE-F 194: Quest for the Sith Orb
TIE-F 197: Where's Waldo
TIE-F 200: The Expendables
TIE-F 206: Spider Squad
TIE-F 207: ASF Avenger Elite Squadron
TIE-F 208: Talons' First Patrol
TIE-F 209: Historic Mission #1367
TIE-F 219: The Rush
TIE-F 222: Emperor's Hammer Postal Service
TIE-F 229: Occupation on Inigew
TIE-F 232: Ain't Technology Wonderful?
TIE-F 233: Karuani Encounter
TIE-F 238: Save Dirk Logan's Marriage!
TIE-F 243: Boozehounds: Chapter 1
TIE-F 248: Wing XX - Training #1
TIE-F 249: TIE Fighter: Demonstration
TIE-F 250: Rescue Brukhar
TIE-F 251: Khadgar #3
TIE-F 252: The Promotion Party of AD BubbaX
TIE-F 264: Assault on Kuat Yard N226G
TIE-F 265: Kappa Squadron: Crackdown
TIE-F 275: Wing II: Save the Videogames
TIE-F 276: MTT10: Pirates!
TIE-F 277: Folly: The Endless Struggle
TIE-F 278: Report retrieval
TIE-F 279: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #1: Cargo Convoy
TIE-F 280: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #4: Get those cruisers
TIE-F 281: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #7: Taking the bait
TIE-F 282: Starfighter Histories: Assault Gunboat
TIE-F 283: Starfighter Histories: TIE Advanced
TIE-F 284: Starfighter Histories: TIE Interceptor
TIE-F 285: Starfighter Histories: TIE Bomber
TIE-F 286: Rookie's First Day
TIE-F 287: Siegebreaker
TIE-F 288: The Rebel Imperium
TIE-F 289: TIE Golf 2014 TIE Breaker
TIE-F 290: X-wing in TIE Fighter: The Kadorto Rescue
TIE-F 291: TIE Racing
TIE-F 292: X-wing in TIE Fighter: The Farlander Alternative
TIE-F 293: X-wing in TIE Fighter: Dev's Defeat
TIE-F 294: Hammer Reports - Intercept Intelligence
TIE-F 295: Starfighter Histories: TIE Defender
TIE-F 296: Starfighter Histories: TIE Fighter
TIE-F 297: Malicious Data
TIE-F 298: Starfighter Histories: Missile Boat
TIE-F 299: A Christmas Present for the Infiltrators
TIE-F 300: A New Recruit
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Free mission
XvT-F 1: Assault on Ravent
XvT-F 2: Defense of the ISD Intrepid
XvT-F 3: Grey Wolf #1
XvT-F 7: Medical Supplies
XvT-F 8: TIE Advanced Workout
XvT-F 9: Undercover Assault
XvT-F 10: VSD Victory
XvT-F 11: The Test of Skill
XvT-F 12: The Collision
XvT-F 24: Arrival of VA Priyum to ISD Grey Wolf
XvT-F 25: Steal Rebel Warheads
XvT-F 26: Into the Spider Web
XvT-F 29: Defector
XvT-F 32: Attack on the Dreadnaught War Hammer
XvT-F 69: A Very EH Christmas
XvT-F 71: Blink Of An Eye, Part II
XvT-F 72: Dogs Of War
XvT-F 78: The Shroomster Express
XvT-F 94: ASF: ISD Intrepid
XvT-F 97: Rescue Shroomy
XvT-F 135: Avenger Squadron: Trial by Fire
XvT-F 136: Protect the Greywolf
XvT-F 137: Sector Neutral
XvT-F 138: Delphian Squadron: Capture an Abandoned Platform
XvT-F 139: Intrepid Top Gun Tournament
XvT-F 140: Acquisition
XvT-F 148: Scorpion's Selection
XvT-F 153: Tempest Tango
XvT-F 176: A Stroll Around the Galaxy
XvT-F 186: Hackers
XvT-F 200: XvT-Free 200
XvT-F 205: Fallen Heroes
XvT-F 206: A Station Too Far
XvT-F 210: Cyclone Squadron Chronicles - Shrike's Strike
XvT-F 211: The Lost Mission: The Duel for Locke's Attention
XvT-F 212: AD Master's Birthday Bonanza
XvT-F 219: MTT05: Assassination
XvT-F 221: Folly: Deja Vu
XvT-F 222: MTT08: Escort
XvT-F 223: Choices
XvT-F 224: MTT11: Interdiction
XvT-F 226: Dempsey's Quest #1: Infiltration: Convoy Escort
XvT-F 227: Dempsey's Quest #2: Surgical Strike: The Blin Armory
XvT-F 228: Dempsey's Quest #3: Starlight Starbright
XvT-F 229: A New Home
XvT-F 230: Dempsey's Quest #4: The Mennis Base
XvT-F 231: Dempsey's Quest #5: Communications
XvT-F 232: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #2: hakkii Station
XvT-F 235: Dempsey's Quest #6: Torpedo Sphere
XvT-F 237: Dempsey's Quest #7: The Invasion Begins
XvT-F 238: Dempsey's Quest #8: Dartmoor falls
XvT-F 239: Dempsey's Quest #9: The Pirate Supply Base
XvT-F 241: Dempsey's Quest #10: Escape
XvT-F 242: Dempsey's Quest #11: Phobeus
XvT-F 243: Dempsey's Quest #12: Ronin's Run
XvT-F 244: Dempsey's Quest #13: Barnacle Strike
XvT-F 245: Dempsey's Quest #14: Flight to Balmoral
XvT-F 246: Challenge Summer Cook-out!
XvT-F 247: Firebird Squadron: Yay for Shineys!
XvT - Balance of Power
Free mission
BoP-F 1: Conflict and Honor
BoP-F 2: Kill the Assassins
BoP-F 3: Interception of Rebel Scouts
BoP-F 4: Save Ehart Station
BoP-F 5: Theft of VSD Unmasked
BoP-F 6: Unknown Space
BoP-F 7: Battlecry #1
BoP-F 8: Battlecry #2
BoP-F 9: Kill Britney Spears
BoP-F 10: Attack on Rebel Base
BoP-F 13: Protect an Interdictor
BoP-F 14: Save Mike's Family
BoP-F 15: A New Threat
BoP-F 16: Revelations
BoP-F 17: Black Ops
BoP-F 18: Destroy the Goliath Leaders
BoP-F 19: Evacuate Endor
BoP-F 20: Courage, Might, Honor - Crusader Squadron
BoP-F 21: Infiltration of type 40 Cruiser 'Meteor'
BoP-F 22: Evacuate Ground Staff
BoP-F 23: Blind Assault
BoP-F 24: Protect an Interdictor
BoP-F 26: First Come, First Serve
BoP-F 29: Not your normal patrol
BoP-F 30: Oldschool SSD Beatin'- Krayt Style
BoP-F 32: Axis: Sistership
BoP-F 35: Scorpion Squadron: A shiney E-Wing
X-Wing Alliance
Free mission
XWA-F 1: Battle of Midway
XWA-F 2: Destroy Ackbar
XWA-F 3: A Simple Patrol
XWA-F 12: ESC Plunderer
XWA-F 22: Battlecry One
XWA-F 27: Rescue Praetorian
XWA-F 40: The Capture of Firixon
XWA-F 56: Wing XV: Wasp Squadron
XWA-F 59: Wing XV: Python Squadron
XWA-F 63: Hey Reunion
XWA-F 67: The Eye of the Storm
XWA-F 95: The Legend of the Pink Star Book
XWA-F 97: The Maze
XWA-F 102: The ultimate psy-war weapon
XWA-F 107: System Cleanup
XWA-F 108: Operation Divide and Conquer: Part 2
XWA-F 109: Get Wil Home!
XWA-F 110: The Trouble with Water
XWA-F 111: Rescue Jay
XWA-F 114: Praetorian Squadron: Booze Wars
XWA-F 115: Moshes Diversion
XWA-F 118: House Oriens Obscurum: Malfunction
XWA-F 121: House Caliburnus: Convoy
XWA-F 126: A Spanner in the Works
XWA-F 133: Dream Sequence
XWA-F 138: Cadet's Day Out
XWA-F 139: MTT03: espionage
XWA-F 142: MTT09: Grand Master's Escort
XWA-F 152: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #6: Dumb Luck
XWA-F 153: Wing Commander's Own 2009 #9: Climax
XWA-F 154: Gamma Squadron - A Mission in Awesomeness
XWA-F 156: Undercover
XWA-F 157: Dempsey: The End of an Era
XWA-F 158: Deny Some TACcy Vengeance
XWA-F 159: Recon Run
XWA-F 160: Hackers in Space
XWA-F 161: Tempest: Deep Strike
XWA-F 162: An Excellent E-Wing Demonstration
XWA-F 163: Lost in the Woods
Free mission
XW-F 1: Tartarus Squadron Wipeout - Corsair
XW-F 2: ASF: Avenger vs. Gray
XW-F 3: Wing XVII: Intruder Squadron
XW-F 4: Promethian Encounter
XW-F 5: Star Destroyer Alley
XW-F 6: TIE Fighter: Demonstration
XW-F 7: Training Day
XW-F 8: Deceiving the Traitorous
XW-F 9: Smuggler's Run
XW-F 10: Kidnapping Triji Boliv
XW-F 11: Too Much Fun?
XW-F 12: Firebird Senior Pilot Test
TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA
Free mission
TFTC-F 1: A Changing of the Guard BG3 Medal
TFTC-F 2: An aMAZEing Mission
Combat Events (1)
Classically Battlefront 2024-03-14 (00:00) - 2024-04-14 (00:00)

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2024-07-21 5m,25d QUA/WAR Locke Setzer/Palpatine/Drakonan
2024-07-21 QUA/KNT Locke Setzer/Palpatine/Drakonan
2024-04-03 3m,18d BTL/KNT Locke Setzer/Palpatine/Drakonan
2023-12-17 3m,16d BTL/ST Locke Setzer/Stingray/Drakonan
2023-08-30 3m,17d BTL/JUG Locke Setzer/Stingray/Drakonan
Assignment/Rank History (Legacy)
Date Change
2023-08-20 Assigned to new position
2023-08-20 Change to rank: Juggernaut
2023-08-20 Change to rank: from Acolyte to Marauder. Reason: Dark Greetings, In recognition of his appointment to Battleteam Leader and his outstanding efforts within the role thus far, I hereby recommend Locke Setzer be promoted to the Rank of Juggernaught in the Dark Brotherhood.
2023-08-17 Assigned to new position
2023-08-17 Left position: Battleteam Member
2023-08-17 Change to rank: Acolyte
2023-08-17 Assigned to new position
2023-08-17 Assigned to new position
2023-08-17 Left position: Battleteam Member
2023-08-17 Change to rank: Acolyte
2023-07-27 Change to rank: from Novice to Acolyte. Reason:
2023-05-10 Assigned to new position
2023-05-10 Left position: Initiate
2023-05-10 Change to unit: from Initiates to Stingray Battleteam
2023-05-10 Change to rank: Novice
2023-05-10 Assigned to new position
2023-05-10 Induction Unit: Initiates
2023-05-10 Induction Rank: Apprentice
Award History
Date Information

Cluster of Fire

For submitting Clusters of Fire for SWGoH January 4th 2025. Congratulations!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x9)

To set the Record straight. Happy New Year, Warrior Locke Setzer!
(all CoF that were relevant had been accounted into relevant past Comps, this is just to clean out any missing awards. The MAA will do better next year!)

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Silver Nova

For the second Place in the Vendetta 2024, the Dark Council awards Operative WAR Locke Setzer the Silver Nova. Congratulations!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For 3rd Place in the Vendetta 2024 2nd Fiction Comp.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Vendetta 2024 - Fiction Comp Week Fortnight 2


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Lost and Found III SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lost and Found III


Crescent - Ruby Star

For 2nd place finish in the Vendetta 2024 Pazaak Tournament

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For achieving Third place in the Vendetta Nose Art competition.

Recommended by: INQ Khaz Bibble for competition Vendetta Art Competition 2 - Frigate Nose Art


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For the most right answers in the 2nd shortest time. Congrats!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Vendetta 2024 - Trivia 2


Legion of the Scholar

For answering all questions right.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Vendetta 2024 - Trivia 1/2


Crescent - Diamond Star

For the most right answers in the shortest time. Congrats!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Vendetta 2024 - Trivia 1/2


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Lost and Found II SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lost and Found II


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For Third Place and a great piece of Fiction

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Vendetta 2024 - Fiction Comp Week Fortnight 1


Crescent - Ruby Star

For achieving Second place in the Vendetta 2024 - Art Comp 1

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Vendetta 2024 - Art Competition 1 - Sith Artefacts


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Lost and Found I SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lost and Found I


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Punishing Pursuit SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Punishing Pursuit


Cluster of Fire (x12)

Cluster of Fires submitted from July to August 2024 and got lost in transmission. Please Apologize for the grievous delay.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Lightsaber for Hire II SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lightsaber for Hire II


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SW:Hunters submitted on September 30th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SW:GOH(2) and SC(1) (submitted between September 21st to 25th 2024)

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Lightsaber for Hire I SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lightsaber for Hire I


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Veil of Shadows II SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Veil of Shadows II


Cluster of Fire (x46)

For SW:Hunters (submitted on 09/01/24 - 09/09/24)

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x2)

For Classic BF2 (submitted on 09/05/24)

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Emerald Star

Winning nickname selected in the Words of Palpatine competition

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition The Words of House Palpatine


Crescent - Quartz Star

Finalist motto for the Words of Palpatine competition

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition The Words of House Palpatine


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Undying Legion III SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Undying Legion III


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Undying Legion II SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Undying Legion II


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Veil of Shadows I SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Veil of Shadows I


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For achieving third place in the Summer of Sheev - Star Wars: Hunters Kill Count challenge, I recommend WAR Locke Setzer be awarded the Crescent with Amethyst Star!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Summer of Sheev


Cluster of Fire (x8)

For submitted SW:H clusters and one GAC win (until 07/22/24)

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Emerald Dagger

As the award says: "Members who have, over a substantial period of time, contributed to the growth and functionality of their Clan or the Brotherhood as a whole in the form of competitions or activities." Locke Setzer stepped up to run the entirety of House Palpatine, consistently and regularly making sure that its members were rewarded for their efforts. For this, I am proud to award him an Emerald Dagger.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Undying Legion I SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Undying Legion I


Crescent - Sapphire Star

For achieving the fourth best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend KNT Locke Setzer be awarded the Crescent with Sapphire Star!

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Summer of Sheev


Cluster of Fire (x28)

For submitted Hunter Matches from June 6th 2024 to June 29th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Ruby Star

For submitting 106 Wins KNT Locke Setzer is awarded a Crescent with Ruby Star. Congratulations!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Hunt the Prize!


Ruby Scepter

Knight Locke Setzer has been running day-to-day operations for the Secret Order for several months, managing up to sixty members. He makes sure that competitions are being run, that everyone is rewarded for their efforts towards furthering the Emperor's Hammer goals, and does so with optimism and without complaint. For his efforts, I award him the Ruby Scepter.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the All The Queens Men II SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - All The Queens Men II


Steel Cross

For his continued efforts in leading House Palpatine with over 50 members, as well as his competition activity, I recommend the Steel Cross be granted to KNT Locke Setzer.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the All The Queens Men I SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - All The Queens Men I


Crescent - Sapphire Star

For the forth place in "The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus" with 416 points, Knight Locke Setzer has earned himself a Crescent with Sapphire Star! Congratulation Guardian!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Battlefield: Naboo IV SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Battlefield: Naboo IV


Crescent - Quartz Star

For a Killcount of 178 kills with 22 submitted screens, Locke Setzer finished third place and earned himself a Crescent with Quartz Star. Congratulation!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Get In, Trooper


Cluster of Fire (x4)

For 4 Classic BF2-Matches, submitted on March 30th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire

For one Classic BF2-Matches, submitted on April 11th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x5)

For 5 Classic BF2-Matches, submitted on March 24th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Battlefield: Naboo III SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Battlefield: Naboo III


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

For his work in the month of March, earning 30 CoFs, finishing 30 SP missions, submitting a multitude of fiction submissions, multiple IU courses, taking part in multiple competitions, and leading his house of over 50 members directly all the meanwhile, I recommend the Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Cluster of Fire (x6)

For Battlefront Classics; submitted on March 22nd 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x5)

For Battlefront Classics; submitted on March 20th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire

For Battlefront Classic; submitted on March 19th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire

For SC; submitted on March 18th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x4)

For SC; submitted on March 14th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SC; submitted on March 15th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x2)

For SC; submitted on March 9th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x7)

For SC; submitted on March 11th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SC; submitted on March 13th 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For taking third place in PvP placement in Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders with 320 points

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders


Crescent - Ruby Star

For taking second place in Creative placement in Imperial Storm: Secret Orders with 80 points

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For taking third place in Singleplayer mission placement in Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders with 66 points

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders


Dark Cross

Evaluation Award for January 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Ruby Star

For finishing in 2nd place overall in Dark Forces Trivia, I recommend the Cr-R to be awarded to ST Locke Setzer. Congratulations!

Recommended by: ST KEBLAOMEGA for competition Dark Forces Trivia


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SC Matches, submitted on March 6th 2024.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x18)

For SC(18) Submissions; February 28th to March 4th 2024.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Battlefield: Naboo I SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Battlefield: Naboo I


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SC submitted on February 26th 2024.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For SC submitted on February 23rd 2024.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x6)

For SC submitted on February 22nd 2024

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x4)

For SC submitted on February 20th 2024.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x2)

For SC submitted on February 18th 2024.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x2)

For SC; submitted on February 17th 2024.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Legion of the Scholar

For winning 1st place in week 1 of the Dark Forces Trivia competition, I recommend that ST Locke Setzer receive the Legion of the Scholar. Nice work!

Recommended by: ST KEBLAOMEGA for competition Dark Forces Trivia


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Repulsorcraft Reconnaissance SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Repulsorcraft Reconnaissance


Crescent - Sapphire Star

For placing second overall in the "House Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings" competition

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings


Crescent - Sapphire Star

For having the second place score in for the XWA battle in the "House Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings" competition

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings


Crescent - Sapphire Star

For having the second place score in for the TIE battle in the "House Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings" competition

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings


Crescent - Sapphire Star

For having the second place score in for the XvT battle in the "House Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings" competition

Recommended by: ADT Taurus for competition Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings


Cluster of Fire

For SC Matches submitted on 30th January 2024, ST Locke Setzer is awarded 1 CoF.

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Star of Eos

For activity in December ABY 31, including multiple Crescents for competition submission, a full ten Imperial University courses (including 3 qualifications), and competition management.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Letter of Achievement

For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Dark Voice #1


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Jedi Temple Challenge (Kelleran Beq) SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Jedi Temple Challenge


Ruby Scepter

After review, for earning the title Graduate of the Dark Arts with your thesis "The Infinite Promise of Kashi Mer", the Dark Council is pleased to pass on to JUG Locke Setzer the award of the Ruby Scepter. Let this guide you further in your journey through the force, Juggernaut Locke Setzer.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Cluster of Fire (x2)

Awarded for submitted CoFs for SC on December 11th 2023

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x3)

Awarded for submitted CoFs for SC on December 6th 2023

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x2)

Awarded for submitted CoFs for SC on December 12th 2023

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x3)

Awarded for submitted CoFs for SC on December 13th 2023

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire

Awarded for submitted CoFs for SC on December 14th 2023

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x3)

Awarded for submitted CoFs for SC on December 9th 2023

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire

Awarded for submitted CoFs for SC on December 7th 2023

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire (x2)

Awarded for submitted CoFs for SC on December 8th 2023

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Quartz Star

For taking third place in Stingray Battleteam in "Raise the Flag: Secret Orders" with 2569 points.

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Raise the Flag: Secret Orders


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For taking third place in "Raise the Flag: Secret Orders" with 2569 points.

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Raise the Flag: Secret Orders


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Metal Mediator (IG-12 & Grogu) SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - IG-12 & Grogu


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

For continuous three months of being an active Battleteam-Leader, behind the scene admin work, high discord activity and doing competitions to foster high activity in his Battleteam, JUG Locke Setzer is herby awarded the Grand Cross of the Dark Side!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Steel Cross

For a second month of running a very active and efficient Battleteam. Overdue, but not forgotten. Thanks for your amazing work!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Legion of the Scholar (x9)

For completing 9 different Courses of the Shadow Academy with 100%. Congrats!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Cluster of Fire

Awarded for SC Submissions from October 26th 2023. Congrats for your first!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Defender of the Creed SWGOH Marquee Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Defender of the Creed


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Rebel Rouser SWGOH Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger for competition Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Captain Drogan


Scroll of Indoctrination

For recruiting NOV Master

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Steel Cross

In his first month as Battleteam Leader of Stingray, Juggernaut Locke Setzer did deliver an amazing start.
He touched ground with his Team, ran a survey, was very active in comms, participated in competitions, flew a lot of Battles and delivered the very first report on our new site. Behind the scenes he did a good & organized monthly evaluation and tidied up his Battleteam.
A more than excellent job in your first month in office and thus a well deserved Steel Cross, Juggernaut. Congratulations!

Recommended by: ADT Taurus


Legion of the Scholar

For passing a Shadow Academy course at 100%

Recommended by: D Surgo


Legion of the Scholar

For passing a Shadow Academy course at 100%

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Eyes of the Emperor SWGOH Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger


Crescent - Amethyst Star

For taking third place in the August 2023 competition "Refreshing the Swift Fury."

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing the Spirits From The Forest Moon SWGOH Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger


Crescent - Emerald Star

Syncing with records.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Emerald Star

Syncing with records.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Sapphire Star

Syncing with records.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Amethyst Star

Syncing with records.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Crescent - Quartz Star

For completing The Lost Commander SWGOH Event, you are awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star!

Recommended by: WAR TheBlackxRanger

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Warrior Locke Setzer
Current ID line: QUA/WAR Locke Setzer/Palpatine/Drakonan
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: Month 7 Day 7
Place of birth: Coruscant
Marital status: Married
Family information: Adopted family is deceased
Social status: Wealthy
Significant events of childhood: Adopted at birth. Both of Locke's adopted parents were Imperial officers, who raised him with the intention of seeing him become career military. Most of his childhood was spent attending junior military academies. Locke entered the Imperial Academy, promptly, on the day of his eighteenth birthday.
Significant events of adulthood: Locke was commissioned into the Imperial Navy roughly a year before the Battle of Yavin. His expertise as a pilot attracted attention, and he was fortunate enough to find himself a transferred to the experimental weapons division, serving as a test pilot. There, he had opportunities to pilot the latest designs, including the TIE Advanced. While testing the TIE Advanced in live combat, Locke was dismayed when his test squadron lost multiple ships, due to many of his fellow test pilots confusing the superiority of their new craft for invincibility. It was here that Locke developed his core training principle: in order to fly a ship, you must be able to beat it.

Upon conclusion of their deployment, Locke recommended that no test pilot be cleared for active duty with a test ship until they had successfully won several simulator battles against the new craft using a far inferior ship. His recommendation was ultimately approved by the admiral overseeing the program: Grand Admiral Zaarin.

Locke was on assignment with the SSD Executor at the time of the Battle of Hoth. It was here that he witnessed Vader's blatant disregard for the lives of his men, in favor of his petty pursuit of Rebels that had personally offended him. With rumors among the ship that it was the Emperor himself that was pushing for this chase, Locke began to see the current Imperial leadership as more hinderance than help to what the Empire could be.

This was an attitude encouraged and cultivated by Zaarin and his officers, whose plans for an Imperial co-op were already well underway. When Zaarin defected, Locke followed the chain of command and continued serving under the officers he knew and trusted. Originally assured of a quick co-op, moral among Zaarin's forces took a quick hit when their initial plans did not come to fruition. Over time, many in Zaarin's fleet began to see themselves as less and less as the "True Empire" and more and more as warlord forces and, worse, traitors. Locke could not abide this. Ashamed, he successfully plotted his own escape, sneaking off with a transport ship he intended to use as a trading vessel once he was sure he was out of Zaarin's reach.
Alignment and attitude: Locke is generally easy-going, but fiercely loyal to his fellow pilots and the officers that have earned his respect. He doesn't mind keeping things light most of the time, but tends to be all-business when it's time to get to work.
Previous occupations: Between his career in the Imperial Navy and his time in the Emperor's Hammer, Locke worked as a trader, using his connections and inside knowledge of Imperial protocols to maximize his revenue. This was a rather profitable enterprise for him, and likely would have continued to done well in it... if the Emperor's Hammer had not reignited his love of duty and call to service.
Hobbies Locke enjoys traveling, but otherwise doesn't have any real hobbies... as a workaholic, his job is his hobby.
Tragedies in life: Locke's adopted mother died in a car crash right before he enrolled in the Imperial Academy. His father was an officer serving on the ISD Intimidator when it was destroyed during the Battle of Scarif.
Phobias and allergies: Locke fears failing those placed under his command. He also doesn't care for shellfish, but it is unknown if that is an allergy or not.
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: Locke felt the original Empire was a good idea with a key flaw: the Emperor. The right to rule should be based on service and results. As such, Locke sees the Emperor's Hammer as an opportunity to do things the right way.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: All Locke had been raised to do was to serve the Empire as an officer and a pilot. After his disastrous decision to remain with Zaarin, Locke felt as if he had thrown his life away. Enlisting with the Emperor's Hammer was a chance to atone for what was done, and restore what had been lost.
Other comments: Locke has spent the majority of his life as a pilot. While he's had a chance to hold many other positions of importance throughout his service to the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer, it is truly in the cockpit where he belongs. And that is where he intends to stay.
Last updated: 2023-03-16

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 51
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 12
Officer reports: 114
News posts: 3
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2025-01-14 Battle completed: TFTC-CMP 6 (4 missions)
2025-01-13 Submitted review for XWA-TC 24: The History of the SSSD Sovereign
2025-01-13 Battle completed: XWA-TC 24 (5 missions)
2025-01-08 Submitted review for XvT-TC 111: Praetorian Squadron - Installation Strike
2025-01-08 Battle completed: XvT-TC 111 (4 missions)
2025-01-07 Submitted review for TIE-TC 48: Ski Hoth - Star Wars Mercenaries
2025-01-07 Battle completed: TIE-TC 48 (4 missions)
2025-01-06 Medal awarded: Cluster of Fire (CF)
2025-01-01 Medals awarded: 9 Cluster of Fire (CF)
2024-12-20 Submitted bug report for TIE-TC 122: Rebels and Pirates
2024-12-20 Medal awarded: Silver Nova (SN)
2024-12-17 Medal awarded: Crescent - Amethyst Star (Cr-A)
2024-12-15 Battle completed: TFTC-TC 7 (6 missions)
2024-12-13 Submitted review for XWA-F 133: Dream Sequence
2024-12-13 Free mission completed: XWA-F 133 (1 mission)
2024-12-13 Medal awarded: Crescent - Quartz Star (Cr-Q)
2024-12-13 Updated unit information for House Palpatine
2024-12-12 Medal awarded: Crescent - Ruby Star (Cr-R)
2024-12-08 Medal awarded: Crescent - Amethyst Star (Cr-A)
2024-12-05 Free mission completed: XvT-F 212 (1 mission)
2024-12-03 Medal awarded: Crescent - Amethyst Star (Cr-A)
2024-12-03 Medal awarded: Legion of the Scholar (LS)
2024-12-03 Medal awarded: Crescent - Diamond Star (Cr-D)
2024-11-28 Medal awarded: Crescent - Quartz Star (Cr-Q)
2024-11-25 Medal awarded: Crescent - Amethyst Star (Cr-A)
2024-11-23 Medal awarded: Crescent - Ruby Star (Cr-R)
2024-11-23 Free mission completed: TIE-F 300 (1 mission)
2024-11-22 Submitted a new fiction item: The Three Ghosts
2024-11-21 Submitted review for XWA-F 126: A Spanner in the Works
2024-11-21 Free mission completed: XWA-F 126 (1 mission)
2024-11-18 Submitted review for TIE-F 194: Quest for the Sith Orb
2024-11-18 Free mission completed: TIE-F 194 (1 mission)
2024-11-18 Medal awarded: Crescent - Quartz Star (Cr-Q)
2024-11-17 Submitted review for TIE-F 300: A New Recruit
2024-11-14 Submitted review for TIE-F 137: The Baker's Dozen
2024-11-14 Free mission completed: TIE-F 137 (1 mission)
2024-11-11 Free mission completed: XvT-F 211 (1 mission)
2024-11-11 Submitted a new fiction item: The Third Approach
2024-11-09 Free mission completed: BoP-F 35 (1 mission)
2024-11-09 Free mission completed: XvT-F 247 (1 mission)
2024-11-08 Submitted review for TIE-IW 3: Savior
2024-11-08 Battle completed: TIE-IW 3 (6 missions)
2024-11-06 Medal awarded: Crescent - Quartz Star (Cr-Q)
2024-11-03 Free mission completed: XWA-F 118 (1 mission)
2024-11-03 Free mission completed: TIE-F 104 (1 mission)
2024-11-01 Submitted answers for timed test: Vendetta 2024 Trivia part 1
2024-11-01 Submitted a new House Palpatine report
2024-10-30 Medals awarded: 12 Cluster of Fire (CF)
2024-10-28 Free mission completed: XWA-F 114 (1 mission)
2024-10-24 Medal awarded: Crescent - Quartz Star (Cr-Q)
2024-10-22 Free mission completed: XvT-F 200 (1 mission)
2024-10-17 Submitted review for TIE-F 136: 1:00 AM
2024-10-17 Free mission completed: TIE-F 136 (1 mission)
2024-10-15 Submitted review for TIE-F 135: Lightsaber Emancipation
2024-10-15 Free mission completed: TIE-F 135 (1 mission)
2024-10-15 Submitted review for TIE-F 130: Chaos in Phare
2024-10-15 Free mission completed: TIE-F 130 (1 mission)
2024-10-15 Free mission completed: TIE-F 250 (1 mission)
2024-10-09 Submitted review for TIE-F 129: Dagger Squadron Defends Missile Boat Technology
2024-10-09 Free mission completed: TIE-F 129 (1 mission)
2024-10-09 Submitted review for TIE-F 128: Brothers At Arms
2024-10-09 Free mission completed: TIE-F 128 (1 mission)
2024-10-09 Submitted review for TIE-F 126: Ambush in the Belhassa Marches
2024-10-09 Free mission completed: TIE-F 126 (1 mission)
2024-10-09 Submitted review for TIE-F 125: Noname Squadron
2024-10-09 Free mission completed: TIE-F 125 (1 mission)
2024-10-07 Submitted bug report for TIE-F 124: Secret TIE
2024-10-07 Submitted review for TIE-F 124: Secret TIE
2024-10-07 Free mission completed: TIE-F 124 (1 mission)
2024-10-07 Submitted review for TIE-F 123: Unexpected Twist
2024-10-07 Free mission completed: TIE-F 123 (1 mission)
2024-10-02 Medals awarded: 3 Cluster of Fire (CF)
2024-09-30 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 20th Echelon
2024-09-30 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Veteran 2nd
2024-09-30 Submitted review for XW-IW 1: Capture Renegade Moff
2024-09-30 Battle completed: XW-IW 1 (4 missions)
2024-09-29 Medals awarded: 3 Cluster of Fire (CF)
2024-09-29 Medal awarded: Crescent - Quartz Star (Cr-Q)
2024-09-28 Battle completed: XW-DB 1 (4 missions)
2024-09-27 Free mission completed: XW-F 7 (1 mission)
2024-09-27 Battle completed: XvT-TC 135 (6 missions)
2024-09-25 Battle completed: TIE-DB 7 (5 missions)
2024-09-25 Battle completed: XvT-DB 16 (4 missions)
2024-09-25 Battle completed: XvT-DB 10 (4 missions)
2024-09-25 Battle completed: XvT-DB 8 (5 missions)
2024-09-24 Battle completed: TIE-DB 2 (5 missions)
2024-09-24 Submitted a new fiction item: Choose Your Own Adventure: Battle at the Tkon Rift!
2024-09-24 Battle completed: TIE-DB 14 (6 missions)
2024-09-24 Battle completed: XvT-DB 5 (4 missions)
2024-09-24 Battle completed: TIE-DB 9 (4 missions)
2024-09-24 Battle completed: TIE-DB 8 (4 missions)
2024-09-23 Battle completed: XWA-IW 8 (5 missions)
2024-09-23 Battle completed: XWA-TC 5 (5 missions)
2024-09-23 Battle completed: XWA-TC 12 (6 missions)
2024-09-20 Battle completed: BoP-TC 3 (4 missions)
2024-09-20 Battle completed: XWA-TC 1 (4 missions)
2024-09-19 Battle completed: XWA-TC 22 (5 missions)
2024-09-19 Battle completed: XWA-TC 30 (9 missions)
2024-09-19 Submitted review for XvT-TC 59: Cosmetic Wars!
2024-09-19 Battle completed: XvT-TC 59 (4 missions)

Previous Showing records 1 to 100 of 1,221 Next


Fiction Submissions (19)
The Three Ghosts 2024-11-22

Submitted for competition Vendetta 2024 - Fiction Comp Week Fortnight 2

For Vendetta 2024 Round #2. After stealing the Sith holocron from the Red Sun Syndicate, Locke has a bad dream.

The Third Approach 2024-11-11

Submitted for competition Vendetta 2024 - Fiction Comp Week Fortnight 1

For Vendetta 2024 Round #1. Locke has been tasked with acquiring a Sith holocron from the Red Sun Syndicate. But how will he go about stealing it? In his opinion, there's three different approaches...

Choose Your Own Adventure: Battle at the Tkon Rift! 2024-09-24

Submitted for competition RtF 2024 - Fiction Bonus Round Two

In this choose-your-own-adventure tale, you are the newly-appointed captain of the A/CRS Surefire, a medium-sized cruiser in the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps, and you've just been tasked with launching an offensive against the Kilji Illumine in the Tkon Rift! Can you successfully lead the Surefire to success against the forces of the Kilji? Find out in this adventure where you are the one in control of the narrative!

Tkon Rift Situational Appraisal Report 2024-09-06

Submitted for competition RtF 2024 - Fiction Bonus Round One

An Intelligence Division officer provides a report to the Fleet Commander on the state of the Tkon Rift prior to Raise the Flag 2024

Logs from the Tkon Rift 2024-03-25

The definitive collection of all log entries taken during Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders by Locke Setzer

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #30 2024-03-21

Battlegroup III BGCOM / House Palpatine Quaestor Log from Day #30 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #23 2024-03-08

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

Battlegroup III BGCOM / House Palpatine Quaestor Log from Day #23 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #20 2024-03-06

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

Battlegroup III BGCOM / House Palpatine Quaestor Log from Day #20 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #16 2024-03-04

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

Battlegroup III BGCOM / House Palpatine Quaestor Log from Day #16 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #13 2024-03-01

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

Battlegroup III BGCOM / House Palpatine Quaestor Log from Day #13 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #11 2024-02-28

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

Battlegroup III BGCOM / House Palpatine Quaestor Log from Day #11 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #10 2024-02-26

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

Description/Remarks: Battlegroup III BGCOM / House Palpatine Quaestor Log from Day #10 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #8 2024-02-24

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

Description/Remarks: Battlegroup III BGCOM Log from Day #8 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

Battlegroup III Commander Log - Battle of Tkon Rift - Day #4 2024-02-20

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

Battlegroup III BGCOM Log from Day #4 of the Battle of Tkon Rift (Imperial Storm VI)

One Last Deal 2023-10-10

Submitted for competition The Book of Stingray

Locke Setzer needs to acquire lightsaber parts and the knowledge to build his saber! But no one said he couldn't rely on his old profession as a trader to get what he needs...

Choose Your Own Adventure: Locate the Navigators! 2023-09-19

Submitted for competition RtF 2023 - Fiction Bonus - Round Two

In this choose-your-own-adventure tale, you are a pilot in the Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps, and you've been tasked with finding a mysterious group of people known as the Navigators! Can you successfully find a Navigator and recruit them to the cause? Find out in this adventure where you are the one in control of the narrative!

Whispers in the Dark 2023-09-08

Submitted for competition RtF 2023 - Fiction Bonus - Round One

Locke Setzer has been tasked with leading a ground team to investigate an abandoned colony. But what remains is far more sinister than anyone has prepared him for...

The Heroics of Sub-Lieutenant Wesley Waxpool 2023-08-28

Wes Waxpool is excited to be flying a TIE Defender on his first training mission! Typhoon Squadron is out making patrols and doing target practice while they wait for the MC-90 Renegade to arrive. Wait... did anyone tell Wax about the Infiltrator Wing? Uh oh...

The Tenth Star 2023-06-17

Submitted for competition TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 5

Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

SO Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 21
Competitions pending: 1
Competition Awards (47)
Competition Award End Date
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lost and Found III Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-12-10
Vendetta Art Competition 2 - Frigate Nose Art Crescent - Amethyst Star 2024-12-01
Vendetta 2024 - Fiction Comp Week Fortnight 2 Crescent - Amethyst Star 2024-11-30
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lost and Found II Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-11-26
Vendetta 2024 - Trivia 2 Crescent - Amethyst Star 2024-11-25
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lost and Found I Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-11-14
Vendetta 2024 - Art Competition 1 - Sith Artefacts Crescent - Ruby Star 2024-11-14
Vendetta 2024 - Fiction Comp Week Fortnight 1 Crescent - Amethyst Star 2024-11-14
Vendetta 2024 - Trivia 1/2 Crescent - Diamond Star 2024-11-08
Vendetta 2024 - Trivia 1/2 Legion of the Scholar 2024-11-08
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Punishing Pursuit Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-10-24
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lightsaber for Hire II Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-10-10
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Lightsaber for Hire I Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-09-26
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Veil of Shadows II Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-09-12
The Words of House Palpatine Crescent - Emerald Star 2024-08-23
The Words of House Palpatine Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-08-23
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Undying Legion III Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-08-22
Summer of Sheev Crescent - Sapphire Star 2024-08-16
Summer of Sheev Crescent - Amethyst Star 2024-08-16
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Undying Legion II Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-08-08
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Veil of Shadows I Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-07-25
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Undying Legion I Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-07-11
Hunt the Prize! Crescent - Ruby Star 2024-06-25
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - All The Queens Men II Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-05-30
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - All The Queens Men I Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-05-16
The Guard 32 ABY T1: Introitus Crescent - Sapphire Star 2024-04-30
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Battlefield: Naboo IV Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-04-18
Get In, Trooper Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-04-14
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Battlefield: Naboo III Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-04-04
Dark Forces Trivia Legion of the Scholar 2024-03-09
Dark Forces Trivia Crescent - Ruby Star 2024-03-09
Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders Crescent - Amethyst Star 2024-03-08
Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders Crescent - Ruby Star 2024-03-08
Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders Crescent - Amethyst Star 2024-03-08
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Battlefield: Naboo I Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-02-29
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Repulsorcraft Reconnaissance Crescent - Quartz Star 2024-02-15
Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings Crescent - Sapphire Star 2024-02-11
Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings Crescent - Sapphire Star 2024-02-11
Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings Crescent - Sapphire Star 2024-02-11
Palpatine vs. DB Mission Compendium's Finest Offerings Crescent - Sapphire Star 2024-02-11
Dark Voice #1 Letter of Achievement 2023-12-17
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Jedi Temple Challenge Crescent - Quartz Star 2023-12-14
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - IG-12 & Grogu Crescent - Quartz Star 2023-11-23
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Defender of the Creed Crescent - Quartz Star 2023-10-26
Raise the Flag: Secret Orders Crescent - Amethyst Star 2023-10-01
Raise the Flag: Secret Orders Crescent - Quartz Star 2023-10-01
Galaxy of Heroes Marquee Event - Captain Drogan Crescent - Quartz Star 2023-09-07
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.

Academics - Training Completed

Courses Completed
Course Score Date
A-Wing Advanced Knowledge 100% 2023-04-04
Active Server Pages 100% Unknown
Advanced Field Communications Operator 97% 2024-01-11
Advanced Multiplayer Tactics 100% 2023-04-06
Advanced Writing 89% 2023-12-21
Airborne Training Course 100% 2023-11-20
An Introduction to X-Wing Alliance 100% 2023-09-25
Apprentice Demolitions Technician 87% 2023-04-25
Apprentice Sniper Course 100% 2023-11-20
Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper Course 93% 2023-12-22
Artifacts of the Force 98% 2023-09-14
Assassin Tactics Course - Part 1 100% 2023-10-25
Aviation Tactics 100% 2023-06-02
Aviation Vehicle Specialist Level One 96% 2023-12-22
B-Wing Advanced Knowledge 100% 2023-06-01
Basic Flight Maneuvers 100% 2023-05-25
BitchX 81% Unknown
Capital Ships for X-Wing Alliance 100% 2024-01-07
Close Combat Course 85% 2023-10-20
Cold Assault Stormtrooper Course 100% 2024-04-04
Combat Medic 97% 2023-11-22
Combat Operations Exam 2 96% 2023-03-21
Computer Basics 86% Unknown
Crazy Tactics that Work 92% 2023-09-27
Crowd Control 100% 2024-03-29
Dark Brotherhood Core 96% 2023-10-06
Demolitions Technician 94% 2024-01-26
Desert Assault Trooper Course 97% 2024-04-04
E-Wing Advanced Knowledge 100% 2023-10-25
Eggdrop 95% Unknown
Empire at War 98% 2024-03-28
Enemy Starfighter Engineering and Technology 97% 2023-05-28
English Grammar 94% 2023-09-28
Expert Sniper 100% 2023-12-13
Extrajudicial Execution 93% 2023-10-23
Field Communications Operator 100% 2023-12-24
Field Tactics Course 96% 2024-04-14
Flash 96% Unknown
Forward Air Controller 100% 2023-06-02
General Leadership 94% 2023-08-04
Graduate of Letters and Arts Capstone Thesis 100% 2024-05-18
Graduate of Starfighter Operations Capstone Thesis 100% 2023-10-08
Graduate of the Dark Arts Capstone Thesis 100% 2023-10-18
Graphics 90% Unknown
Hand Weapons General Knowledge 100% Unknown
Heavy Weapons 100% 2024-04-18
History of Imperial Intelligence 100% 2023-10-19
History of Imperial Officers 100% 2024-02-08
History of the Dark Lords 100% 2023-07-21
History of the Galactic Civil War 89% Unknown
History of the Galactic Republic 100% 2023-07-21
History of the Galaxy Prior to the Republic 100% 2023-07-19
History of the Jedi Order Part 1 100% 2023-09-12
History of the Mandalores 93% 2023-07-27
History of the Mandalorians Part One 93% 2023-07-19
History of the Mandalorians Part Two 100% 2023-07-27
History of the Royal Guard 100% 2023-09-13
HTML: Imperial Internet Communications 1 100% Unknown
HTML: Imperial Internet Communications 2 100% Unknown
HTML: Imperial Internet Communications 3 100% Unknown
ICQ 94% Unknown
Imperial Naval Organization 100% 2023-09-21
Imperial Officer Training Course 95% 2024-04-22
Imperial Shield Technician 90% 2023-05-28
Imperial Starfighter Engineering and Technology 93% 2023-05-28
Internet Analysis Course 100% 2023-06-09
JavaScript 100% Unknown
Jedi Academy Primer 100% 2024-04-20
Lightsaber Construction 100% 2023-09-06
Lightsaber Techniques 100% 2023-09-06
Lightsaber: Training Saber 100% 2023-09-08
Linux 93% Unknown
Mandalorian Language 100% 2023-07-27
Markdown 100% 2023-09-19
Military Intelligence Basic Course 100% 2024-04-15
mIRC Scripting 98% Unknown
Mission Creation and Beta Testing Standards 92% Unknown
Multiplayer 1 88% Unknown
Multiplayer 2 100% 2023-03-21
Multiplayer 3 100% 2024-05-08
Music in our Galaxy 95% 2024-07-11
Nature of the Darkside, Part I 100% 2023-09-05
Nature of the Darkside, Part II 100% 2023-09-06
Nature of the Darkside, Part III 100% 2023-09-07
Naval Stormtrooper Course 100% 2024-02-15
Observer 100% 2023-12-07
Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood 100% 2023-08-04
PHP 95% Unknown
Poetry Studies 100% 2023-09-16
Radiation Trooper Survival Course 100% 2023-11-20
Rebellion Tactics 80% Unknown
Reconnaissance Office Exam 100% 2024-01-21
Scout Trooper Course 90% 2024-01-23
Small Arms 92% 2024-02-06
Sniper 100% 2023-12-11
Squadron Management 2 95% Unknown
Squadron Management 3 95% Unknown
Squadron Management 5 96% 2023-03-04
Squadron Management 6 100% 2023-07-14
Star Conflict 95% 2024-01-14
Starfighter Maneuvers 100% 2023-05-25
Starfighter Weapons 100% 2023-05-25
Steam Introduction 100% 2023-09-15
Superweapons 95% 2024-01-24
Survival, Escape, Resistance and Evasion 97% 2024-01-21
Systems: Aurora 98% 2023-10-04
Systems: Carrida and Lantare 95% 2023-12-11
Systems: Phare 100% 2023-12-11
Systems: Setii 100% 2023-10-26
Tactical Staff Course 88% Unknown
The Tarkin Doctrine 100% 2023-09-21
TIE Corps Core 100% Unknown
TIE Fighter 100% 2023-03-03
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 1 92% Unknown
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 3 100% 2023-04-05
TIE Fighter Tactics 90% Unknown
TIE Fighter Total Conversion Mission Design 90% 2024-07-11
Tragedy Studies 100% 2023-09-15
Training Office Exam 100% 2023-09-27
Trillian 100% Unknown
Unit Leadership 100% 2023-07-27
Urban Operations Course 100% 2024-01-21
Vehicle Course - Stage 1 100% 2023-09-29
Vehicle Course - Stage 2 100% 2023-09-30
Vehicle Course - Stage 3 100% 2023-10-03
Vehicle Course - Stage 4 100% 2023-10-10
Visual Basic Script 75% Unknown
Wiki Editing for Dummies 100% 2023-03-21
Wing Management 100% Unknown
Wookiee Studies 100% 2023-09-14
Writing Debriefs 100% 2023-09-23
Writing Fundamentals 100% 2023-12-16
X-Wing Advanced Knowledge 78% 2023-04-05
X-Wing Alliance Mission Design 80% Unknown
X-Wing Mission Design 98% 2023-03-10
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Design 1 92% Unknown
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Design 2 96% Unknown
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics 84% Unknown
XML 90% Unknown
Y-Wing Advanced Knowledge 100% 2023-04-04