Multiplayer 3 Notes

Table of Contents

Section 8: Awards


So, you know everything there is to know about participating in multiplayer events. What does this get you, exactly? Well, rest assured that all COO-sanctioned multiplayer events come with awards for each victory. This chapter presents the awards given in the TIE Corps, but other subgroups also have awards for multiplayer victories.

Legion of Combat

The Legion of Combat (or LoC) is awarded for every multiplayer match win. Since these medals are plentiful, an upgrade system has been put in place. The following system applies:

  • Copper Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - Five LoCs.
  • Iridium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - Fifty LoCs.
  • Thallium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - One hundred LoCs.
  • Rubidium Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - Two hundred LoCs.
  • Platinum Scimitar to the Legion of Combat - Five hundred LoCs.

The Distinguished Flying Cross

The Distinguished Flying Cross (or DFC) is awarded for outstanding performance in a single multiplayer event. Typically, this medal is awarded to the top EH pilot in a competition (not necessarily the BEST player overall in an inter-club competition as the Weeks of War), subject to some restrictions. Similarly to the LoC, the DFC has the following upgrade system:

  • Bronze Wings to the Distinguished Flying Cross - Five DFCs.
  • Silver Wings to the Distinguished Flying Cross - Ten DFCs.
  • Gold Wings to the Distinguished Flying Cross - Twenty DFCs.

In a regular EH multiplayer event, the following two restrictions apply to qualify for a DFC award:

  • The pilot must have defeated three different players in the given game platform.
  • The pilot must be the highest scorer in the competition for that game platform, having the highest number of wins regardless of the losses.

In case of a tie, all pilots tied for the medal receive one. If the event includes multiple game platforms, the DFC calculation is separate for each platform, and a pilot can win a DFC on each!

For each DFC won, a pilot receives five points towards their Combat Rating (CR). "No FCHG points?" "NO" "But..." "NO!!"

Battlestats Awards

For ranking in the top 10 in Player Ranking in a Week of War event, a player receives a BSC award. This is just an image displayed on your BSC profile to show your accomplishment. Though they don’t look like much anymore, in the past they were actually nice-quality images, but that had to be dropped because of bandwidth concerns.

Nowadays....: it seems that currently BSC doesn't award anything, not even for ranking the 1st player in a competition. Don't ask me why but this seems to be their policy now so you'll find your awards BSC section empty despite what you do. They even seem to be not recording player statistics, at least for the Weeks of War. Anyway, who cares? You're here to get LoCs and DFCs, not dozens of low quality tiny pics