Multiplayer 3 Notes

Table of Contents

Section 5: Reporting a Match

Reporting a Match

After the match is complete, the only thing left to do is report the scores. Exactly how you do so depends on the type of competition you are participating in.

The first requirement, though, is that you have a record of the match scores. The best way to do this is to take a screenshot of the final scores after the match is complete. To do this, press Alt-O when the scores are displayed. A bitmap file will be created in the root directory of the game. Alternatively, if playing a Steam version of one of these games, F12 will also work. The picture will resemble one of the following, depending on whether the game is XvT or XWA.

This match completion page along with your setup page will be required to submit the Legion of either Skirmish or Combat.

6446faae.png f6fbc889.png

Multiplayer Matches ( 24/7 LoC/LoS )

If you have played a match that doesn’t apply to any other competition, it's known as a '24/7 LoCs' or ‘24/7 LoS’ match and you can still get credit for flying it. To do so, feel free to submit the results of your match at the TIE Corps database itself. First, you'd need to agree with your opponents on who will submit the results. Then, only 1 of all participants from a given match will do the submission (usually the winner, although not necessary).

Now with the screenshots ready and converted to either JPG, PNG or GIF (no BMPs by any means!), login into the TIE Corps database with your #PIN and password, and at your Administration panel you'll find the appropriate option:


And finally you got this screen below.



As easy as it seems: you just select the participating pilots (or non-TC pilot if your opponent was not a TIE Corps member) and enter all kills looking at the screenshots. Take note that you must enter Player Kills and not Team Kills; the automated system will automatically do the math for you. And remember: since those are not team kills, player's shared kills are counted as half-kills, as explained above. With all this cleared, there are a few important points, already stated on that screen but that I'm gonna copy here just in case:

  • Those matches not belonging to '24/7 LoCs' guidelines nor for a Battlestats competition are to be reported via email either to the COO himself or to the competition moderator if they were for an EH-sponsored MP competition. The name of the competition must be included on the email's subject.
  • No report will be accepted if it doesn't come with its screenshots, either 1 or 2, but never 0 by any means. Remember: Alt-O is your friend, but later you'll need to convert the BMP files to one of the accepted formats before uploading 'em using the form!

For further information regarding submission of Legions along with more information about all the games we play please see the COO Manual.

And, above everything else, do not report matches in this way if they have already been reported as part of an EH competition or ladder or Battlestats event (like Week of War). Doing so can be considered cheating!

Battlestats Events

For events hosted by Battlestats (like Week of War), scores are reported directly to Battlestats. After the event, a member of the COO staff will ensure that awards are given for all matches won by EH pilots. It is therefore unnecessary for a pilot to report scores to the COO for Battlestats events. Legions will still need to be reported in the normal way. For details on how to submit the match to Battlestats, see the next chapter.